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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. ABOUT StartIsBack: I have many license for StartIsBack, then I have a VM at work that I want to install for, but this VM have no access to the internet, and I don’t have admin privilege. Then I installed for my user account, and it works OK, but how I can register without internet access? Thank you.
  2. Hi, these is a bug with startisback++, when updating Edge chromium there is a link created into the UWP apps submenu for edge without icon.: Edge chromium is not an UWP apps. Thanks.
  3. Error
  4. Yes I know, but the fact that SratAllBack does not show the option on the server ofc, that's mean that StartAllBack does not do a blind job with that option. I tried your reg key mod and removd Teams, then re-installed StartAllBack, but the menu option is still there.
  5. ...server preview 10.0.22463.1000, that have the new windows 11 interface This not Windows 10, it even superceed Windows 11, the build is 22463.1000
  6. Tested on server preview 10.0.22463.1000, that have the new windows 11 interface, but no teams and chat by default, then there is no option in StartIsBack taskbar menu to show the chat icon:
  7. Hi, there is a menu that is not translated (french), Acessories shoult be Accessoires Windows: StartAllBack: StartIsBack: Thanks.
  8. You know, there is a direct link to Windows 11 taskbar settings in StartAllBack, then it could happen that a person using it will temper directly with the settings, then if that affect StartAllBack coherence, then it is a bug. Thank you.
  9. Hi, 1) I enable the chat icon using StartAllBack taskbar context menu. 2) I go to windows 11 taskbar setting and disable the show chat icon. 2) The icon would not disappear, but the option to enable the icon is now unchecked in the StartAllBack taskbar context menu. 3) If I enable it again, still using StartAllBack taskbar context menu, there will be a new chat icon that will appear close to the first one, and so on if I repeat the action above. Thanks.
  10. OK forget that problem, START11 give me the same error. I will forward the investigation to NTLite staff. Sorry.
  11. OK forget that problem, START11 give me the same error. I will forward the investigation to NTLite staff.
  12. Hi, where is the Chat icon? Enabling it in the windows settings taskbar options but the icon does not appear on the taskbar. It appears only if I use the native taskbar. Thank you.
  13. Hi, Is it possible to get the same start menu color as the search window and calendar and notification window? Thank you.
  14. Hi, StartAllBack 2.9.91 RC2: Using StartAllBack taskbar and start menu : If I click on the start menu icon first, start menu open normally, then if I click on the search icon, search window open normally, but if I click again at the start menu icon, search menu is still open and the start menu does not open. Using Windows 11 start menu and StartAllBack taskbar: I can toggle clicking on both icon and the action if correctly toggled. Thank you.
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