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KernelEx 4.5.2

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Last Shockwave Player version I was able to install in Windows 98 SE (even with KernelEx) is

That's true but look when I've asked that question - that was well before KernelEX 4.5 family.

So, I was wrong! My try was with an older version of KernelEx.

I have made new tests, with last 4.5 RC5.

As loblo said, install of version is crashing, but the plugin is working.

The program automatically downloaded a few files in %WINDIR%\Application Data\Macromedia\Shockwave Player\xtras\download\MacromediaInc

at the first try with a game I have on my HD, and gave me a 2nd similar crash at the end of download!

Everything seems fine afterward.

No registry trick used. KernelEx 4.5 RC5 with default settings.

Those crashes are related to SCC.dll which is the Symantec Criteria Checker .

Last version not crashing during the install process is, but he has the same 2nd crash.

The 'Symantec Criteria Checker' is called there SYMCCHECKER.DLL .

I have checked that the files and folders installed are similar with the 2 versions (despite of the install crash with

BTW (and this is safe, I'm doing that already for years with the version 10):

* In the '%WINDIR%\SYSTEM\Adobe\Shockwave 11' and '%WINDIR%\SYSTEM\Macromed\Shockwave 10' folders, I have renamed

gi.dll, gt.exe & gtapi.dll to gi_dll, gt_exe & gtapi_dll

because they are part of the Google Toolbar and are useless!

* The file '%WINDIR%\SYSTEM\Adobe\Shockwave 11\Shockwave Log' can also be deleted, but it is recreated everytime you use Shockwave!

* In the registry, some keys can also be changed, like for instance

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Shockwave 11\AutoUpdate]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Shockwave 11\collectstats]


from @="y" to @="n" to block some annoying behaviors ;)



Edited by CharlesF
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Last Shockwave Player version I was able to install in Windows 98 SE (even with KernelEx) is

That's true but look when I've asked that question - that was well before KernelEX 4.5 family.

So, I was wrong! My try was with an older version of KernelEx.

I have made new tests, With last 4.5 RC5.

As loblo said, install of version is crashing, but the plugin is working.

The program automatically downloaded a few files in %WINDIR%\Application Data\Macromedia\Shockwave Player\xtras\download\MacromediaInc

at the first try with a game I have on my HD, and gave me a 2nd similar crash at the end of download!

Everything seems fine afterward.

No registry used. KernelEx 4.5 RC5 with default settings.

Those crashes are related to SCC.dll which is the Symantec Criteria Checker .

Last version not crashing during the install process is, but he has the same 2nd crash.

The 'Symantec Criteria Checker' is called there SYMCCHECKER.DLL .

I have checked that the files and folders installed are similar with the 2 versions (despite of the install crash with

BTW (and this is safe, I'm doing that already for years with the version 10):

* In the '%WINDIR%\SYSTEM\Adobe\Shockwave 11' and '%WINDIR%\SYSTEM\Macromed\Shockwave 10' folders, I have renamed

gi.dll, gt.exe & gtapi.dll to gi_dll, gt_exe & gtapi_dll

because they are part of the Google Toolbar and are useless!

* The file '%WINDIR%\SYSTEM\Adobe\Shockwave 11\Shockwave Log' can also be deleted, but it is recreated everytime you use Shockwave!

* In the registry, some keys can also be changed, like for instance

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Shockwave 11\AutoUpdate]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Shockwave 11\collectstats]


from @="y" to @="n" to block some annoying behaviors ;)



What happens with me is this, I get the crash as you do, and version 11 of shockwave shows in the add/remove program list, but if I go to check which version I am running nothing shows where the player normally shows to tell me which version I'm running, also if I try to run any shockwave flash pages they don't appear to run. So I am kind of stuck with version 10 of the shockwave.

I have always wondered why I see references to Netscape when I am installing or un-installing, I don't have Netscape on my HD, and wondered why I still get references to it.

For instance I saw 2 browsers while using the un-installer and one said Netscape, and was I happy to remove data from this browser, but like I say I don't have Netscape installed any longer.

Would it be safe to remove this Netscape found in my registry, and also the SCC, would it be safe to remove that, if that as you say is causing the crashes.

Edited by frogman
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Here is the error I get when I tried to install latest shockwave 11 slim version on I.E6, thought this may help find out why I receive these problems, after I did this when I attempted to test it on adobes site I.E then goes into an error loop.

AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106 ModName: control.dll

ModVer: Offset: 0001a801

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I tried new KEX RC5 and it still has notes drawing problem in Guitar Pro. But there's small progress that I can reboot windows normally after runing GP5 (before it hanged during shutdown). Other apps that I use works well as with RC4 (Mozilla 2.0.10, VirtualDub)

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I have noticed on my Win 98SE setup that I now have two MS Hotfixes that need to be reinstalled. I have KernelEx 4.5 RC 5 installed. When I run Belarc Advisor it shows that UPD272137 and UPD320798 need to be reinstalled. So I did reinstall UPD272137 and had to reboot ... then a box pops up that KernelEx is no longer working and must be reinstalled after the reboot. I checked Belarc Advisor again and UPD272137 is now OK. So I delete KernelEX , reboot and reinstall KernelEx and the UPD272137 is no longer OK and must be reinstalled. I guess those two updates are affected by this newer version of KernelEx. I didn't notice this problem before with earlier versions of KernelEx. I also went back a few pages on the messages to see if anyone has already talked about these two updates, didn't see anything. Any ideas on this ... may just have to live those two updates being messed up. I noticed this also on my other notebook. thanks ...

