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The MSFN café - A Penny for Your Thoughts


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I'm feeling:


I'm going to take a much needed break from this great forum and return to my simple existence. Its is time for me appreciate what I do have and be thankful for every moment I have left remaining - the 'here and now' - 'today', as we never know what tomorrow will bring, or if tomorrow will even come!

When security and privacy concern(s) morph into increased anxiety and worry .. that calls for a "Time Out" .. for me at least to regain (whats left of) my sanity.

All the best to everyone - stay safe and healthy!

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3 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm feeling:


I'm going to take a much needed break from this great forum and return to my simple existence. Its is time for me appreciate what I do have and be thankful for every moment I have left remaining - the 'here and now' - 'today', as we never know what tomorrow will bring, or if tomorrow will even come!

When security and privacy concern(s) morph into increased anxiety and worry .. that calls for a "Time Out" .. for me at least to regain (whats left of) my sanity.

All the best to everyone - stay safe and healthy!

All the best to you too! :)

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19 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm feeling:


I'm going to take a much needed break from this great forum and return to my simple existence. Its is time for me appreciate what I do have and be thankful for every moment I have left remaining - the 'here and now' - 'today', as we never know what tomorrow will bring, or if tomorrow will even come!

When security and privacy concern(s) morph into increased anxiety and worry .. that calls for a "Time Out" .. for me at least to regain (whats left of) my sanity.

All the best to everyone - stay safe and healthy!

Yeah , all the best , but we'll miss you .  Though , It's a good thing to take a break from online activities . Stay well !

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you @mina354 @Dixel @D.Draker

Yeah, sometimes breaks are good to reset.

Honestly, its been rough, I won't lie. Just dealing with a lot, I guess. Mostly health crap (both physically and mentally). But its been rough for everyone and we all have to do what is best to get by and sometimes the hardest thing to let go is our pride when things feel uncertain are we are pushed beyond our 'breaking point'. I'm getting better at embracing humility. I'm a simply guy and being isolated in a world of confusion and uproar doesn't at all bother me. I can get by with little (always have) and I see nothing wrong with solace. Unfortunately, I allow myself to take that too far and fall hard, which (in turn) makes it so very very hard to get back up.

Nuff about my drama :)

I'm Grateful to be part of this forum and the passion everyone here puts into their work and postings.

Hope everyone is managing as best as can be.

I'm feeling:


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2 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

Thank you @mina354 @Dixel @D.Draker

Yeah, sometimes breaks are good to reset.

Honestly, its been rough, I won't lie. Just dealing with a lot, I guess. Mostly health crap (both physically and mentally). But its been rough for everyone and we all have to do what is best to get by and sometimes the hardest thing to let go is our pride when things feel uncertain are we are pushed beyond our 'breaking point'. I'm getting better at embracing humility. I'm a simply guy and being isolated in a world of confusion and uproar doesn't at all bother me. I can get by with little (always have) and I see nothing wrong with solace. Unfortunately, I allow myself to take that too far and fall hard, which (in turn) makes it so very very hard to get back up.

Well break from everything makes good for human mind. I cannot do it until got holiday from work but when will nobody wont be able reach me:buehehe:. I live next to deep forest and that is my place to get out and reset after workdays and rough days overall. Just trees nothing else and it sures purifies human mind. Today was there picking berries.

2 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm Grateful to be part of this forum and the passion everyone here puts into their work and postings.

Hope everyone is managing as best as can be.

I'm feeling:


This is one few forums I like to use my time on. There so big mix of peoples here around world with different preferences but still (for most part) can have civil conversation together here. Everyone on forum add their own part of personality to this board. Also positively surprised see how much younger peoples are here that are interested in technology and older technology apparently. Not all of us are old peoples who has been working with equipments for too long to remember when started. Young peoples are future and professional among them give me some hope about current generations

Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 9/14/2021 at 7:23 PM, mina354 said:

I'm feeling:


Ahhh ... Natural, very nice; just be yourself. Take me or leave me - I'm a "character" no argument there =P

I'm feeling:

Excited. (My fav holiday Halloween is close) :)

Side note: I've been away too long and need to do some serious 'catch up' here it seems. Right now, I'm too exhausted.

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4 hours ago, UCyborg said:


Just got out of bathroom after pooping. :puke:I cannot put into words how much I hate dealing with this crap.:puke:

In France we have separated bathrooms and toilets , at least in the old houses . I hate when it's all in one place . 

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14 hours ago, D.Draker said:

In France we have separated bathrooms and toilets , at least in the old houses .

I have both variants in my house, 1 room with toilet and bathroom stuff and 2 other rooms, one with only toilet, one with only bathroom stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Feeling:

Saddened (just a little bit) ... but a good reality check nevertheless that nothing lasts forever - That also means the bad dark times won't last forever and it can't rain every day. I try to remind myself of this everyday and cherish the good moments in life, even if rare. Looking back at the past ... Hmmm. Can I or do I have right to complain? Sure, but what good would it do to expect things like electronics to not age as gracefully as I have. Now if you believe that; I have ocean front property to sell u ;)

Upon research this lovely morning, I read "Imminent Failure". Nope; Not a failure at all, in fact, a champion to me. My Dell Optiplex 745 (Built 2007) mas gotten me through some (many) rough times to get here to my late 40s. What is imminent, well, I hear 50 rocks and that reality isn't that far away.  What does the future (truly) hold, we never know for certain, but do I give up easily ... not a chance :no:

The old Ford Pinto will keep chugging along until the wheels fall off and not a moment sooner. spacer.png

You guys would never believe me when I say I'm (mostly) running on original hardware here and I doubt I'd replace anything, as, really, this rig is 'well past its prime'. My plan now is to just keep going until there is nothing left and worry later. Or, perhaps, not even worry at all, I mean, hey, what a ride. Right :thumbup

No regrets!

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