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2 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I cant understand why it would not be ok to be single and focus things on life that actually matter and been there longer than any relationship. Relationship should be more than just status symbol or something that happens on bed but nobody seems to care to want that.

I'm actually quite happy being single. I need my space and time to think and people are too much work ;) Besides that, I'm broke and annoying to be around ... hahaha =P

Edited by XPerceniol
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2 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I'm feeling worried.

My current work contract will end on this week and nobody in nobody has not said anything from renewing it. I will see my boss at later this week and was told to bring my laptop and phone there so I assume it is over. Just when had rooted into work and got into environment used and everyone started to know me it will end.

Why it is always IT department that suffers when got finanical issues and not some useless department? Well usually lack of technicians is noticed rather quickly.

Hi ..

I hope that situation works itself out somehow. It must be hard to be left hanging and not knowing. 

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3 hours ago, msfntor said:

Ha, very cool thread!

I'm feeling very good now, after buying a memory foam mattress topper, thanks to which I don't get up in the night so often (before every 2 hours on average, now 1 time, after sleeping 5 hours in a row!)

yes, very painful for those who listen to TV...
but I live normally, like before. I don't watch TV at all.

I think I'm being normal, like always.

Thank you and I changed the title to something a bit more friendly and welcoming :)

So much propaganda on TV - They just scare us and sensationalize every and any bad thing. I most often have it in the background with no sound whist I'm on the computer or playing a game.

Edited by XPerceniol
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24 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

Thank you and I changed the it something a bit more friendly and welcoming :)

So much propaganda on TV - They just scare us and sensationalize every and any bad thing. 

And moreover they censor on the web (and all over the world) more strongly than in the "old" communist countries, come to mind the time of Stalin of Russia, Mao of China, and North Corea, their friends in the soul. Poor, very poor peoples of the past, and of today! 

Who has ears to hear, let him hear, who has eyes to see, let him see.

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50 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

PS: Welcome to our little café here

give me a big coffee and donut :D.


48 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm actually quite happy being single. I need my space and time to think and people are too much work ;) Besides that, I'm broke and annoying to be around ... hahaha =P

Benefit of being is to have apartment/house without anyone else around after rough day or when feel annoyed. Can just lock in and wont need to see anyone face.

48 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

Hi ..

I hope that situation works itself out somehow. It must be hard to be left hanging and not knowing. 

I will be fine however it ends. At the end I can get unemployment support money and I got plenty of training from servers and others already so finding new job should not be too hard.

46 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

So much propaganda on TV - They just scare us and sensationalize every and any bad thing. I most often have it in the background with no sound whist I'm on the computer or playing a game.

Fear is what keeps people on consuming it. Something is always going to cause us all die or something else. What happened to good news? Media has taken deep dive here since early 2000 and now try imitate US news channels like CNN, NBC etc. instead of their original classic style. I still miss classic MTV3 news studio from 1997-2005. But well it is all must imitate american instead of having their own culture. Sad to see world taking deep dive in that. Well atleast we still go teletext and YLE news window even though last one is ugly compared YLE24 News window.

And yes I feel nostalgic about TV what is used to be

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4 minutes ago, msfntor said:

And moreover they censor on the web (and all over the world) more strongly than in the "old" communist countries, come to mind the time of Stalin of Russia, Mao of China, and North Corea, their friends in the soul. Poor, very poor peoples of the past, and of today!

dangers of open information and communication platform were quickly realised. It gave people a change to look things from other perspective than one they had been told.

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"We're here for such a short time.  It's important that we matter.  It's important that we live our lives in a way that endears us to others. That in the short time we're on this earth, we make a difference in a positive way, in the lives of others.  That we're good.  Kind.  Generous when we can be.  Patient.  Understanding. Firm when we have to be.  Honest. True.

Because in the end, all these things add up..."

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22 hours ago, msfntor said:

Ha, very cool thread!

I'm feeling very good now, after buying a memory foam mattress topper, thanks to which I don't get up in the night so often (before every 2 hours on average, now 1 time, after sleeping 5 hours in a row!)

yes, very painful for those who listen to TV...
but I live normally, like before. I don't watch TV at all.

I think I'm being normal, like always.

Well , I tried foam pillows and didn't like them at all. I'm glad your matress is much , much better !

I don't watch TV at all too . But something ugly is happening right now , I can feel it. 

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21 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I'm feeling worried.

You should ! I think you chose the wrong profession , career opportunities only for a certain kind. 

1198 % of CEOs in global tech are of Indian origin !

Diversity in action ! 


Alphabet (Parent Company of Google) - Sundar Pichai

Amazon - Rah Gaya

Twitter- Parag Agarwal  -- IIT Bombay

Google - Sundar Pichai  -- IIT  Kharagpur                    

IBM - Arvind Krishna -- IIT Kanpur

Microsoft - Satya Nadella 

Adobe- Shantanu Narayen 

VMWare - Raghu Raghuram 

Vimeo - Anjali Sud 

Thomas Kurian- Google Cloud 

George Kurian- NetApp 

Nikesh Arora- Palo Alto Networks

Nitanix - Rajiv Ramaswami

Vimeo - Anjali Sud

Simp - Parag Agarwal

Barclays : C. S. Venkatakrishnan

MasterCard : Ajay Banga

Ajay Banga - Mastercard*(currently)

Nutanix - Rajiv Ramaswamy

DBS - Piyush Goyal

Palo Alto Networks - Nikesh Arora

Jayshree Ullal Arista Networks

HCL -Shiv Nadar

NetApp - George Kurien

Google Cloud - Thomas Kurien

PepsiCo - Indra Nooyi (2006)

Great Khali for WWE

Pepsi ex - Indra Nooyi

Novartis (ex Sandoz) - Vasant Narasimhan

Of course this is only just a small list , but

Do you see a Finn in this list ?

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6 hours ago, Dixel said:

CEOs in global tech are of Indian origin !

"The parade continues, paving the path for aspiring future engineers of Indian origin."

Here: Tech giants helmed by Indian-origin CEOs: The parade continues: https://www.thedailystar.net/tech-startup/news/tech-giants-helmed-indian-origin-ceos-the-parade-continues-2906441

...but this Bangladesh' star is not very bright...

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I watched the news quickly for the weather today and all that is being talked about is the new CV Variant. Honestly, I'm more worried about cardiac issues (I already suffer from heart issues and take medication) and the cancer which I'm predisposed to esophagus c.

But anyway, back to my meditation music and computers.

On a random side note: Can you believe its Nov 30th already? What happened to this year? Seems like a complete blur to me. Don't want to depress the hell out of people in our café so I'll put a quarter in the jukebox. Unfortunately, the records in this old jukebox tend to skip so you may need to bump it with your hip :)


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8 hours ago, Dixel said:

career opportunities only for a certain kind.

YES... non-Christian, and ideologically "along the line and on the basis" - of course - along the line of the Communist Party (or those who govern us) and on the basis of the ideology of communism (or ideology of those who govern us)... could also be the kind of mafia, who knows


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