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So I did reinstall UPD272137 and had to reboot ... then a box pops up that KernelEx is no longer working and must be reinstalled after the reboot. [...] I also went back a few pages on the messages to see if anyone has already talked about these two updates, didn't see anything. Any ideas on this ... may just have to live those two updates being messed up. I noticed this also on my other notebook. thanks ...

You should always check *what* the updates in question are... :whistle:

Q272137 installs Kernel32.dll v. for Win 98SE and was superceeded by

Q320798, which installs Kernel32.dll v. for Win 98SE and was superceeded by

the Unofficial Win9x 2-4 GB Files Errors Fix, COPY2GB, which installs Kernel32.dll v. for Win 98SE!!!

If you didn't install it in your system up to now, now is a good time for you to do it.

And, while you're at it do add also the Unofficial Win 9x Explorer Lockups With IE 5.xx/6.xx update (SHELL98), which installs Shell32.dll v. 4.72.3812.634, and the Unofficial Win 9x Stack Corruption, 98KRNLUP, which installs Krnl386.exe v., and, then, reinstall KernelEx, and you're all set, no matter what Belarc says about it.

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Here is the error I get when I tried to install latest shockwave 11 slim version on I.E6, thought this may help find out why I receive these problems, after I did this when I attempted to test it on adobes site I.E then goes into an error loop.

AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106 ModName: control.dll

ModVer: Offset: 0001a801

I've just checked Shockwave 11 slim on IE6 and couldn't see any problems apart from already known installer crash.


What is the correct and preferred compatibility mode for the Mozilla Firefox 3.6.12?

At the moment when I check it I have it as Windows XP SP2, is it ok for to leave it at that?

Prefered compatibility mode is "Default mode" for firefox.exe + "Windows 2000 SP4" for xul.dll (these are also the default settings used after KernelEx install, unless you change them). In this configuration Firefox will report to be working under Windows NT 5.0.

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dencorso ... thanks for the information on those updates. I uninstalled KernelEx and put the updates on in the order that you said, reinstalled KernelEx and all is OK. I never would have figured all that out. ... thanks

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Here is the error I get when I tried to install latest shockwave 11 slim version on I.E6, thought this may help find out why I receive these problems, after I did this when I attempted to test it on adobes site I.E then goes into an error loop.

AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106 ModName: control.dll

ModVer: Offset: 0001a801

I've just checked Shockwave 11 slim on IE6 and couldn't see any problems apart from already known installer crash.


I get the crash as you mention, but when I check for the player 11 to be working it just doesn't although it shows in the add/remove program list.

So I am back with shockwave 10 as I don't see the point having it in the list but not actually working or be recognised when tested, in other words I don't get shockwave 11 to show up as you do on that adobe site.

I looked for the Control.dll file, and noticed that it is showing as default mode for KernelEx, would I need to change that perhaps especially as that came up as an error as I shown earlier.

Edited by frogman
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Frogman, everyone knows what your problem is by now... :whistle:

And everyone also knows by now that if you want Shockwave 11 to run, the most likely is that you need a more recent CPU than the one you have, one that supports SSE instructions, in addition to have KernelEx installed.

As for your question about setting such or such compatibility mode for control.dll, why don't you try it yourself instead of asking???


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Frogman, everyone knows what your problem is by now... :whistle:

As for your question about setting such or such compatibility mode for control.dll, why don't you try it yourself instead of asking???

You make me so welcome.

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Is there any hope of running Silverlight (Microsoft's version of Flash) on Win98 with KernelEx?

:lol: A search in this forum would have given you the answer.

Silverlight & Windows 98SE

Very funny, but that thread merely contains a lot of irrelevant descussion followed by (the link I wish you'd posted):

Silverlight wants .NET 3.5 form what I recall, and one cannot install 3.0 or newer on 9x...

SO, I guess the question becomes: Is there any hope of running .NET 3.5 on Win98 with KernelEx?

Again, I suspect the answer is no, although I've now learned that merely asking can seem unbelievably naive to some folks.

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Bug report: Last version 4.5 RC 5 is breaking my printing (printer HP Laser Jet 1022).

  • Print freezing with Word 2200 or Maxthon (IE6SP1)
  • Idem with Ctras.dll renamed in Ctras_dll

Here are Dr. Watson logs:

  • Uninstalling RP 9.6 (or downgrading to version 9.6.6) doesn't help
  • No problem to print a test page from the driver
  • Uninstall of KernelEx, or ReInstall of version 4.5RC4 solves the problem!
  • New Uninstall of KernelEx and reinstall of version 4.5 RC 5, and then 'Disable KernelEx extensions' (without reboot) is not helping.

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