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OldNewExplorer 1.1.9

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Is it possbile to have the "Hard Disk Drives" and "Devices with removable storage" separated by modifying a .dll or file (without using this app) ?


It's possible WITHOUT modifying ANY files.



I had seen this method, I want to keep the appearance of Windows 7/8 (the same thing as ONE, but I prefer to do it manually)

I think the change should be done in a dll or other file but I have not found that



Love this application! Any chance to get the show desktop graphic working? I currently rely on using content margin tricks to use a fake image. in its spot.

Posted (edited)

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G tool :D

Thank YOU so much for having contributed to (remarkably) improve the appearance of Win 8.1.

I have a feature suggestion (that might be very interesting for all those people who use QTTabBar): Could you please add the option to hide the Search box?

QTTabBar has an extremely useful search box and now in my Explorer I have 2 search boxes and it looks rather clumsy (I ony use the QTTabBar search box and NEVER the Windows native one).

I would VERY MUCH appreciate if you could implement this new feature :D

If anybody can suggest me a registry hack to remove/hide the Windows native search box I am prepared to offer a reward :crazy:


Edited by Archimede

Is it possbile to have the "Hard Disk Drives" and "Devices with removable storage" separated by modifying a .dll or file (without using this app) ?


Hardly so. Even if it's possible shell32.dll signature will break causing havoc.

Thanks for your reply ;)


This program...


So glad I found it, was dispairing as my initial reaction to Win 8.1 was underwhelming in regards to customization (to put it lightly lol). Thank you so much for including a classic menu when pressing Alt (or maybe I just hadn't noticed it before).

Feature request: would it be possible to add an option for hiding the Command Bar completely? I rarely use it, and since a menu is available when pressing Alt it would be nice to have the option to hide it.

Also noticed a minor bug: previous settings aren't remembered when reopening the cfg exe.


With High DPI...

It's either skin issue or Aero Glass issue, since i don't see it on standard buttons without Aero Glass.


I never understood why users want this useless thing back.

I don't find it useless at all. I do use it, not very often though.

With High DPI...

It's either skin issue or Aero Glass issue, since i don't see it on standard buttons without Aero Glass.

No, it's not the skin, neither AeroGlass. It does the same with default theme... Anyway, to fix it sign out after changing DPI.

Thank you for this great app!


I've only just gotten around to testing this fine tool.

I'm used to Windows 8's File Manager, such as it is, with some other tweaks to it (e.g., ClassicShell and Folder Options X).

But - one thing - all those extra folders being shown under This PC are just an ongoing nuisance. As a lifetime computer geek I really just want to see the hard drives and the Network.

So I wanted to see if it was possible to rid the system of all those extra "folders" WITHOUT bringing back the Libraries namespace root (I don't use Libraries at all). And whether OldNewExplorer would work amicably with my other tweaks.

Woohoo! I am VERY pleased to see that while installing this fine tool and checking the [ ] Use libraries, hide folders from This PC then right-clicking in File Explorer's navigation pane I can turn all those extra "folders" off as well as turning Libraries off.

Thank you, Tihiy!

One suggestion: Since the appearance of Libraries is separately configurable from "hide folders from This PC", maybe you could consider presenting them in your UI as separate options.


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