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The MSFN café - A Penny for Your Thoughts


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2 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm Feeling:

Saddened (just a little bit) ... but a good reality check nevertheless that nothing lasts forever - That also means the bad dark times won't last forever and it can't rain every day. I try to remind myself of this everyday and cherish the good moments in life, even if rare. Looking back at the past ... Hmmm. Can I or do I have right to complain? Sure, but what good would it do to expect things like electronics to not age as gracefully as I have. Now if you believe that; I have ocean front property to sell u ;)

Upon research this lovely morning, I read "Imminent Failure". Nope; Not a failure at all, in fact, a champion to me. My Dell Optiplex 745 (Built 2007) mas gotten me through some (many) rough times to get here to my late 40s. What is imminent, well, I hear 50 rocks and that reality isn't that far away.  What does the future (truly) hold, we never know for certain, but do I give up easily ... not a chance :no:

The old Ford Pinto will keep chugging along until the wheels fall off and not a moment sooner. spacer.png

You guys would never believe me when I say I'm (mostly) running on original hardware here and I doubt I'd replace anything, as, really, this rig is 'well past its prime'. My plan now is to just keep going until there is nothing left and worry later. Or, perhaps, not even worry at all, I mean, hey, what a ride. Right :thumbup

No regrets!

Well Ford and Dell got some in common. Both used to do high quality stuff but since then started cut corners and turned into unreliable short lifespan products. Dell uses cheap caps on mainboard and their cases are propieraty so no way change case easily. I hope you and your machine will have long lifespan together :yes:.


PS. that desktop is interesting looking still. It looks like mix of Windows XP and Windows 7 to my eye

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33 minutes ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

...I hope you and your machine will have long lifespan together :yes:

Lol ... I feel like I'm married to it :)

Oh, and, I'm sorry, you mentioned my desktop somewhere else a while ago and I forgot to answer it.

Its nothing at all actually - just these basic settings.


Yeah, I've ran computers in the past with bad sectors for years. Just allow chkdsk to work. I just did chkdsk c: /f/x/i/c/r and i attached it. Same nonsense again ... I think I might resurrect my old thread and see if anybody had any ideas.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Even I can feel tired , lol . Pretty busy days , besides everyone needs my help .

My new girlfriend (which I was looking for almost a year) didn't live up to my expectations , time spent in vain. I shall sleep for several days and ressurect my super energies. Got dozens of notifications for this one day , I'll try to answer to everyone , just need to rest . On a bright note , I'm single again and that means more time for myself , computers and MSFN , of course !

Edited by Dixel
made a typo , I was sleepy
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9 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm Feeling:


Yeah , I'm somewhat disoriented too , but we need to hold on ! This damn new "normality", when it's getting heavier and heavier to live ,like we lived before, is starting to get on my nerves , and I'm a very calm person  .  Was going to put a like on your post .... but it would be weird to like your current condition , wouldn't it ? I'm with you , man .

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Ha, very cool thread!

I'm feeling very good now, after buying a memory foam mattress topper, thanks to which I don't get up in the night so often (before every 2 hours on average, now 1 time, after sleeping 5 hours in a row!)

On 11/28/2021 at 9:25 AM, Dixel said:

This damn new "normality"

yes, very painful for those who listen to TV...
but I live normally, like before. I don't watch TV at all.

I think I'm being normal, like always.

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On 11/28/2021 at 10:19 AM, Dixel said:

Even I can feel tired , lol . Pretty busy days , besides everyone needs my help .

My new girlfriend (which I was looking for almost a year) didn't live up to my expectations , time spent in vain. I shall sleep for several days and ressurect my super energies. Got dozens of notifications for this one day , I'll try to answer to everyone , just need to rest . On a bright note , I'm single again and that means more time for myself , computers and MSFN , of course !

I wont bother looking for another one again. All I had were first interesting then found out more or they did not like way I was. Time for you to start living again and give time for yourself and hobbies. I have started think they are not worth my time and should not waste my life them.

I noticed your notifications since had mentions like crazy and was thinking why but this explains a lot.



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I'm feeling worried.

My current work contract will end on this week and nobody in nobody has not said anything from renewing it. I will see my boss at later this week and was told to bring my laptop and phone there so I assume it is over. Just when had rooted into work and got into environment used and everyone started to know me it will end.

Why it is always IT department that suffers when got finanical issues and not some useless department? Well usually lack of technicians is noticed rather quickly.

Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
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On 11/7/2021 at 10:31 AM, XPerceniol said:

The old Ford Pinto will keep chugging along

I would buy a Ford Pinto in a heartbeat if I ever found one!  Maybe then people would stop tailgating me!

Here's what most people don't remember - Ford WON the lawsuit that "claimed" their vehicles caught fire when rear-ended.

The Pinto had the same EXACT flaw that every other car on the road had  --  rear axle lined up even with the gas tank.

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My second first car when I was a teenager was a '74 Mercury Bobcat (second was an '84 Plymouth Horizon).

Basically 99% identical to the Ford Pinto - only difference was an all-glass hatchback.

Paid $100 for it, spent an afternoon putting a new rear main seal in it, drove it for six months or so, sold it for $600.

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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On 11/28/2021 at 9:19 AM, Dixel said:

I'm single again

And if you can go to your favorite church, and befriend a priest... and then get active in one of the meetings... and there's your sweetheart lady waiting for you here! I swear to you:cheerleader:

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47 minutes ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I have started think they are not worth my time and should not waste my life them.

You are very wrong, it seems to me...Don't be egoistic, women are like men, but of the opposite sex fortunately! Fully human beings like you and me. I think they are even more human than men!


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13 minutes ago, msfntor said:

You are very wrong, it seems to me...Don't be egoistic, women are like men, but of the opposite sex fortunately! Fully human beings like you and me. I think they are even more human than men!


for me it seems you have not been cheated in your life or been lucky to find one that actually care from you. I am not egoist and I rather use my time people around me that actually care and is greatful for my doings.

I cant understand why it would not be ok to be single and focus things on life that actually matter and been there longer than any relationship. Relationship should be more than just status symbol or something that happens on bed but nobody seems to care to want that.

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  • XPerceniol changed the title to The MSFN café - A Penny for Your Thoughts
On 11/28/2021 at 3:25 AM, Dixel said:

Yeah , I'm somewhat disoriented too , but we need to hold on ! This damn new "normality", when it's getting heavier and heavier to live ,like we lived before, is starting to get on my nerves , and I'm a very calm person  .  Was going to put a like on your post .... but it would be weird to like your current condition , wouldn't it ? I'm with you , man .

Thank you @Dixel ... was also going to like your posting but weird to like your situation. Yeah, just need to hold on, I guess. 

PS: Welcome to our little café here ... more than 1 word is (always) awesome and everyone is welcome to chat about anything at all :)

Edited by XPerceniol
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