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Howto: Heavy slimmed down XP WITH functionality


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Hi guys, i know start of topic said if you get any errors its your own fault lol but was wondering if anyone can tell me how to stop this error during install

Mapi Repair Tool

GetLastError = 126

Install continues after i press ok to this but it's annoying for an "unattended" install when i have to click ok lol

if anyone has any ideas id appreciate it :) (using nLite 1.0b6 btw)

Edit: also noticed that after 2 reboots and after installing a windows update the themes are broken now... i re-enabled them, the theme service is running but when i try and use any theme (except windows classic lol) it says it cant open it due to theme service not running

this has all been done in Virtual PC 2004 so i duno if it down to being ran in a virtual machine but i doubt it

Edited by Ðrзω™
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i think it was 280MB \windows when i use an nlite windows

this was for more reasons then just the space, i seriously belive, with all the reg editing, and stuff, i will never get a virus in the windows

things like spybot s&d take 1/5 or less the normal time

hard drives faster, etc,

i will be sharing once i figure out who i can share it with who wont complain to me, and try and figure out howto use a windows like this themselves :P

cause honestly, complaining is that last thing i need in my life right now, its just toooo **** anooying

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:thumbup wow 280mb installed,hell thats a little bigger than 98se install,most impressive.i would love to see your session ini.and u left in ie themes etc right on.i know one mans session ini might not suit anothers depending on what application u need or use but if one create a session ini incorparating the basic most widely used xp fuctions a barebones appoach then i think most peeps will be estatic about it.the time the work the countless vmware xp iso installs etc are most appeciated by many.i think most people are looking for the smallest faster nlited xp with basic needed defaults ,for those who feel you remove 2 much etc maybe their need are different because of a office enviroment etc the appz required on their pc. if a nlited barebones is 2 much 4 you then make your own nlited xp i have tryed though quite large compared to yours very conseravite but no errors 280mb iso but its a start .im learning but in closing looking at yours or others session ini are a excellent guide to removal or keeping things i thank you all.nlite kicks ash. Edited by timeless
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:thumbup wow 280mb installed,hell thats a little bigger than 98se install,most impressive.i would love to see your session ini.and u left in ie themes etc right on.i know one mans session ini might not suit anothers depending on what application u need or use but if one create a session ini incorparating the basic most widely used xp fuctions a barebones appoach then i think most peeps will be estatic about it.the time the work the countless vmware xp iso installs etc are most appeciated by many.i think most people are looking for the smallest  faster nlited xp with basic needed defaults ,for those who feel you remove 2 much etc maybe their need are different because of a office enviroment etc the appz required on their pc. if a nlited barebones is 2 much 4 you then make your own nlited xp i have tryed though quite large compared to yours very conseravite but no errors 280mb iso but its a start .im learning but in closing looking at yours or others session ini are a excellent guide to removal or keeping things i thank you all.nlite kicks ash.

but right now i use 57MB \windows installed with all drivers ati and nforce and relack audio

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i say not long, ive done great work on registry and file removal, you could remove even more if you choose classic theme, which many of you think is acceptable, i dont, it was what made xp , xp, especially with uxtheme, its great

thinking about adding a custom bootskin, with one i make, hopefully its sweet, this with be just like your guys stuff, removing reg keys, batch files

lifes looking alot better for me right now, and ill be able to work on this some more, and spent the time to make reg files, that remove thousands of keys, (to stop thinks from wrong by exectution, to absolutly stop virus, , regedit, will be created as a stand alone (to prevent reg entries from being added) regsrv too,

you'd have to open regedit and import, lots of stand alone things, and a folder, with possible game req files,

what i recommend for this windows is, first partition as swap file, (600 or 1200 depending on your ram size) , a 1200 meg or more partion for windows (this keeps all the best parts of the hard drive for windows and paging file)

a third partition for games (IE program files directory), and a forth partition for other windows / backup

