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About chermany4ever

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. Imagine you go to the hospital 'cause you feel unwell and the Doc says "ah go home, in the end you die". If Mozart had had that mentality he wouldn't have left us his great music that has stimulated intelligence, happiness and the will to live in millions of other human beings, although he didn't live long. In short, I don't think we should downplay importance of millions of things life involves 'cause of death. Even software. You said sometimes you entertain yourself by re-programming. I love software because I feel it makes our lives easier. Sometimes we're annoyed by what software does on our machine... but what software do we install on ourselves? I think we humans are still very unaware of the impact our attitudes can have on the lives of others. I'm thinking of doing the same. Discarded Supermium 'cause it destroyed my system. I'm having more patience with Thorium 'cause it works better and you've helped me a lot to make it more stable on my system but I feel it's too heavy, I don't depend on Google for anything, I don't Sync, so I feel much more comfortable with 360 Chrome 13.5 Redux1 ungoogled. It's very light, it works very well, I even was able to install a couple of security extensions and it doesn't accumulate any space on my disks. I feel with Serpent and 360Chrome I'm fine for my browsing needs. At least for now. As I always say, I recognise the effort and as another fellow here said, I totally agree: the more options the better. Thought it was irony! I'm a musician, I love the arts, I've made my machine the perfect home theatre for me. Music, movies, forums. Very little social media these days 'cause I think they're completely polluted with fear mongering and yellow journalism. I'm very interested in the opposite of that. So I follow a few people I find interesting and uplifting. Sometimes I leave a lot to context thinking what I say is understood. I wanna clarify I was referring to what I believe is a consumerist tendency that dictates that, for instance, next year your mobile phone won't work 'cause it won't be compatible with "something" so you'll have to buy another one, and so on and so on and so on. What we do here and in other spaces shows with some work, wit and will you can move forward without spending much or paying for ignorance or as the guys working on Linux show, you don't need to use way too many resources to have an up to date experience. I understand that often new structures need new bases but I also understand that it's possible to make new structures work on used bases if it does no harm.
  2. even Nosferatu had a sense of humour...
  3. Thanks for the accuracy. Made me remember my first experience with a portable... was a game! Don't remember exactly which one but in those days they already came in 3 or more CDs and the process of installing could be tedious not to mention the thousands of files that were copied and other modifications to the system, you'll know better than me. So, the fact of downloading a single zip file with a folder that when unzipped you could just run the .exe and play... it was like magic! I think they were called "Direct Play". That's when it all started for me and from that moment on I always look for portables. Give me portables.
  4. To rebel against trends, against what seems to be imposed. Not bad at all. Sometimes I look at the guys who spend months making their Linux distro, I admire them. Sometimes I draw a parallel between what they do and what we do here. I don't feel we're that far apart. Sometimes I even fantasise about us releasing a new XP, completely free, fresh and modern for not so new machines. Bring your laptop back to life!
  5. Shouldn't be so radical, yes. Happens when you're into customising the OS completely to your liking and something in the environment ruins it. Some of these programmes not only look great but add some functionality that I think is genius. Paradoxically they seem very sensitive and susceptible to the environment. Not a big deal anyway, with images you can go back. It's more laziness and the desire to avoid getting angry.
  6. Can't talk about McAfee, it's never been my cup of tea, but Avast? I don't want to talk bad anyway, not even doing it with Thorium 'cause of this personal problem this experience brought me, on the contrary, I recognize and appreciate the effort. But the truth is I see installing programs as a thing of the past. Very occasionally, if there's no other way around and I really want to test some software, what I do is create a fake user account, that kinda creates a parallel space where later, if you have problems, you can delete the user and that's it. You avoid problems in the personal one. Which makes me think sometimes you get overconfident with portables.
  7. In my book portable is a program that you can run without installing it. Many and I mean many times installed programs and then when installed or uninstalled ended up with corrupted files, crashes, other programs crashing, etc. Don't care so much about being able to continue where I was but knowing that I can run the program only when I need it without that meaning a bigger problem, like now, that I have to go back to a healthy system image because a program somehow damaged it.
  8. What's THORIUM_PORTABLE.bat then? There's no way to save changes to it?
  9. As always, very grateful Astro for your help. Sorry for the delay but I've been having some problems. Thorium gets very heavy here and again I'm having problems with explorer.exe. Something similar to what happened with Supermium. I think there's something wrong. As if the jump back is so big that something's not quite compatible and trying to force it to work ends up bringing conflicts. True, I use a trimmed down version of XP and many programs to customize the view but I can't find the exact problem. The only thing I know is before using Supermium and Thorium I didn't have these strange bugs. When I close Thorium and spend time on the machine doing other things, explorer.exe hangs and I end up having to force reset 'cause the whole desktop and windows stop responding. After reboot, something seems to be broken on my system, corrupt files, etc. I'm going to go back with an image that I know works fine and try again with Thorium. Can I assume since I was using the portable version I can save the folder 'as is' to preserve the config? I also find it hard to believe the folder weighs so much, even after deleting the cache and temp files.
  10. I wanted to ask if you could help me with the solution for Google Drive. I was able to get where the mobile user agent is edited and using one called 'Firefox Mac' was able to get into Drive avoiding the crash, able to see what it looks like in mobile format. But I don't know how to save it. Closed everything thinking it was done and then the Default one came back. Also wondering if there's a way to use it just for Drive or if I'll have to view all pages in mobile format.
  11. Thank you very much UCyborg. I was about to follow Astro's advice to go to GitHub and ask around. I was also playing around a bit with the flags but what I tried only made things worse. The good, the bad and the ugly! It will be a matter of finding a way around it. I remembered when that program appeared that created a virtual disk linked to Drive and appeared in My PC. Twas super slow! But today that speeds are different... where is that Setup.exe?
  12. Sorry to hear that. Back in the day was advised against laptops, notebooks and so on 'cause they're difficult to repair. Never had anything like that, though today's mobile phones are almost there. I must admit everything small, thin and mobile makes me suspicious. I feel that they're designed so we can't detach from the device. I already sound like a conspiracy theorist.
  13. Believe it or not I kept thinking about that quasi-discussion of 'too old' hardware, I mean, we all come from there, we all have an old pc in the wardrobe that worked great and we loved and stopped using due to lack of compatibility, not because it didn't work anymore. We should restrict people who are too young or have too new hardware to enter these threads or require a special permit for kids. This is hardcore, you shouldn't be here. Not having that much technical knowledge, everything I experience is trial and error, so my conclusions are what I come to from an intuitive manner and I agree with those who say it's better to disable hardware acceleration. I've found the browser works better when I disable that option on my machine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After a few hours of testing the only page I'm having problems with is Google Drive. Already tried to sync my account in another window, disabling the extensions and can't solve it. The page loads and looks fine but when it finishes loading and stop, it crashes. Does anyone else have the same problem?
  14. Yeah! That did it! It's starting up fine, hasn't crashed again. Now to install extensions, import bookmarks and keep testing to see how it behaves. Thanks Astro!!! First you brought my comment here and then you helped me. You leave me speechless my friend. Thank you!!!
  15. Every time I run the bat I always get a command window that disappears as it appears and nothing happens. Tried to run thorium.exe directly and the same thing happened but generated a debug.log that says: [0528/184635.171:ERROR:registration_protocol_win.cc(136)] TransactNamedPipe: Pipeline has terminated (0x6D). [0528/184635.203:ERROR:crashpad_client_win.cc(144)] crash server failed to launch, self-terminating Hope I've done what you ask correctly. By doing so a folder was created called %~dp0% which has more folders and files inside.
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