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The MSFN café - A Penny for Your Thoughts


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25 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

For me, remembering the past brings me great pain if I'm to be totally honest. Actually, there is a difference, though, between Nostalgic and Wistful. Speaking computers and legacy items from the past ... nothing wrong with 'digging up bones' ' / 'blast from the past' - so to speak. We get a chance to appreciate what others were seeing as brand spanking new and fresh at that time in history. Sometimes it bring lots of us comfort to seek out what is familiar, it seems, at times, just when we get the 'hang' of it ... boom - things are already obsolete; its frustrating. So, being nostalgic is fine; so long as your desire is for novelty sake. However.. wistful, here is where we can fall into regret(s). We can't go back, because yesterday is over and the 'here and now' is what we need to shift our focus on - not what once 'was'. Remember, you are young with your whole life ahead of you. Appreciate the fact that the past 'shapes' you but doesn't 'define' you going forward. I think we all (to some degree) have regrets and wish we could go back and do things differently ( I know I do ); but there is no "undo" button on life, so we (as best as possible) accept that it was a long windy (perhaps bumpy) road to get to where we are now and every day above ground is a blessing!

Enjoy life, @Tonny52 and never let a moment u pass by :)

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" -Søren Kierkegaard

And this is the only reason I don't use Windows 8.1 or older. Its nostalgic to me.

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Oh yeah.. I have those times, as well. Once I was a (somewhat overly) confident 20 something - strutting around with my shirt top button unbuttoned sporting a gold chain and smelling like I took a bath in Drakkar Noir cologne. I was the life of the party then - hot stuff - well IMO anyway Lol. Now, however, I feel like a broken down race horse that lost the Kentucky Derby ... I wish I were joking :wacko:

No hard drive explosions today please ... and determined, I'm also determined to get a good nights sleep for a change. Besides when I look back at my typos, I know its time to call it a night.

I'm feeling: Tired


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7 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

We can't go back, because yesterday is over and the 'here and now' is what we need to shift our focus on - not what once 'was'. Remember, you are young with your whole life ahead of you. Appreciate the fact that the past 'shapes' you but doesn't 'define' you going forward. I think we all (to some degree) have regrets and wish we could go back and do things differently ( I know I do ); but there is no "undo" button on life, so we (as best as possible) accept that it was a long windy (perhaps bumpy) road to get to where we are now and every day above ground is a blessing!

Enjoy life, @Tonny52 and never let a moment u pass by :)

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" -Søren Kierkegaard

^this. Also it is your life not someone else. If you want live it way you like do it while you can. Nobody else can desire what you should like or do. Something I learnt when grew up. I do not have to please anybody. And if live way you want no need regret in 40 years why did not enjoy life. No reason to stop.

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2 hours ago, Tonny52 said:


Found out that almost half the internet is running Server 2012 R2 and older.

IIS server error is more common than apache/wordpress server error on internet still since many still uses IIS for some reason. Mostly on companies to intraweb services

Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
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Came across a HAM Radio receiver and wanted to check it out and hear some. Couldn't hear anything local near me. Only thing I have a chance at hearing is the ISS. HAM Radio doesn't seem as popular as it used to be.

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