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StartIsBack++ 2.9


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To reproduce the issue with normal Windows start menu showing instead of SIB++:


- Click the task view button
- Click bottom right or bottom left corner of the menu icon, windows menu shows instead of SIB!
Edited by Escorpiom
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Okay, ++1.1.2 should fix reported Start button issues. Sorry for the trouble.

No need to apologise mate, we are all very grateful for your continued development of SiB and I am sure most of us expect a few hiccups along the way.

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One more: It'd be great if 3rd-party Control Panel applets didn't show up in Recent Items. To reproduce, open SIB's "Start menu" applet, and you'll end up with its GUID string in Recent Items. EDIT: I'm noticing other non-documents appearing in Recent Items as well, such as search queries. To reproduce, enter a search (like "test") in the SIB search box, hit "See more results", and "The Internet" and "query=test" will appear in Recent Items.

Edited by blackwind
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Hi! I've bought the app, i'm using Windows 10. Just two possible features that i would like to have:
1) Select the level of blur: i think that on Windows 7 blur was less...'powerful'? :P
2) Select the size for icons in the taskbar: i think that the standard icons of 10 are too little, but the icons from SIB are too big. It would be great to choose the size (like 10%, 20%, etc...)

Thank anyway, i'm using you program without problems!

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Hi, I have a problem uninstalling apps. I installed the 10547 build, which reinstalls all the apps. When I deleted all those Windows Apps, I got undefined strings as apps.





BTW, shouldn't the scroll bar use the 'new' transparent scroll bar instead of the old-fashioned grey bar? Not a big problem, really :)





Thanks for your work!

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I just installed Windows 10 Pro (x64) and there are problem, with both monitors...

Icon showed in strange mode (if I use a rounded icon is ok) and the space for icon is small...


Look this screen, monitor 1 and 2:

(On monitor 1, the Edge icon is UNDER the activities, not showed but there is a little space and when I clicked there the Edge open, on monitor 2, ACTIVITIES is under START Button)





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Hello, I am getting duplicate search results.  Show up in multiple places.  I am not sure why it shows up in "music" and "pictures."
I tried to search the forums, but I could only find an old bug back in 2012 for Windows 8 and I am not sure if that particular case was ever resolved.  In the past I used, Startisback on Windows 8.1 and I never had this problem before.

Currently, using Windows 10, startisback ++ 1.1.2.  Example pictures below





Edited by Nealise
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I like the new animation, the only thing I notice with it is the user picture seems a bit detached as it doesn't fade in and out with the start menu if you have disabled "Animate Windows when minimizing and maximizing" in performance options.

Strange that it disables the user picture animation but not the fade in and out effects instead you have to turn off "Animate controls and elements inside windows" to disable the start menu animation completely, maybe if possible it may be a better idea to have both of these animation effects disabled using only this option.

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