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3 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:



If you want to check the performance of UBO Legacy it may be a good idea to check the blocks obtained against UBO on a website with many trackers:



I believe that it will not be easy to achieve a reliable result.




This website is very sluggish and heavy on resources. Not really suitable for New Moon 28 under Windows XP on an old, weak computer. nimportequoi.gif But thanks for your suggestion! :)

10 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

This website is very sluggish and heavy on resources. Not really suitable for New Moon 28 under Windows XP on an old, weak computer. nimportequoi.gif But thanks for your suggestion! :)

With the link you have the possibility to choose a website with many trackers suitable for your OS.
But I understand that it is not of your interest.
Have a nice day.:hello:

Example in the image below:


4 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

But I understand that it is not of your interest.

The website is based on the Wikipedia article from Jul 22nd, 2017. Which they declare themselves.


The information is obsolete by almost a decade. Not to mention, it's really hard to call Wikipedia an expert on fingerprinting, to begin with.

Collected data on fingerprinting goes as low as 2010! I'd like to see something far more recent.

15 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

New Moon 28 under Windows XP


A really lot has changed since 2010! To test fingerprinting protection extensions, I'd still stick to the initially suggested by @AstroSkipper https://browserleaks.com/, they update fingerprinting techniques on a regular basis.

browserleaks.com is not heavy on old hardware.
On 1/17/2024 at 10:35 PM, Ascii2 said:

I also did not associate the magnifying glass icons as Search or what you indicate as a funnel icon as a funnel icon or with filtering.

For better or worse, the magnifying glass and funnel have become de facto standard icons for "Search" and "Filter/Select," respectively, both on Web sites and standalone software.

I always found the magnifying glass a bit puzzling. When I search for something, I certainly don't use a magnifying glass! I think this came from an old Windows animation that showed a magnifying glass being moved around when Windows was searching for a file, but that animation never made much sense to me either.

Methinks a magnifying glass would be a better icon for "Details" or "Enlarge" than for "Search." To me, a flashlight/torch would've made more sense as a "Search" icon. (There's even a different old Windows search animation that shows a flashlight being moved back and forth.) But, I understand it's hard to come up with a good icon.

The funnel makes more sense to me than the magnifying glass, although to be nitpicky, a filter is placed in a funnel - it's not the funnel itself! Still, I can at least understand the connection. My biggest problem with the funnel icon was that it wasn't immediately obvious what the icon is! It looked to me more like an upper-case Y! It took me some time to realize that it was intended to be a funnel.

Posted (edited)


A magnifying glass can be interpreted as an important instrument of a famous person who is permanently looking for tracks and hints.
Everyone knows him: e010.gif uniforme4.gif
The magnifying glass has been directly linked to the search function in Windows since the early days of this operating system.
Everything, for example, is a very fast desktop search and my favourite tool for finding strings within directories and files very quickly
And what is the standard icon for this tool? Everything_(software)_logo.png
For me, the magnifying glass and the search are interwoven like a pot and a lid.


Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content

WhoTracks.me does not appear that heavy by itself, but the script putting links in the bubble takes a long time, 20 to 30 seconds for Google Tag Manager here, depending on the browser. The script is not large, but its logic takes time.

You know, I can't help but wonder, if I buy a computer for 4000€, how much would it reduce the time it takes.

3 hours ago, UCyborg said:

WhoTracks.me does not appear that heavy by itself, but the script putting links in the bubble takes a long time, 20 to 30 seconds for Google Tag Manager here, depending on the browser. The script is not large, but its logic takes time.

You know, I can't help but wonder, if I buy a computer for 4000€, how much would it reduce the time it takes.

Indeed! WhoTracks.me's script puts a heavy load on my Core Quad computer bought for 2000€ in 2007, surely looks like someone who gave the advice to use WhoTracks.me has a modern PC with Windows 10-11.

I guess 4000€ now is the same as 2000€ in 2007.

Posted (edited)

Do note that any code that runs continuously without pause on the CPU core will make the utilization on it show as 100%. The question is if the algorithm can be improved to complete sooner. The problem with single-core CPUs (which AstroSkipper uses as far as I'm aware) is that you effectively can't properly multitask on them, you can't give it work and do something else in the meantime. If you do, it will be interrupted for a short while to try to do your thing then get back to the other thing, but your thing will suffer immensely. Maybe less if you do something in the other program and give it a higher priority.

