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Everything posted by Tihiy

  1. k please test win non - English UI: https://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe
  2. It's math. As height is measured in icon count, not pixels. Don't blame me, ask MS. Maybe vivetool can disable that.
  3. Likely you auto-update back to 3.8.9
  4. It does exactly that. I'm not sure why you everyone has selective blindness but that's not a feature meant to take front row.
  5. StartAllBack 3.8.10 to test
  6. You can toggle ConvertibleSlateMode in registry, though that way lies madness.
  7. The behavior you want opens a can of worms with no good solutions.
  8. Jumplists are fine. If you have stable reproduction of problem write to support email.
  9. That would be 'partially grouping' then. What should happen then if you have two instances and close first one? Would one that left move to combine with pinned one? One pinned one unpinned as is? Move pinned position into new instance? Where should second instance launch? Alongside first one or at the end?
  10. Here's test version without grouping: https://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe
  11. That's stupid, either have automatic updates or don't update anything at all.
  12. Okay, I'll work on returning weather to the left if possible. On secondary segments, we can arrange a support session. Write to startisback@gmail.com.
  13. What if you disable dynamic segments? Unfortunately weather can't be restored to the left in your configuration. What is that meter on second screen?
  14. No idea. How taskbar is configured? When is it broken, is it fixed by opening apps / etc?
  15. Thx, here's a fix: https://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe
  16. Now who's the target audience? Back in XP, tasks were not grouped but not rearrangeable either. Why it's an important scenario? How do you organize your taskbar? What about "Don't group pinned items" and other 7TT options? More bul***** checkboxes? https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20040513-00/?p=39353
  17. Please share reproduction steps and / or screen recording
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