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OldNewExplorer 1.1.9

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Posted (edited)

first congratulations and thank you very much Tihiy , for this OldNewExplorer usefull tool.


I want to share with you that windows that based to control pane does not affect some changes when used update one recources.

Practically for see quiqly what i mean :

download and use the specific kind of shortcut named 'My Computer' > from http://zeusosx.deviantart.com/art/taskbar-s-folders-for-windows-8-system-310043643
to this kind of explorer window that made with this specific shortcut even if you have disable the ribbon [via OldNewExplorer], explorer still appeared with ribbon, > instead the default explorer shortcut that aleady existed to our system= the explorer window 'This Pc', the changes are made, and folderband exist and noribbon [as we have disable the ribbon [via OldNewExplorer] .
To the picture the upper window made from myshortcut named 'My Computer' > from http://zeusosx.deviantart.com/art/taskbar-s-folders-for-windows-8-system-310043643 and ribbon existed even if we have disabled to OldNewExplorer
The down window, becomes from the 'This pc' default shortcut and folderband instead of ribbon exist, as we have disabled ribbon via OldNewExplorer, so affected.
Is it posssible to a next version that changes will be applied to all kind of explorer directories windows, please?
thanks in advance.
Edited by idas

Tihiy, can you please add the functionality of those 2 addons to OldNewExplroer?



I want to reduce the number of Addons I have to install to make the Explorer usable.

I definitely support rolling the file properties addon into this extension, but I don't know about the wow64 one. It looks a little bit ugly the way it's implemented.

Tihiy, are there any plans in the future to bring these features into StartIsBack, or is this to remain a separate product entirely?

Posted (edited)



- ONE now is registered as BHO to load into explorer earlier

- New settings to hide Explorer caption icon and text

What's the status of navigation buttons on glass in Win8? Please write me, skinners and send a sample of skin with buttons / navigation bar on glass which should work if Explorer supported that.

Edited by Tihiy
Posted (edited)

Thanks Tihiy this is Great, works well with TBarIconBlanker.exe and Regedit Settings to hide text and icon for all other Programs.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]"CaptionFont"=hex:f1,ff,ff,f1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,90,01,00,00,\  00,00,00,01,00,00,05,00,53,00,65,00,67,00,6f,00,65,00,20,00,55,00,f1,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00

Tihiy do you think some how you could add TBarIconBlanker.exe and Regedit Settings to hide text and icon for all other Programs TO OldNewExplorerCfg.

Thanks again ace2. :w00t:


There is a Problem, after uninstalling OldNewExplorer, it will install Hide Caption Text and Hide Caption Icon even when they are not selected, when installing OldNewExplorer again.

Regedit Settings will not change from 1 TO 0

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tihiy\OldNewExplorer]"DriveGrouping"=dword:00000001"HideFolders"=dword:00000001"NoRibbon"=dword:00000001"NoCaption"=dword:00000001"NoIcon"=dword:00000001"Details"=dword:00000001

Fix for now

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tihiy\OldNewExplorer]"DriveGrouping"=dword:00000001"HideFolders"=dword:00000001"NoRibbon"=dword:00000001"NoCaption"=dword:00000000"NoIcon"=dword:00000000"Details"=dword:00000001
Edited by ace2
Posted (edited)

Thank you very much Tihyi.

With the latest version of OldNewExplorer , my shortcut named 'My Computer' > from http://zeusosx.deviantart.com/art/taskbar-s-folders-for-windows-8-system-310043643 take properties from the 40960 UIfile of explorerframe.dll.

Though it does not take properties from the 20482 UIfile of explorerframe.dll.

The same happened to the normal default microsoft shortcuts of Control panel .

The window for Control Panel do not take properties from the 20482 UIfile of explorerframe.dll while using OldNewExplorer> I personally use the Update One Resources method of windows style builder, so my theme taking custom properties for the UIfile of explorerframe.dll existed to shellsttyle different from the microsoft default one((that exist to C:\Windows\System32 ) > those custom 20482 UIfile explorerframe.dll properties/parameters are working properly for 'This Pc' shortcut, but not for the default Control panel shortcut, or for my custom shortcut named 'My Computer' .

If it would be possible to fix it, it would be great.

Thanks for your patient and work.


Edited by idas

Sweet update. Wasn't really keen on using ace2's little work arounds so this is perfect.

Another small request, normally the explorer icon on the taskbar opens to This PC but when using "Use libraries, hide folders from This PC", it opens up in the Library view.

Would it be possible to have an option to still open the explorer in This PC instead? In Windows 8 you could edit the explorer shortcut to make it do whatever you wanted but this isn't possible anymore in 8.1. :\


Wasn't really keen on using ace2's little work arounds so this is perfect.

I don't have any little work arounds, to do what OldNewExplorer does. :P


What's the status of navigation buttons on glass in Win8? Please write me, skinners and send a sample of skin with buttons / navigation bar on glass which should work if Explorer supported that.

How exactly do you mean? The navigation button hasn't changed in 8 except for their location being moved back into the msstyles. All that's required is having DWM extend to the height of the navbar. (And replacing the white image of the navbar with a transparent one)

How exactly do you mean? The navigation button hasn't changed in 8 except for their location being moved back into the msstyles. All that's required is having DWM extend to the height of the navbar. (And replacing the white image of the navbar with a transparent one)

Extending glass region does not help on built-in theme (white background still there), so i'm asking if it is theme which provides that background, or is it hardcoded? If you do have a theme with navbar which should have glass, please give one to me :)

Posted (edited)

I do not know if that helps, to my past (May 27, 2011) experiments to Windows 8 Milestone 2 Build 7955 the address bar area was still transparent ===> have a look :



ALSO to my past (June 28, 2011) experiments to the same windows 8 - build 7955 :



But [from what i remember] that versions's (windows 8 - build 7955) visual styles/mstyles were not compatible with that of win 8 release preview or with the final win 8 rtm.

Unfortunately i have not those files now> I just show you that to those the transparent ro addressbar existed> if i remember well, when you changed some registry parameters then ribbon appeared to explore instead of folder band, and the address bar became non transparent.


Edited by idas

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