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Howto: Heavy slimmed down XP WITH functionality

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sorry no i havn't, i lost alot of stuff in a partition table problem i had

and been busy on my windows, not really, been in a state of mind to do much right now, its weird what goes on in life sometimes

but anyway, ...

/me goes to do, life things


@dirtwarrior, no because i already did in that link i gave, and nuhi removed the stuff that is against rules. so if you want full instructions you will have to pm me!

Posted (edited)

Hey Fridge and Jeremy you lamers.. :D

When/where are that "gonna show how it's done" promise and.. "nice to be back in action" taking place?

Heheh...I've been reading my old post when you guys butchered up my setup...not much has happened since.. :lol:

...man what a joke.. :rolleyes:

Edited by Clint

I've been having a few relationship issues with my gf this past week, oh Mr. Clint! I'm also in the works of getting a part-time job along with college. So if you sat back and thought about life for a second, you'd realize that I'm about to tell you:

The last thing on my mind right now is **** DLLs in Windows XP!

More direct version of the above statement: "I don't give a s*** about Windows XP right now!"

Posted (edited)


sounds like you've just been getting @me fo fun then :P

but anyway, i am still here, soon i will have to make my own thread about my windows project

it will be in the windows xp section of this forum, probbally, since its way too far from nlite, completly too far

but anyway, did anyone get vmware to work with fridge-raiders xp?

any ideas of a name for my project?

and who wants credit where, ... fridges regs + clints regs and batches, (if you are willing to lets me use your stuff :D)

i will set it up anyway you wish, with permissions of corse, but, if you want to keep your project active, i can tell people to start there

Edited by gdogg
im just sharing my findings,

i tell people this, cause im gonna be sharing my method, with some people that could appreciate such a thing

so, hows everyone doing?

anyone get some registry stuff figured out?

anyway, it looks like it will be less than a month now, more like 3 weeks before i figure out howto keep this working with all games, then everyone want a piace of this windows :D

id want a piece :P nice work so far m8 keep up the good work :yes::thumbup


@ Jeremy jeje.... :whistle: ...I have silently..(almost) waiting for Fridge to show something other than just picking from others...and times is up.

@ gdogg...exactly my thought...absolutely no need to post it here...

and about using the stuff I've posted (not that much really), absolutely no problem ofcourse...from what I've learned you can identify where batches and reggies needs modification to suit a different scenario and still keep the contributor happy ...so I don't have to see that crap like "clint's batches ISSUES" and this here thread that came to the world coz someones "findings" and "nice to be back" statement containing my contributions in a non-intentioned scenario....and beeing so "nice"

to titulate the thread with a punctuation on WITH functionality....man! :angry:

...so with that said, if you start another thread I will try to contribute as much as my time allows....school takes it's part of my life as well.

Posted (edited)
@ Jeremy    jeje.... :whistle: ...I have silently..(almost) waiting for Fridge to show something other than just picking from others...and times is up.

When did I send a resume to you? When did I say I was working on your schedule? I have real life issues I'm dealing with here, not **** DLLs. You and others are so obsessed with DLLs files it disgusts me. Muuch more to life. And go ahead and do your :whistle: 's at me, you think I care? Ha. The last time you asked me for support, I politely declined it because we weren't going about the same means to reach the same objective. I don't expect you to do stuff for me because I'm too lazy. But when you p*** me off, expect words.

As Fridge-RaideR says, I can't be bothered with this right now.

Edited by Jeremy
@ Jeremy    jeje.... :whistle: ...I have silently..(almost) waiting for Fridge to show something other than just picking from others...and times is up.

When did I send a resume to you? When did I say I was working on your schedule? I have real life issues I'm dealing with here, not **** DLLs. You and others are so obsessed with DLLs files it disgusts me. Muuch more to life. And go ahead and do your :whistle: 's at me, you think I care? Ha. The last time you asked me for support, I politely declined it because we weren't going about the same means to reach the same objective. I don't expect you to do stuff for me because I'm too lazy. But when you p*** me off, expect words.

As Fridge-RaideR says, I can't be bothered with this right now.

Heh, ..man! :blink: ..are you referring to the time when I asked you if you were interested in trying my

finished setup..?

I have never asked you of any other "support" than that.

...and for that "I have a life part"...I study,..am co-running a factory in Indonesia with some 320 employees...active in hanggliding, paragliding, do fly aerobatics with "real planes" (if that isn't real life I dunno what is!)..also helping a few guys with their schoolwork in engineering related stuff like Unigraphics and ProEngineer..(takes a big toll as well) + a bundle of other stuff...so don't give me that crap about having a life.

My "problem" i guess is that I like to "excel" in what I do...may it be something as trivial like ripping a OS apart...if I see something valuable to be learned I will finish it off..no matter what other "in-box thinkers" will say.

...but I see this is also going the "kindergarden" way....tends to do that Jer...you did

send me some "deep" PM's with seemingly insightful thoughts, but there was something that didn't add up and now it's quite obvious I'm afraid.

I hope you will get your life back on track with girlies and whatnot and try to handle that aggression of yours.


yeh, and i dont think me spending 3 or 4 days of my boring life here, is making me obsessed with dll's

im gonna be sitting here anyway

sometimes i wish others would just look at this before passing judgements

how much time did your spend on .dll's jeremy

probally more than that

but anyway, its all good, cause im sure everyone appriates this thread, or there wouldn't be soo many in here

my windows has done things, that far make it worth creating stand alone appz, and i little personal debugging for end users, (simple i might add)

plus i got a list of serveral appz proven to work, and what files they require

like hard drive access cpu usage, who would of thought, i could make it use soo much less, but indeed, somethings in windows slow you down

no Ie in explorer, (like windows 95)

a thing many will be like, sweet,

we have all made huge progess here, and i hope to bring, not a main xp to peoples doors, but rather a game/inet kios only, i feel nlite , and clints methods are the best choice for most, who arn't soo, open to making such drastic changes to there windows


Let me let me------ I dont have a life Ill do it Ill do it :wacko: My girlfriend hates me, my dog bit me. Im on a small farm bout 40 miles south of Louisville,KY

Got a full time security job at night :w00t:

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