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The MSFN café - A Penny for Your Thoughts


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So.. how's it going everyone here at our great forum??

Sometimes, when we're short on words, all we can come up with is 1 word to pretty much sum up how we're feeling.

Let us try to keep this positive and not let it too negative (even if, indeed you do feel completely "Sh!tty"), let us avoid going downhill too far), only because, I'm hoping to promote positivity and hope when times are rough and people have a lot to deal with - especially around the holidays; as if they aren't already stressful enough, this one will be difficult for many of us. Besides.. it nice to know you're not along out there, and the forum is another way to stay connected to one-another.

Ok.. I'll start..

(cautiously) Optimistic

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I'm feeling :

(Somewhat) Good. I know MSFN is an awesome forum (no other forum has been like this) with lots of wise people who are ready to help noobs and enthusiasts (I'm a PC enthusiast and not a complete noob) but some people pick fights within topics and that brings the discussion to nowhere, and this is frustrating. Someone (not going to name that person) has already fought with me, misunderstood me and is now very hostile but I don't care as it's not my fault if he misunderstands me. I'm hoping that this behaviour is discouraged. This is all I ask. 

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So.. today, I found a animated snowman, and an animated santa in the basement. The snowman taps its toes to "cotton-eyed-joe", and the santa twirls around - and pulls his pants down - and dances to "you-all-ready-for-this". Tomorrow I'll hit the dollar store and pick up some cheap batteries and see if I can breathe some life into those old holiday ornaments. Gosh.. they are no doubt around a decade old now; so I"ll be surprised if they still work...oh the memories :)

I'm feeling :



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Both the snowman and santa are working.. just like they did almost 10 years ago. I would post vids, but I don't even have a youtube account. 

2 more days left till the holidays are upon us and it can't come fast enough; for me.

Everyone here must think I'm nuts (no argument there) for creating this thread in the great "funny farm" sub-forum.. I mean I had good intentions anyway.

Oh well..

Honestly, for the most part, I usually stay in the XP sub-forum here, as I wholeheartedly support Roytam1 and his efforts to provide us with his browser builds that work quite well for so many of us - it was what initially drew me to join this great forum - and I'm glad I did as I've learned so much from the community.

Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone here at MSFN a happy holiday and happy; healthy; and safe new year in advance!

I'm feeling :


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  • 1 month later...

im having a problem but more about it in a reply of the topic i made about sfc. i feel troubled.

edit: update on my mood now im feeling relief and im feeling gooooooooooood

Edited by PugLover13
my mood changed
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7 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

Same here..

We can't get a 'do-over' - I would have done things differently goes without saying (even though I'm saying it), but Hindsight is 20/20! Heck ... where did the last 20 year go LOL :)

I'm one of the younger guys here (I was born between XP and Vista), but especially when I have nostalgia for older versions of Windows (I used 7, barely remember XP).

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Well.. I'm old enough to know better, but I'm still too young to care - Haha!

Nostalgia is awesome, isn't it. :cool: When people say (paraphrasing) "you can't run and old OS in 2021", this increases my determination even further. I don't usually admit to such: but I have 2 IBM thinkpad laptops - one running win98 and the other winME. Both work just fine but they don't go online anymore, we'll, actually, they have dial-up modems, so perhaps when I'm feeling brave one day. Why in the world would I toss them in the rubbish when I play my music and games and record (using audacity) my old tape cassettes into MP3s so beautifully. Sometimes I look at my old computers and say to myself, My word ... we've been through a lot together LOL!!

I'm feeling :


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I'm feeling:


color screen phones with cameras, operator logos, fast broadbands, large (over 100gb) hard disks, flatscreen hd televisions just became new hot thing then I realised that was over 15 years ago.

I still remember seeing 32" flatscreen plasma tv on friend and thinking how tv can fit such thin case:lol:.


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13 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

I'm one of the younger guys here (I was born between XP and Vista), but especially when I have nostalgia for older versions of Windows (I used 7, barely remember XP).

being younger does not mean you cannot feel nostalgic. Last thing years been way faster than 10 years before it (too fast to me lol).

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6 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

being younger does not mean you cannot feel nostalgic. Last thing years been way faster than 10 years before it (too fast to me lol).

I know of a better way to explain it.

Nostalgia in a way instead of making me feel happy about those times, instead it makes me have regret and just brings me down.

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For me, remembering the past brings me great pain if I'm to be totally honest. Actually, there is a difference, though, between Nostalgic and Wistful. Speaking computers and legacy items from the past ... nothing wrong with 'digging up bones' ' / 'blast from the past' - so to speak. We get a chance to appreciate what others were seeing as brand spanking new and fresh at that time in history. Sometimes it bring lots of us comfort to seek out what is familiar, it seems, at times, just when we get the 'hang' of it ... boom - things are already obsolete; its frustrating. So, being nostalgic is fine; so long as your desire is for novelty sake. However.. wistful, here is where we can fall into regret(s). We can't go back, because yesterday is over and the 'here and now' is what we need to shift our focus on - not what once 'was'. Remember, you are young with your whole life ahead of you. Appreciate the fact that the past 'shapes' you but doesn't 'define' you going forward. I think we all (to some degree) have regrets and wish we could go back and do things differently ( I know I do ); but there is no "undo" button on life, so we (as best as possible) accept that it was a long windy (perhaps bumpy) road to get to where we are now and every day above ground is a blessing!

Enjoy life, @Tonny52 and never let a moment u pass by :)

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" -Søren Kierkegaard

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