Edited by UCyborg

Yep! My Windows XP computer is equipped with a single-core CPU. Thus, I will notice immediately if a website places a heavy load on the processor. Such websites will be usually avoided by me.

Posted (edited)

uBlock Origin Legacy - A special mod by gif_23.gifAstroSkipper

As I already wrote in my article uBlock Origin - Special mod by @AstroSkipper, uBlock Origin is presumably one of the most important extensions if not the most important one for users of Firefox and Chrome based browsers. Unfortunately, this extension is now only developed and maintained as a webextension. The extension uBlock Origin for our old Firefox-based browsers like Pale Moon, New Moon, Basilisk, Serpent and so on was only maintained and updated separately for a certain period of time. There have been no new updates since version, officially released by gorhill in 2021. I am maintaining here the last beta version from April 2022, which unfortunately has not been further developed since then. Source: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/pull/330#issue-1206437114. Credits to JustOff and hawkeye116477. This beta worked great in the past ssuper5sur5.gif, and I therefore think the time has come to end its beta state. I made a couple of changes to this version and created the final release uBlock Origin I have fixed issues, added filter lists, changed and added some compatibility strings, updated all filter lists and so on. Furthermore, I solved the annoyance with the timestamp of some filter lists. Now, the timestamps are shown correctly. And it is very important to mention once again at this point that due to compatibility reasons, I removed the self-update function of the internal list of the default filter lists which are directly available after installation of uBlock Origin. This internal list is no longer maintained or updated by the developers and is unfortunately obsolete. If this outdated list is loaded by uBlock Origin as a supposed update, you are back to the status of that time, and all new filter list implementations would then have disappeared again.
Here is a screenshot taken from the dashboard tab "Filter lists" of uBlock Origin


As you can see, all filter lists are loaded correctly. The filter lists outlined in green are the ones I have added or corrected.

And here are further screenshots for documentation purpose of some changes:


Only the variable %timestamp% instead of the real timestamp was shown in some filter lists.


Now, the real timestamp is back.


I added release information to the About page. When clicking onto the item "Information", this article here is automatically called up.

Changelog from uBlock Origin Legacy version to

  • Auto-update of the internal list of all preselected filter lists removed to prevent updating of this internal list by uBlock Origin itself..
  • The internal list of all preselected filter lists modified to get the real timestamps of filter lists again.
  • The loading issue of the filter list "Online Malicious URL Blocklist" fixed.
  • Filter list "filters-2023.txt" added.
  • New filter list "filters-2024.txt" added.
  • Filter list "uBlock filters – Quick fixes" added, requested by @nicolaasjan.
  • Filter list "EasyList (Optimized)" added, recommended by @VistaLover.
  • Filter list "EasyPrivacy (Optimized)" added,  recommended by @VistaLover.
  • All filter lists inside the xpi file updated.
  • For Pale Moon and New Moon, minVersion in install.rdf lowered from 28.0 to 27.0. Thanks to @roytam1.
  • For Pale Moon and New Moon, maxVersion increased from 29.0 to 32.*. Thanks to @Ascii2.
  • Compatibility strings for BNavigator added to the install.rdf file. Thanks to @Ascii2.
  • The updateURL inside the install.rdf file removed as it has no function anymore.
  • Contributors added to the install.rdf file.
  • Old backup files removed from the xpi file.
  • Version number changed to End of beta state. Now, it is a final version.
  • Release information added to the About page.

28-01-2024: I have updated my special mod uBlock Origin from version to version I have made many changes in different areas. Among other things, I took a close look at all language-specific filter lists and replaced or added some of them. Additionally, I added to these lists their flags that are known from the webextension. Furthermore, I have removed abandoned filter lists and, if possible, replaced them with others. In particular, I implemented a brand new, rather unknown, filter list called "Dandelion Sprout’s Anti-Malware List". It has a good resonance and worked great for me. Since my previous release was unintentionally updated to the latest for this browser current webextension in Serpent 55, I have made my special mod by changing the ID so unique that this no longer happens. And so that my mod of the legacy extension is not confused with the official webextension, I changed the name from "uBlock Origin" to "uBlock Origin Legacy".

Please note that starting with the version uBlock Origin Legacy, my mod has a completely new ID and a clean install is therefore mandatory:yes: More details about a clean install can be found further below.

