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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Klemper said:

Wow! Nice!

Thanks! :)

3 hours ago, Klemper said:

Will there be a similar project for old Chromium browsers, like Opera 48 and the such?

I don't know. In any case, not from my side. nimportequoi.gif I'm not really a fan of Chrome. Under Windows XP, I mainly use New Moon 28, Mypal 68 and Serpent, all descendants of old Firefox versions. On my Android tablet, I have to put up with a pure Chrome world. smilie_denk_24.gif Then please not under Windows XP as well. I hope you can understand that. :)

Edited by AstroSkipper

On 8/18/2023 at 12:35 PM, AstroSkipper said:

User Agent Status - An extension to control the useragent for the currently loaded website

In order for our legacy UXP browsers, which are regularly updated by @roytam1 and adapted to the modern web, to function properly with certain pages, the user agent used must be changed more and more frequently. This can be done via about:config or much more conveniently with the help of an extension. My favourite is User Agent Status. Here is a small screenshot:


This extension lets you set a new site-specific user agent override (SSUAO) or reset it to its default string. Everything is displayed in the status bar and done by clicking on the corresponding button. There are five different actions when middle-clicking on the status bar icon: Reset the UA (default), Set the UA, Show the current website's SSUAO preference in about:config, Cycle between UA compatibility modes, and Nothing. You can set what action the middle-click does either via the context menu or the preferences manager in about:addons! In the status bar, you can see additionally three icon colours. Blue means no SSUAO, purple means a vendor-provided/default SSUAO, and red means a user-set SSUAO was assigned for the currently loaded web page.

Here is the link to User Agent Status where you can find more detailed information: https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/ua-status/

I tested the current User Agent Status 1.7.2 extension. The extension is conceptually good, but is rather buggy and the UI can be significantly improved (made easier/more comfortable, more efficient, and more useful to work with).  I tested the extension so far on BNavigator 0.9.8714a1 (32-bit), New Moon 28.10.7a1 (32-bit), and Serpent (52.x).  Hopefully the extension development is continuing and improving.

Posted (edited)

My mod uBlock Origin Legacy and its browser or operation system compatibiliy

To pre-empt the wild speculations about my surgical interventions in the code of the Legacy extension uBlock Origin, which can be read in another forum, 
panne1.gif gyrophare.gif spanachee.gif
and to steer them in the right direction, here are a few remarks on this topic. All code changes I have made so far are not operating system specific. nimportequoi.gif Although I mostly work under Windows XP :thumbup, I have also tested my mod in Pale Moon 32 under Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, for example. But I didn't have to do this because, as I said, there were no changes I made that could have broken the previous browser or operating system compatibility. So if anyone claims that I have modified uBlock Origin Legacy specifically for use on Windows XP, then that is simply nonsensesnegatif.gif In my article about uBlock Origin Legacy, I have provided detailed changelogs for the respective releases, which you can use to get a good overview of what has been changed in each case. ssuper5sur5.gif So I only see the following options for potential or existing users of the legacy extension of uBlock Orgin: Either they trust me smilie_t_007.gif and use my mod or they have to continue using the old, no longer maintained versions. There is also a third option. They can do it themselves. smilie_denk_24.gif

Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content
On 1/12/2024 at 1:11 AM, AstroSkipper said:

Yes, there is. :yes: Try HLS Stream Detector 0.4.3! You will find it in the Classic Add-ons Archive via this link: caa:addon/hls-stream-detector. I used it in the past, and it worked great. Whether this extension is still working in these days, you simply have to test it yourself after installation. :) Please report here!

Thanks, the add-on works :)
On old browsers I use the NetVideoHunter add-on. The add-on is no longer being developed.


It works without problems in the Palemoon and Basilisk browser, but does not work in iceape-uxp browser. Incompatible.
Is there a working NetVideoHunter version for the iceape-uxp browser?
Or is there a better, newer successor to this add-on that is also compatible with newer browsers?

I've been looking through the list of official add-ons for firefox
for downloading video files, but I haven't found anything interesting,
small, clever, lightweight.
So far I find NetVideoHunter add-on to be the best.
If you found something better, please point it out.


53 minutes ago, adata said:

It works without problems in the Palemoon and Basilisk browser, but does not work in iceape-uxp browser. Incompatible.

Maybe if you somehow add the IceApe-UXP ID to the 'install.rdf' file inside the .xpi?


The 'install.rdf' file of the extension does however have a weird syntax...

Maybe @AstroSkipper can help you with it. :)

15 minutes ago, nicolaasjan said:

OK, I've hacked together a modified extension that will (maybe) work for @adata (haven't tested it) :)





<em:targetApplication RDF:resource="rdf:#$FHDH01"/>
    <em:targetApplication RDF:resource="rdf:#$KHDH01"/>
    <em:targetApplication RDF:resource="rdf:#$PHDH01"/>
	<em:targetApplication RDF:resource="rdf:#$RHDH01"/>

Did you find any information about these strings or did you just make up #$RHDH01:) 

Posted (edited)

Well, the extension doesn't work on YouTube.

This site doesn't even load properly on IceApe-UXP... :(

Maybe @adata can give us an example of a site on with it should work?


I found a video on a Polish site that I was able to download.

Edited by nicolaasjan
6 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

To pre-empt the wild speculations about my surgical interventions in the code of the Legacy extension uBlock Origin, which can be read in another forum

... Yes, I was quite vexed myself :angry: when I read those "speculations" by "you-know-whom" MCP dev, interspersed with additional insults :realmad: against "this" community here; that dev seems to know very little about "our" apps other than the fact they work on XP/Vista, too; this "our version of UXP vs theirs" argument sounds like a broken record by now; the differences are well defined and known by most members here, but, apparently, not by upstream; NM28, a fork of official PM, doesn't support WEs, so how could it have been that Astro's version implements WebEx features "they" don't implement? Once more, "they" are very quick to cast a stone upon "us" and actually did what they, in the recent past, accused us of doing: blaming the other party "out of habit" :angry: ...

In his last paragraph, that dev tries to "soften" his criticism, I'll give him that, but then "father" MC himself intervenes to restore the "status quo"; how hypocritical (on all of them) to speak about "that level of hostility towards our (their) projects", when it's the years-long "treatment" they've been giving us to this day :( ...

(Going to make myself a cup of hot chocolate now, with extra sugar added, to alleviate all that, unfortunate, bitterness disseminating from that "other forum" :whistle:)

AstroSkipper: This whole situation surrounding your uBO efforts :worship: brings to mind the English saying: "No good deed goes unpunished", wouldn't you agree?

Kindest regards :)

8 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

AstroSkipper: This whole situation surrounding your uBO efforts :worship: brings to mind the English saying: "No good deed goes unpunished", wouldn't you agree?

I totally agree. :yes: But I am no longer annoyed by some of the characters in that forum. And I'm even surprised that there are also people who argue fairly and decently, and appreciate work which is completely free of charge for them. :o

Just now, AstroSkipper said:

And I'm even surprised that there are also people who argue fairly and decently,

The situation is definitely much better there since Tobin :realmad: is gone.


But the biggest joke I've read there is that you can't download my release because there are adverts on Mediafire preventing the download. :buehehe: Where does he live? :crazy:

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