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Howto: Heavy slimmed down XP WITH functionality

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i think im going to actually take a look @ bolds guide now, since i've reached my limit with trial and error, since everything i have left, is used by the system all the time, so its pure luck everything i can actually remove now

lol, ive gotten far without looking @ any guides , thats for sure :D

-thx to clint, who was responsible for me getting this far, from his great batch's , scripts and reg files

and giving me a dream of going further

and of coarse fridge-raider, for his huge amount of tweaks, that have done a great deal on my computers performance, plus some extraz i took from his batch files, making me extra clean

Thank you for those kind words :)

Bolds is one source I've been constantly returning to for checking up files...I owe him a lot as well..;)

Bolds is one source I've been constantly returning to for checking up files...I owe him a lot as well..;)

And here I was thinking my work was unappreciated at MSFN. :no: Thanks, Clint.

I enjoy following along on the threads here. You guys are doing a great job. Keep it up. Because I'm sure lots of people are getting a lot from what you all are doing.

Bolds is one source I've been constantly returning to for checking up files...I owe him a lot as well..;)

And here I was thinking my work was unappreciated at MSFN. :no: Thanks, Clint.

I enjoy following along on the threads here. You guys are doing a great job. Keep it up. Because I'm sure lots of people are getting a lot from what you all are doing.

Trust me, lot of ppl are using your excellent descriptive guide and fileinfo... ;)

Posted (edited)

im going to use bolds guides for the first time now

reason why, cause i want to rid myself of all the uneeded directx files

for my little bit of programs (8) that i use daily

main thing i see causing a prob, is winamp,


thanks for keeping your guide up and going bold

Edited by gdogg

Your welcome, gdogg.

Here you go. This is what I have on DirectX.


I don't delete all DirectX files...just nearly all of them.

I keep a few DirectX files because NVDVD Player needs them to work.

I also found I need 2 files that belong to DirectX for WMP 10 to do all the things I need it to: "dsound.dll" and "quartz.dll"

I don't play games on my computer so I really don't need the extra graphics and sound support DirectX gives.

These are the files that belong to Direct3D that I keep:

d3d8thk.dll....Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer

d3d9.dll.......Microsoft Direct3D

d3dim700.dll...Microsoft Direct3D

These are the files that belong to DirectShow that I keep:

devenum.dll....Device enumeration.

msdmo.dll......DMO Runtime

qdvd.dll.......DirectShow DVD Playback Runtime

quartz.dll.....(DirectShow Runtime). <-- I need this file for WMP 10 to do the things I need it to do.

These are the files that belong to DirectX that I keep:

ddraw.dll......Microsoft DirectDraw

dsound.dll.....(DirectSound). <-- I need this file for WMP 10 to do the things I need it to do.

ksuser.dll.....User CSA Library


DirectX Files I Do Delete:

I do remove the Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool. (A tool for troubleshooting DirectX components):

DXDIAG.EXE.....(DirectX Diagnostic Tool). A tool for troubleshooting DirectX components.

dxdiagn.dll....Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool

I do not seem to need these DirectShow files for NVDVD, so I delete them.

(File versions: 6.5.2600.2180)

actmovie.exe...DirectShow Setup Tool (Relied on by some screensavers and Microsoft applications for video graphics.)

amstream.dll...DirectShow Runtime.

mciqtz32.dll...DirectShow MCI Driver

mpeg2data.ax...Microsoft MPEG-2 Section and Table Acquisition Module

mpg2splt.ax....DirectShow MPEG-2 Splitter.

msvidctl.dll...ActiveX control for streaming video

mswebdvd.dll...MSWebDVD Module

qcap.dll.......DirectShow Runtime

qdv.dll........DirectShow Runtime

qedit.dll......DirectShow Editing

qedwipes.dll...DirectShow Editing SMPTE Wipes

I do not seem to need these DirectX files for NVDVD, so I delete them.

(File versions:

danim.dll......DirectX Media -- DirectAnimation


daxctle.ocx....Microsoft MMCtls

lmrt.dll.......Liquid Motion Runtime Control

mmutilse.dll...Microsoft Multimedia Controls Utilities

(File versions: 5.3.2600.2180)

ddrawex.dll....Direct Draw Ex (Provides functions for DirectDraw)

dsound3d.dll...DirectSound3D LUT

dsound.vxd.....Virtual device driver

dswave.dll.....Microsoft DirectMusic Wave

dxmasf.dll.....Windows Media Source Filter (DirectShow core).

dxtmsft.dll....DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms

dxtrans.dll....DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core

dx7vb.dll......Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic

dx8vb.dll......Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic

encapi.dll.....Encoder API

pid.dll........Microsoft PID

vbisurf.ax.....VBI Surface Allocator Filter

wstdecod.dll...WST Decoder Filter

I do not seem to need these Direct3D files for NVDVD, so I delete them

(File versions: 5.1.2600.0)

d3dim.dll......Microsoft Direct3D

d3dpmesh.dll...Direct3D Progressive Mesh DLL

d3dramp.dll....Microsoft Direct3D

d3drm.dll......Direct3D Retained Mode DLL

d3dxof.dll.....DirectX Files DLL

msvidc32.dll...Microsoft Video 1 Compressor

(File version 5.3.2600.2180)

d3d8.dll.......Microsoft Direct3D

I do not seem need these DirectInput files for NVDVD, so I delete them:

