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Antimalware, firewall, and other security programs for Windows XP working in 2023 and hopefully beyond


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9 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

Just so you don't misunderstand me, I mean official warnings from the BSI, as in the case of Kaspersky. I live in Germany, and the BSI is responsible for internet and cyber security in this country.

I believe that this can be the basis for an (another) "EU-divide" of sorts..

The Italian "Cyber Authority" (ACN/CSIRT), as well as the French "Annsi" are (AFAIK) much less strict than BSI about Kasperski, basically they say they couldn't find anything "wrong" with it, still it is advisable to re-evaluate the risks and explore alternatives to security software made in or connected to Russia (very generically)::




Cannot say about other EU national cybersecurity agencies, I haven't seen any other countries "advice" about  the matter, so if we go along:
1) if you live in Germany, follow BSI -> NO Kasperski
2) if you live in France, follow Annsi -> better avoid Kasperski, you never know
3) if you live in Italy, follow ACN/CSIRT -> re-evaluate risks of using software with connection to Russia (Kasperski is not explicitly mentioned)
4) if you live in any other EU country and your national authority hasn't released a specific advisory, do nothing or choose among the three above



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5 hours ago, Saxon said:

Ever since I upgraded my Windows XP notebook to SP3, I noticed slowness, I tend to think it's the new SP that brought it. Dear guru @AstroSkipper, maybe I bother you for your current personal recommendation of AV? I only need AV, I already have a firewall, which is being the Komodo version we discussed here earlier. Ultimately, I'm looking for a fast and easy on resources security software, of course Kaspersky is out of question due to massive security concerns!

Thank you very much! 

Hello @Saxon! If you are permanently connected with your notebook to the internet and need a real-time protection, you can try Panda Antivirus Free. Here is a link to my article:
Alternatively, if you are willing to buy a license, you can try Malwarebytes Antimalware. This older version is very light on resources:
And this is a more recent version:

Cheers, AstroSkipper :)


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1 hour ago, jaclaz said:

I believe that this can be the basis for an (another) "EU-divide" of sorts..

The Italian "Cyber Authority" (ACN/CSIRT), as well as the French "Annsi" are (AFAIK) much less strict than BSI about Kasperski, basically they say they couldn't find anything "wrong" with it, still it is advisable to re-evaluate the risks and explore alternatives to security software made in or connected to Russia (very generically)::




Cannot say about other EU national cybersecurity agencies, I haven't seen any other countries "advice" about  the matter, so if we go along:
1) if you live in Germany, follow BSI -> NO Kasperski
2) if you live in France, follow Annsi -> better avoid Kasperski, you never know
3) if you live in Italy, follow ACN/CSIRT -> re-evaluate risks of using software with connection to Russia (Kasperski is not explicitly mentioned)
4) if you live in any other EU country and your national authority hasn't released a specific advisory, do nothing or choose among the three above



The BSI is strict regarding security warnings. So, your assessment is correct. In Germany, cyber security is taken very seriously as I already wrote in a previous post.


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8 hours ago, Saxon said:
9 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

This thread is about security programs for XP that work. 

This thread is about security programs for XP that are secure. 

I can go one better by merging the two statements :P

This thread is about security programmes for XP that are secure and still work. spanachee.gif

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The EU is divided on this.  So too will MSFN Members be divided.  This thread should not be about the loudest squeaking wheel getting the oil.

It's an international forum not tied to any specific Government Agency's "perspective".  When we (any one of us) act like it is, that is where POLITICS enter the picture and we need to AVOID that.  PLEASE.

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At the moment, I am comparing Kaspersky and Panda.  It will be a couple days of truly USING EACH before I weigh in any views of either.

edit - I'm only testing on an x86 XP era-correct laptop, not my workhorse x64 XP desktop which is era-correct but only if you consider Microsofts "downgrade trade-in" for Win7 to XP era-correct.

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On 9/23/2023 at 6:18 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

IF, and it's a big IF, but IF Kaspersky (after removing telemetry and Unique ID String) 

Seeing you're strangely persistent with that whole idea, I'm starting to have doubts you know what you're going to face. Modding an AV would require advanced reverse engineering skills, since 

what you're offering is exactly what any AV would need to protect itself from (hacking)*. Now, I don't know about your personal skills, but I hope you'll manage!

It would be interesting to see the result.

*EDIT - And yes it also includes protecting its registry entries.

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19 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

At the moment, I am comparing Kaspersky and Panda.  It will be a couple days of truly USING EACH before I weigh in any views of either.

Any, and by any I mean any, AV has a built-in self protection, self preservation mechanism from malicious attempts of breaking it, but I don't have to tell you that, do I? So, maybe also try to compare the modified (even slightly, even one bit) versions of them both, to see how they will behave?

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On 9/12/2023 at 3:24 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:
  On 9/12/2023 at 10:07 AM, Dixel said:

Could you try panda on your XP64?

On 9/12/2023 at 3:24 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Not likely, to be perfectly honest.

While I do follow this thread [and respect the knowledge herein] (and basically "all" threads here at MSFN), I don't actually use "security programs" on ANY of my OSs.

I find that interesting and thought I was the only one.

I have been using XP Pro 64-bit for over 10 years with no antivirus program installed.  Surfed the Internet continuously and downloaded many programs and my computer has never been infected.  Mainly was careful with what site to go to and used common sense.  May have been lucky also.  Any program from a site I was not sure of, I would upload to Jotti's Malware Scan or VirusTotal.

Some years ago, I did install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Version, and that was the last that would install on XP 64-bit and definitions stopped last year.  

Do you use a firewall on your XP 64-bit machine?

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@Dixel - I really think you are "intentionally" missing the point.  The Kaspersky CVE Report pertains to a Unique ID String.  Period.  Nothing more, nothing less.

That unique ID string is NOT buried inside a .dll that requires mods to remove.

The .dll installed on your computer is identical to the .dll installed on my computer.

My unique ID string is not the same as your unique ID string.

I am not part of the Anti Kaspersky Agenda.  My directives are not being blinded by that Agenda.


Kaspersky did send a unique ID string and it was introduced in the fall of 2015.

Kaspersky removed that unique ID string in June of 2019.

Non-evasive (no modding) methods to prevent this were common knowledge in 2016.

There is a setting right there in the Kaspersky GUI to disable this behavior.

In Kaspersky 2016, it was in Settings -> Additional -> Network -> Inject scripts into web traffic to interact with web pages

People that install with "defaults" would never see this - us here at MSFN are smarter than that, I would hope.

uMatrix removes that "injection".  I will verify but I have to assume that everybody's beloved uBO also removes it.


I have Kasperky INSTALLED.  Perhaps any and all discussions pertaining to Kaspersky should be limited to THOSE THAT HAVE IT INSTALLED?


I'm done.  Stick a fork in me.

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5 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Perhaps any and all discussions pertaining to Kaspersky should be limited to THOSE THAT HAVE IT INSTALLED?

Are you sure you wanna do this? 'Cause it would then automatically exclude @Vistapocalypse from all discussions of any OS and any software, except iOS and iOS apps he uses.

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