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2 hours ago, 66cats said:

Tried https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/releases & https://www.mypal-browser.org/download.html, no joy. Could you post a link? (And thank you for the browser, if it needs saying).

Please post a link @feodor2 when you can I can't find it either and I've been waiting for your new excellent browser (My default browser is yours).

Yes, thank you for everything you do!

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On 4/21/2024 at 7:37 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

That's exactly why I use Proxomitron

Had no idea something like that was possible. I've read it filters through the browser proxy. I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks for sharing! All is welcome when it comes to bypass rubbish.

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Yeah, @chermany4ever, @NotHereToPlayGames started a very interesting thread about proxo somewhere in this forum. His efforts made me try proxomitron for a second time (first time in the early 2000s), but he is right: the proxomitron learning curve is steep, and there are ways to accomplish many things proxomitron offers, without the effort.

I confess: I'm lazy.

But if I had to stick to XP for internet matters, I would try it for a third (it's a charm) time. Until then, I'm still trying to run XP as a virtual desktop app in a mint environment. The constant efforts of many gentlemen/ladies(?) in this forum (cheers!) prevent me from doing (seriously) so at the time.

Again, lazy I am.

Edited by dmiranda
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I've got better things to do than figure out what every site's inline script I visit does. :P A lot of it is non-free JavaScript (like Richard Stallman puts it), so you could say it's oppressive in a way. But you either trust the sites or you don't and I still have a little bit of faith, if I didn't, my existence would be completely unbearable. My brain only has limited capacity, so there's a lot of free code out there that I have trouble understanding as well. If regular expressions aren't your thing, Proxomitron won't be either.

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28 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

If regular expressions aren't your thing, Proxomitron won't be either.

Very true.

I only cite Proxomitron's POWER because if people want to STAY on XP, they can NOT do this just with polyfills alone.

They will also need a way to do things that Proxomitron and Proxomitron ALONE can do.

Two such examples that I required when still on XP + 360Chrome is the ability to "degrade" a CSS Level 4 :not() to a Level 3 :not() and the ability to "defuse" a CSS :where().



And only only ONLY with Proxomitron can you take a javascript section of code that is 150 pages long and rip 50 of those pages completely out and only send 100 pages to the browser.

They are ripped out before the browser ever sees them, before uBO ever sees them, before NoScript ever sees them, before uMatrix ever sees them, et cetera.

And they don't have to be 50 consecutive "pages", you can rip out page 2, page 12, pages, 20 thru 25, page 56, you name it.

You can keep page 75 and the 200 words on page 75, but you can change 10 of those 200 words - before the browser ever sees them, before uBO ever sees them, et cetera.

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My interest in scripts is specifically for security/privacy.
So I block all HTTP website scripts in the browser.
Almost all links to malwares content are HTTP.
But with a simple rule in uBO you can do the same.

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23 hours ago, roytam1 said:

I do think if uprv_detectWindowsTimeZone() function in ICU4C 64 in mypal68 is broken?

digging deeper, ICU4C's ures_openDirect() fails, which ICU data is bundled inside DLL.

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If you tell here about Proxomitron, then I suggest to try Privoxy once I had moved from Proxomitron to it, I think it is advanced even more and its fast.

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, roytam1 said:

digging deeper, ICU4C's ures_openDirect() fails, which ICU data is bundled inside DLL.

oops, this is a false positive due to bad coding practice. problem is inside wintz.cpp and I finally got it fixed.


(EDIT: from my limited testing, it seems to be fine with AutoDST on or off, so no further change will be made about it)


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4 hours ago, feodor2 said:

If you tell here about Proxomitron, then I suggest to try Privoxy once I had moved from Proxomitron to it, I think it is advanced even more and its fast.

I have tried Privoxy.  Hated it!  May work for other's needs, but not mine.

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