Here are some screenshots taken from uBlock Origin Legacy in the currently most recent version of New Moon 28:


As you can see, all filter lists are loaded correctly. The filter lists outlined in green are the ones I have added or replaced.


These are the revised country-specific filter lists with their corresponding flags. I transferred all flags from the uBlock Origin webextension.


The About page correctly shows the new name, version and provides a link to its website for information.


And now, after revising the way of name change, even the popup correctly shows the new name uBlock Origin Legacy.

Changelog from uBlock Origin Legacy version to

  • Language-specific filter list "Adblock List for Albania" added.
  • Language-specific filter list "EasyList Dutch" replaced by the filter list "EasyDutch", requested by @nicolaasjan.
  • Url of the language-specific filter list "Adblock List for Finland" changed.
  • Language-specific filter list "EasyList Liste FR" replaced by the filter list "AdGuard Français".
  • Language-specific filter list "Dandelion Sprout's Serbo-Croatian filters" added.
  • Language-specific filter list "IndianList" added.
  • Language-specific filter list "Adblock-Iran" replaced by the filter list "PersianBlocker".
  • Language-specific filter list "ITA: ABP X Files" removed as it doesn't exist anymore.
  • Language-specific filter list "KOR: YousList" replaced by the filter list "List-KR".
  • Url of the language-specific filter list "Latvian List" changed to get a more recent list.
  • Language-specific filter list "Macedonian adBlock Filters" added.
  • Url of the language-specific filter list "RU AdList" changed.
  • Flags added to all language-specific filter lists.
  • Filter list "Online Malicious URL Blocklist" replaced by "Online Malicious URL Blocklist (AdGuard)", requested by @nicolaasjan.
  • Filter list "Spam404" removed as it doesn't seem to be updated anymore on a regular base (last updated: 18-10-2023). See also here: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1766
  • Filter list "MVPS HOSTS" removed as it is obsolete (last updated: 06-03-2021). See also here: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/2032
  • Filter list "Phishing URL Blocklist" added to the group "Malware domains", requested by @Amigafever.
  • New filter list "Dandelion Sprout's Anti-Malware List" added to the group "Malware domains".
  • All filter lists inside the xpi file updated again.
  • For Pale Moon and New Moon, maxVersion increased from 32.0 to 33.*, tested and confirmed by @Amigafever.
  • Extension's name changed to uBlock Origin Legacy to prevent any confusions with the webextension of uBO.
  • Extension's ID changed to prevent updating this extension by some browsers (for example Serpent 55).
  • Version number changed to

23.02.2024: I have again updated my special mod uBlock Origin Legacy from version to version I fixed the loading errors of the filter list "Online Malicious URL Blocklist (AdGuard)" which only occur from time to time. Furthermore, I found some further strings which I edited according to the extension's name change performed in version And I added new filter lists to different groups. The "StevenBlack/hosts" filter lists are very strong and restrictive. So in some cases, you have to set exclusions when using them.

Here is a screenshot taken from the dashboard tab "Filter lists" of uBlock Origin in New Moon 28:


The filter lists outlined in green are the ones I have added in this release.

Changelog from uBlock Origin Legacy version to

  • Sporadic loading errors of the filter list "Online Malicious URL Blocklist (AdGuard)" fixed.
  • Further minor code editing of strings regarding the extension's name change performed in version
  • New filter list "StevenBlack/hosts" added to the group "Multipurpose".
  • New filter list "StevenBlack/hosts extension social" added to the group "Multipurpose".
  • New filter list "Scam Blocklist by DurableNapkin" added to the group "Malware domains".
  • Language-specific filter list "AdGuard German Specific" added.
  • A minor spelling mistake on the About page corrected.
  • All filter lists inside the xpi file updated again.

12.04.2024: I have again updated my special mod uBlock Origin Legacy from version to version Starting with this version, installing over an existing installation of uBlock Origin Legacy ( and higher) is completely working again. The immediate loading of the updated, internal list of all preselected filter lists (assets.json) can be triggered by the function "Purge all caches" or "Update now". Then reload the dashboard page! From now on, the user will get the internal list of all preselected filter lists (assets.json) automatically. And I added new filter lists to different groups. More details can be found in the changelog further below.

Here is a screenshot taken from the dashboard tab "Filter lists" of uBlock Origin in New Moon 28:


The filter lists outlined in green are the ones I have added in this release.