(File versions 5.1.2600.0)

diactfrm.dll...Microsoft DirectInput Mapper Framework

dimap.dll......Microsoft DirectInput Mapper

(File versions 5.3.2600.2180)

dinput.dll.....Microsoft DirectInput

dinput8.dll....Microsoft DirectInput

I do not seem need these DirectMusic files for NVDVD, so I delete them:

dmband.dll.....Microsoft DirectMusic Band

dmcompos.dll...Microsoft DirectMusic Composer

dmime.dll......Microsoft DirectMusic Interactive Engine

dmloader.dll...Microsoft DirectMusic Loader

dmscript.dll...Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting

dmstyle.dll....Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engine

dmsynth.dll....Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer

dmusic.dll.....Microsoft DirectMusic Core Services

dsdmo.dll......DirectSound Effects

dsdmoprp.dll...DirectSound Effects Property Pages

I do not seem need these DirectPlay files for NVDVD, so I delete them:

dplay.dll......Microsoft DirectPlay

dplaysvr.exe...Microsoft DirectPlay Helper

dplayx.dll.....Microsoft DirectPlay

dpmodemx.dll...Modem and Serial Connection For DirectPlay

dpnaddr.dll....Microsoft DirectPlay8 Address

dpnet.dll......Microsoft DirectPlay

dpnhpast.dll...Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST

dpnhupnp.dll...Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPnP

dpnlobby.dll...Microsoft DirectPlay8 Lobby

dpnmodem.dll...Microsoft DirectPlay8 Modem Provider

dpnsvr.exe.....Microsoft DirectPlay8 Server

dpnwsock.dll...Microsoft DirectPlay8 Winsock Provider

dpserial.dll...Microsoft DirectPlay Modem Service Provider

dpvacm.dll.....Microsoft DirectPlay Voice ACM Provider

dpvoice.dll....Microsoft DirectPlay Voice

dpvsetup.exe...Microsoft DirectPlay Voice Test

dpvvox.dll.....Microsoft DirectPlay Voice Voxware Provider

dpwsock.dll....Microsoft DirectPlay Local Net Service Provider

dpwsockx.dll...Internet TCP/IP and IPX Connection For DirectPlay


Posted (edited)

thanks, i went a bit further cause all i really play is 1 directx game

went well, :D

did anyone ever relasize, you can make anything standalone

ex. move directx files out of windows, and have them only in the games directory itself

lol, ive gone retarded in the past 3 days with my windows shrinking

Edited by gdogg
Posted (edited)

yeh, if i could get a virus now, it wont be from any executable file, cause i must add a dependant in the same directory as a .exe for it to run

even to edit a .bat or .cmd

so im pleased, only thing that will still work, for the next 2 days, will be a .bat or .cmd that could erase my drive

then ill remove cmd.ex

and that wont happen either, but im not done yet, just gonna give myself 2 days break, since tommarrow, my cousin coming over, and im gonna fix him up, and then wednesday for gaming and testing something i want to, and then thursday out to get a dvd burner

then im going to reduce firefox and winamp and everything else i can get my hands on

sry for rambling, but i really needed it, without weekends i'd never talk to anyone , lol

Edited by gdogg
thanks, i went a bit further cause all i really play is 1 directx game

went well, :D

did anyone ever relasize, you can make anything standalone

ex. move directx files out of windows, and have them only in the games directory itself

lol, ive gone retarded in the past 3 days with my windows shrinking

How did you get it down that far and every thing runing with out no errors and crashes

Posted (edited)

i guess you had something to say, but dont worry, i never saw it

anyway, you make stand alone appz, (purpuse being so if they get infected it doesn't infect system files that are shared amung the computer)

the whole purpose of this, was to make it so no program (virus included) would install unless i added things that all .exe's depend on to the same directory as the thing im trying to install (or back into windows, which would ruin the whole point of this xp i made)

most programs work, only one so far that didn't was perfect disk, but that was due to something i removed earlier, and if anyone can tell me file PD uses, i'll greatly appreciate it, if not, ill figure it out myself in a week

example of stand alone app

warcraft 3 uses, directx 8, being as its the only directx game on my computer, no need to clog my first partion which is windows only, (fastest part of HD) with DX8 files

so i copy the 2 need files (that war3 would complain about when starting , to the war3 directory

then, i do the same for files like winspool.drv , (to acess the net in that app)

then i got an app, that uses directx8 , when windows itself doesn't have dx8 anymore

Edited by gdogg

Well I'll be.. :o

Now I understand that somewhat cryptic signature of yours..lol!

Man, that is reall small...do you get this to install by itself or?



nope not yet, honestly, this is all after you install every program and driver, and setup everything you'd need to do in control panel and stuff, as when you've done this to it, theres no going back, lol

but in the end, i think ill do it with a batch file next time

i broke it , trying to mess with config dir yesterday, and ive fixed it and improved all in 4 hours today, :D

batch file next time thats for sure


ok, i see...that is actually not bad thinking at all...

My goal with this was initially to squeeze that OS into a CF card and then use it in plane/car/boat...and those environments are actually quite static when it comes to the OS and applications...so why not strip the whole package instead of just the OS?



yeh, i plan on stripping out the programs soon too, cause im sick of the size of my program files now , lol

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