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  2. After that I get an error "Couldn't load XPCOM."
  3. Thank you, Rob, very much appreciate your insight. Hmmm ... "dark passenger" ... Interesting perspective on this disease when 'help' seems out of reach, good to lift the spirit I think. I always took offense when people would casually say to "cheer up" - rather perk up or lift the spirit is needed and sounds better to the soul. Wishing you well also I hope you will always keep this strength to guide you as nobody would chose such misery upon ourselves. My friend ... we have already pulled off the seemingly impossible and are here to tell about it, others have fallen victim to the daemons and left us <- Not meaning daemons as in religion. You get me though! Thank you again. That being said: I will be taking a very long break from the internet to recover. Must save all energy to focus on self preservation during the next several months and pull life together. MSFN has become a large part of my life but sometime we need breaks - healthy breaks from family as I consider people have like family. When I do return I'll likely have moved to Linux by then so we'll see, I guess. Be well everyone Sincerely Yours Salvatore
  4. Yeah, we have 24H2 Iot Ent LTSC 26100.268 on 3 workstations for testing and I agree that it's the only thing fit to use. Same was true on Win 10 and LTSC on it. We still run Open Shell Classic Explorer, but only for the network share icon. Maybe someday SAB will have that option in the Explorer section. Hint - hint. Jim
  5. A little research later - I get the same colors also, with a few findings. I get the same colors if I turn off Custom Start Menu Coloring. I had it on. I get different colors if Custom Start Menu Coloring is on and set to 100% opacity and either Clear or Blur is selected. 100% opacity and Acrylic seems to work fine. Jim
  6. I agree, SAB does so much more for 11 than Open Shell. I am using SAB on a leaked version of 11 LTSC, which are the only versions of Windows now fit to use. I have installed SAB 3.7.9 but it still says that it is 3.7.8. Also I have an issue that when I right click file(s) in File Explorer, the whole Windows shell crashes. Has anyone else had this?
  7. Supermium is the same as usual Chrome, but with tweaks to make it work on old OS. GDI rendering instead of Dwrite for XP, rewritten memory functioning. Supermium understands Chrome flags. Some flags added, some removed. All of the usual connections to Google servers are present.
  8. Today
  9. https://www.patreon.com/win32/about
  10. BTW I can't make VC2012 to stop spitting out CMOVcc even if -arch:IA32 is specified, maybe I really need to use VC2010.
  11. Update....I was exploring the problem last night when I heard a voice in my headphones nearby. When I checked it out, the voice was something related to Ease of Access kind of thing for people who are challenged for sight, hearing, etc. The voice was indicating which key was hit on the keyboard. So, it seems XP has reached the desktop and I just don't have video. If I try to go into Safe Mode, it stop loading after AGP440.sys, a sure sign the video driver is the problem. However, when I boot W10 on the same system, there is no problem. I guess the problem is the Nvidia GT1030 card but it used to tun in SVGA mode with the same card and it suddenly turned on the other night with XP.
  12. Sorry for my ignorance, Supermium rendering uses Blink engine or Webkit2 engine?
  13. Yesterday
  14. What a pity, but it was worth a try!
  15. I definitely never used that word, lol. But agreed, no title bar in 10 Supermium keeps "flashing" the true XP title bar's upper-right corner icons randomly, that's even more annoying then trying to mock 10's icons on XP. I've actually been porting 360Chrome v122 but it is 64bit and requires Win10. Maybe Win7, unsure. But cannot be ported to XP. This will give me a v122 with a skin of my own creation, with a title bar of my own creation, ungoogled, no telemetry, custom GUI, everything done with v86. But very likely will not become public, just a hobby on bad weather days. While being perfectly content with Official Ungoogled v114 for the time being. The web has become a "race". See if I can get my v122 ready in time before my checking account or billpay sites stop working in v114. Then do it all over again when v122 does the same thing and when "cutting edge" Chrome/Chromium will be v150+. I've never needed, nor wanted, the latest and greatest. I stuck with v86 for as long as I could. I'll stick with v114 for as long as I can. Already preparing for v122 as my next.
  16. GOOD! Nice your speaker can be muted with a switch, this makes my task MUCH easier. I made a smaller version of HDAICOUT.HDA, with verbs that seems still necessary. Smaller is better (more responsive)! But I added a few GET verbs I forgot in previous version. Judged from your HDAICINA-D.TXT's most default values were already 'good'. This time I won't change the default converter format: you will get REAL High Definition Audio with the default of 48kHz/16-bits (I hope it is working). Can you test once again without headphones. Only one HDAICOUTE.txt needed. HDAICOUT2_(Thinkpad T420_Conexant cx20672_ Alsa_ctx5066_family).ZIP
  17. your beloved W10 windows do miss a true title bar too btw W11 lost a 3% global market share in favor of W10
  18. I usually use Hex-Editor MX (NEXT-Soft) on ME and XP. Of course, there are others. The trick with the "Mypal engine" https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1210661 is no longer necessary and I don't recommend it either. Better replace RaiseException with GetLastError in MOZJS.DLL, what is described here https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1251487. Run the Editor -> open mozjs.dll -> Menu -> Search -> Search and Replace -> Text -> paste RaiseException ...
  19. no, got BSOD after 1st stage. XP Pro SP3 VL. just replaced resources with English. check your inbox. :-) I have a bare metal but it is in decomposed state, having not enough memory.
  20. Correct. I know v115 originally had / still has a "one year" time bomb. I removed this on my own copy and others (not me!) soon went public with their own time bomb defusing. There were reports that v115 had some Chinese telemetry still embedded but I myself never witnessed this (I rarely ever use it, I just have it lying around). I guess now I'm curious as to if the v92 and v108 may have some telemetry embedded as well (again, rarely use, just lying around). All of these are VM use only. Mainly because my real-life (some call it bare metal) HIGHLY prefers my own 360Chrome. It's an XP Thing - hate hate HATE not having a real TITLE BAR in any browser running on real XP. Just personal preference, of course.
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