Changelog from version to version

  • Auto-update of my internal list of all preselected filter lists (assets.json) newly established.
  • Updating the extension by installing the xpi file over an existing installation of uBlock Origin Legacy ( and higher) fixed.
  • Sporadic loading errors of the filter list "Online Malicious URL Blocklist (AdGuard)" fixed again (hopefully for the last time).
  • Further, alternative links for the filter list "Online Malicious URL Blocklist (AdGuard)" added.
  • New filter list "Bypass Paywalls Clean filter" added to the group "Annoyances".
  • New filter list "GoodbyeAds-YouTube-AdBlock-Filter" added to the group "Ads".
  • All filter lists inside the xpi file updated again.

The update to version should be done as already described, but this time for the very last time. The easiest way is the alternative method:

  • Backup all your settings using the "Back up to file" button on the page "Settings".
  • Install the new version of uBlock Origin Legacy over the existing one.
  • Reset your installation using the "Reset to default settings" button on the page "Settings".
  • Restore all settings from your backup file.

16.04.2024: I have again updated my special mod uBlock Origin Legacy from version to version As already described, you can install this version over an existing installation of uBlock Origin Legacy ( and higher). The immediate loading of the updated, internal list of all preselected filter lists (assets.json) can be triggered by the function "Purge all caches" and "Update now". Then reload the dashboard page! I changed the link of an important filter list to get the most recent version. More details can be found in the changelog.

Changelog from version to version

  • Download link for the filter list "Bypass Paywalls Clean filter" changed to get finally again the most recent version of it.
  • All filter lists inside the xpi file updated again.

Download link for uBlock Origin Legacy link.gif

From now on, I won't merge legacy extension and webextension any longer in terms of uBlock Origin. The webextensions of uBlock Origin are moving further and further away from the code base of the legacy extensions. Too much incompatibilities. Starting with the release uBlock Origin, I will use the uBlock Origin version as a guide for further releases. As the auto-update function for the internal list of all preselected filter lists has already been removed by me for compatibility reasons, I will maintain particularly this list myself, only if necessary, and add compatible and important filter lists or remove abandoned ones. Furthermore, I will implement some little features or filter lists from the webextension of uBlock Origin, only if they are still compatible with the legacy extension, of course.

Version history:

Finally, an important recommendation to get the new installation of uBlock Origin Legacy working properly and flawlessly. Do not update your existing installation of uBlock Origin by installing on top if you have installed version or lower! This will not work correctly. nimportequoi.gif After uninstalling the previous version (yes, the old version has to be uninstalled :yes:), delete all remnants via about:config and in your profile folder! The remnants of previous versions of uBlock Origin can either be easily removed by the extension eCleaner or of course manually. And in your profile folder, there is a file in the subfolder extension-data called ublock0.sqlite which has to be removed manually in any case. Delete the browser cache, too! Passer-Aspirateur.gif If doing so, the updating of the filter lists will work like a charm after installing the new version. ssuper5sur5.gif

All users who have important, individual settings or rules should backup them before uninstalling the extension and cleaning their profile folder. On the dashboard page, there is an item called "Back up to file"" to save all user's settings via uBlock itself. If you only want to backup your custom filters, custom rules or trusted sites, go to the tabs "My filters", "My rules" or "Trusted sites" and export them respectively to a file! 

And if someone likes it even simpler,, here is the shortest way to update the installation of uBlock Origin Legacy properly:

  • Backup all your settings using the "Back up to file" button on the page "Settings".
  • Uninstall uBlock Origin Legacy and delete the ublock0.sqlite file in your profile subfolder extension-data.
  • Restart the browser and install the new version of uBlock Origin Legacy.
  • Restore all settings from your backup file.

Furthermore, I found an alternative way to update uBlock Origin Legacy when the user still decides to install over an existing installation:

  • Backup all your settings using the "Back up to file" button on the page "Settings".
  • Install the new version of uBlock Origin Legacy over the existing one.
  • Reset your installation using the "Reset to default settings" button on the page "Settings".
  • Restore all settings from your backup file.