you will reguire for second xp installed, for a .bat ran from a second windows, to remove files that are running but not nessary for anything but to run , lol

only 1 of my test games im still having difficulty with , san andreas, i hope to get his working yet

swat 4, mohaa, mohaa breaktrhough/spearhead, and warcraft 3 + FT work

appz that work for inet and email confirmed, are firefox, (gonna try to give people a tweak for high speed, (it does wonders) , links to optimised firefox builds, to keep the guide easy complete, (hopefully)

thurderbird (it works) foxmail didn't , outlook, prob not,

the main purpose for this windows, gaming / inet kios, virus immunity, spyware/adware immunity (not spyware cookies, but who cares)

all services, having no port connected to the internet (meaning ,less things to block in your firewall , lol) outpost is great, period try it

windows networking less, (but ftp servers work better anyway, and security is a key here :P ) and make it only inet capable, rather than networking

use control panel less ati drivers, less memory usage by far

(shrink what ati loads @ startup for drivers, and only run the other parts when a game is run)

office will probally not work, IE will definatly not work, no windows media player

- vlc , winamp = solution

explorer that doesn't even try to access the net, (like windows 95 ,hopefully i convert some of those win95 users over to the new age)

only running drivers you actaully want to, like going from 130 drivers, to 45, is what i


Edited by gdogg
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Honestly, I don't see why you guys are so excited about distrubuting your 50 MB Windows folders. The whole point of the topic is to slim XP down reasonably and keep functionality. Sure, you might have your preferred core functionality. Boot, logon, open your browser, download stuff, view it, post on the forums and play games, but even Gdogg was telling about how many programs he broke because of such a heavy removal. I always tried to reduce XP reasonably and prevent users from posting dozens of threads like "OMFG, DLLs missing heeeellllppp!!!"

I mean, keep it in PMs or something. I think a fair amount of users want to retain operations in BitComet for example.

Also, lately, this whole "narrow it down to the last kilobyte" just seems so trivial. Heck, see my signature. You guys are spending so much time with DLLs and kilobytes it's rather depressing. If you spend a few hours a day that's great, but if it's like something obsessive, which Clint would prefer, than it's sad.

Everyone's looking forward to seeing how you get 50 MBs, because the idea of having such a small filesize is very tempting but realistically speaking, as soon as they try 15 of their favorite programs, you know who they are gonna curse at?

I'm just trying to be realistic.

Oh and Clint, I'd love for you to say more to me from my doorway. B)

Anyway, time to snuggle with my gal, who is priority over a billion DLLs anyday. Nite folks. Clint, that oval shaped rock over there looks like a cool pillow for you. Hehehe, just joking buddy. :whistle:

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good for you , your past few weeks have done nothing but put me down, and look obsessed, WOW i spent 20-30 hours total on this, OH boo hoo, the longest time will be sharing this with others, and being in the long run for support

i think you should really stop calling others obsessed, when this was you doing this, not so long ago

really you found a girl great, why you changed for a girl i dont know, but honestly man, i got friends, i go out, i have fun, i play games, i browse the net, i even got bitspirt (it uses 0%-7% cpu max, when doing 500KB second (maxing my connection) using 24MB ram, i think there is always other solutions, sometimes others should take note of that, rather than saying, it dont work, give up, use other windows,

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Yeah, you're probably right. My bad.

Do you use BitSprit or whatever because BitComet won't work? lol

And the girlfriend changing me, well, you'd understand if you were in a 2 year relationship. After getting out of the city and camping out on the ground near a river and actually seeing stars at night got me back to my old roots in my hometown and family. I just realized there's more to life than how DLL-craved I used to be. I'm not saying I won't do it again, but with a job, college, plans for the future, no time. Especially since Fridge-RaideR and PuntoMX aren't around anymore, they were my crew who helped out with a lot. No backup, no time, no progress.

Anyway, sorry for calling you obsessed. Sorry to Clint, too.

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