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What is happening with the Firefox update? I am trying to update from 3.6.11 to 3.6.12 and when Firefox tries to restart and install the update it fails because it says another instance of Firefox is running and it couldn't be installed. Works on my Windows XP computer.


EDIT: OK, it worked. For some reason the update program doesn't actually automatically shut down Firefox on my W98SE computer when it goes to install the update like it does on my Windows XP computer. When I manually closed Firefox and then manually restarted it, it installed the update just fine. Strange.

Firefox 3 does this with every update. Just ignore it, wait a while and restart Firefox manually.


KernelEx v4.5 RC 5

Release announcement

So here comes a new release which should fix most of the reported problems with previous release and further enhance compatibility with NT-only applications. Enjoy!

What's new:

  • KernelEx should now work better with Windows 95 shell
  • Fixed stability issues with GDI anti-leaking code

Apps fixed / now working:

  • Fixed: OpenOffice.org often crashed on closing
  • Fixed: VLC 1.1.x crashed on DVD playback on windows 98 shell
  • Fixed: MAME insufficient memory error
  • Fixed: Inkscape 0.47 invisible save dialog problem
  • Fixed: Foxit Reader 3 resource leaks and random scrolling crashes
  • Fixed: Opera crashed in 'Windows 2000' mode when trying to save file
  • Fixed: Qt4 apps not showing interface fonts
  • Fixed: AkelPad had broken national input
  • Fixed: Easy Assembler Shell installer crash
  • Now working: Media Player Classic Home Cinema rev 2374+
  • Now working: MS Office 2003 Word/Excel + Viewers (experimental)
  • Now working: MS Office 2007 converters [docx only] (experimental)

KernelEx home page: http://kernelex.sourceforge.net/

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kernelex/files/

Posted (edited)

Let's hope this one ends up as the actual final release!

Thanks for all your great work guys.


Edited by Dave-H

KernelEx v4.5 RC 5

Release announcement

Wow!!! ... Foxit Reader 3 resource leaks ... Easy Assembler Shell installer crash ... MS Office 2003 Word/Excel + Viewers ... MS Office 2007 converters [docx only] ... plus all the rest! From one RC to the next, that's quite an impressive list of fixes!!!

Amazing work - you guys are champions!



PS. Just downloaded from SF but the download count didn't go up, even after a refresh. Maybe your user base is even greater than you know. :yes:


In short: Yeah, nice one! As usual...

Just wanted to underline that you "fanbase" is bigger than the DL-count on SF, since it didn't raise as I downloaded the file either...


I have reported in the MDIE6CU thread at post #100 that a fews links (They are increasingly!)

are crashing IE6 SP1 with a MSHTML.DLL error.

Other links may crash not only IE6 but also Windows 98 SE, like this one: http:// www. europe1. fr/ [ :realmad: Careful!]

I have a whole list of them that I maintain to avoid them in IE6.

Could it be possible to relieve this problem with KernelEx?

Posted (edited)

CharlesF, could you answer, why you're still using IE 6.0 (it's a very bad browser IMHO)?

Even Microsoft recommend to uninstall it!

Btw, Xeno/Tihiy, lot of thanks for another update of KernelEx! :thumbup

Edited by rainyd

I've tried newest stable version (2.5.4) of Avidemux with KernelEx 4.5 RC 5.

Installation was ok but after run of program, I've got message that file LIBSTDC++-6.DLL is connected with missing export MSVCRT.DLL:___lc_codepage_func.

I hope this issue could be resolved.


In firefox my mouse and keyboard wont be able to control the firefox window I have to minimize and then restore the window and my mouse will allow a few clicks before this problem happening again.... How do i fix this? Thanks for all your guys help for keeping my oldish laptop alive :D


CharlesF, could you answer, why you're still using IE 6.0 (it's a very bad browser IMHO)?


I don't use so often IE 6, my main browser in Windows 98 is Opera

BUT there is a few reasons why I am still keeping Internet Explorer in work:

- I don't use IE 6 itself (which is completely blocked by my FW) but his engine through Maxthon. I love this program, I'm very accustomed to it and he has several functions and plugins that I was not able to find (at least as simple) in Opera

- it is faster to launch, faster to read flash videos

- a few sites are still asking Internet explorer instead of Opera (like bank, for tax return, ...). For them I use a spoofed User Agent making them think it is IE8

- as Fredledingue said in another thread, the main annoying experience was javascript controls that may completely freeze it, but his incredible tweak has solve this problem

Even Microsoft recommend to uninstall it!

For security reasons, which doesn't concern that much the old OSes (especially when you take a few precautions).

Btw, Xeno/Tihiy, lot of thanks for another update of KernelEx! :thumbup

From me too :yes:

but I have to wait until this WE to find the time to install and play a bit with it.

Posted (edited)

It's a bit off-topic but:

- I don't use IE 6 itself (which is completely blocked by my FW) but his engine through Maxthon. I love this program, I'm very accustomed to it and he has several functions and plugins that I was not able to find (at least as simple) in Opera

- it is faster to launch, faster to read flash videos

Yes, with Maxton you could customize IE in a way you prefer but still you're using slow and "ancient" Trident engine, which is a real headache for webmasters/webdesigners.

Faster launch time is understandable because of tight intergration with OS.

For security reasons, which doesn't concern that much the old OSes (especially when you take a few precautions).

Indeed, it's a main reason but not the only: IE 6.0 is over nine years old browser (released on August 2001) and which is even more important, not compatible with modern Internet technology.

Edited by rainyd
CharlesF, could you answer, why you're still using IE 6.0 (it's a very bad browser IMHO)?

Even Microsoft recommend to uninstall it!

Well, you didn't ask me, but I'll tell you: I keep it mostly to help support other users that still have it in use. Also for the engine, which removal cripples Win 9x somewhat. And for the odd download, when I need to do it from 9x. I mostly navigate from IE8 on XP SP3. I was a faithful user of Netscape, up to v. (which I still do have installed, although it's mostly useless, at present). Then I moved on to IE 5.0, which I've upgraded gradually up to IE6SP1.

Posted (edited)

I now (with KernelEx 4.5 RC5) retried to update the plugin Flashblock to and restarted Firefox 3.6.12 manually. This time it apparently installed without problem.

Edited by CyberyogiCoWindler

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