This alternative method can only be used for updates with the same extension ID, i.e. from version and higher or from version and lower. The reason for this is the change of the extension ID in version I have performed. From version and higher and only in this version range, installing over an already existing installation is possible again. :thumbup See further above! But one thing is clear. A clean install is the best method that causes the fewest problems. :cool:

In any case, we have from now on another uBlock Origin extension for our beloved legacy browsers with the most recent filter lists. :thumbup Please, test this special version and report here! Any feedback is of course welcome, too! :)

Greetings from Germany, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content
Posted (edited)
On 1/20/2024 at 8:31 PM, Mathwiz said:

.Methinks a magnifying glass would be a better icon for "Details" or "Enlarge" than for "Search." To me, a flashlight/torch would've made more sense as a "Search" icon. (There's even a different old Windows search animation that shows a flashlight being moved back and forth.) But, I understand it's hard to come up with a good icon.

The funnel makes more sense to me than the magnifying glass, although to be nitpicky, a filter is placed in a funnel - it's not the funnel itself! Still, I can at least understand the connection. My biggest problem with the funnel icon was that it wasn't immediately obvious what the icon is! It looked to me more like an upper-case Y! It took me some time to realize that it was intended to be a funnel.

My best guess as to why a magnifying glass is being related to search is similar to what @AstroSkipper posted.  I think it is related to detective work which may oftentimes be portrayed with a magnifying glass.  The magnifying glass is also used to indicate zoom or size manipulation or to perform magnification; such is what first comes to mind to me before considering the magnifying glass as search.  The magnifying glass becomes better construed as search when it is placed with or search-related things, such as a search bar or the word "Search".

With regards to the filter icon, I agree that it does not look like a funnel enough to quickly associate it as such, especially with the gap between the top portion and the bottom portion of the pictured funnel icon.

Edited by Ascii2
16 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

A magnifying glass can be interpreted as an important instrument of a famous person who is permanently looking for tracks and hints.
Everyone knows him: e010.gif uniforme4.gif

1 hour ago, Ascii2 said:

My best guess as to why a magnifying glass is being related to search is .. it is related to detective work which may oftentimes be portrayed with a magnifying glass.

Wow - I didn't expect even one reply to my puzzlement about the standard search icon having become the magnifying glass, let alone two! But yes, I am quite familiar with the image of Sherlock Holmes searching for clues with a magnifying glass. It's become (ahem) iconic. And yes, I'm sure that image is why a magnifying glass has become the standard icon for "search."

But detective work is rather unique: you generally know where to search (the crime scene); it's just that many important clues are tiny, hence the need for a magnifying glass. For more mundane searches, though, such as searching for misplaced car keys, a magnifying glass is pretty useless. So when I see a magnifying glass, my first thought isn't of Sherlock Holmes searching for clues; it's of (duh) magnification! As @Ascii2 said,

1 hour ago, Ascii2 said:

The magnifying glass is also used to indicate zoom or size manipulation or to perform magnification; such is what first comes to mind to me before considering the magnifying glass as search.  The magnifying glass becomes better construed as search when it is placed with or search-related things, such as a search bar or the word "Search".

Which I think is the mistake filterlists.com made: you don't know their magnifying glasses mean "search" until after you click them!

Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

I made a couple of changes to this version and created the final release uBlock Origin I have fixed issues, added filter lists, changed and added some compatibility strings, updated all filter lists and so on.


But I had to disable 2 lists and add them to Custom with updated URLs to match them with the ones currently used by upstream uBO.

  • NLD: EasyList Dutch ---> EasyDutch

The updated version of EasyList Dutch special for uBlock Origin.

This filterlist has been made because the EasyList Dutch filter isn't maintained often and the maintenance that is done, is very poor.
So I made this to provide you a better service!!
This list also handles anti-adblock, which isn't done by EasyList Dutch. See these comments for more information:
easylist/easylistdutch#11 (comment) and easylist/easylistdutch#30 (comment).


  • Online Malicious URL Blocklist ---> Online Malicious URL Blocklist (AdGuard)



Edited by nicolaasjan
15 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:
  • Filter list "filters-2023.txt" added.
  • New filter list "filters-2024.txt" added.
  • Filter list "uBlock filters – Quick fixes" added, requested by @nicolaasjan.
  • Filter list "EasyList (Optimized)" added, recommended by @VistaLover.
  • Filter list "EasyPrivacy (Optimized)" added,  recommended by @VistaLover.

Can you elaborate on these changes? What are the first two lists, and what are the optimized ones? I use the last official Ublock legacy, and Easylist and Easyprivacy work just fine, or so it seems.

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