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Everything posted by Maleko

  1. the 12V rail, a common user miss, experienced that a lot when I used to be on technical fone support.
  2. Yeh I use that a lot, saves emptying the recycle bin Just dont delete file su think you MIGHT need
  3. Do you mean Desktop Icons? If so: Right Click Desktop Goto, Arrange Icons Then See if "Show desktop Items" is ticked or not, if it isnt, click it.
  4. as far as im aware, they just replace the bil-board ads that already exist in game.
  5. oh: Site off-line Lawsuit in progress...stay tuned - Steve Ballmer Thats what i get wen i click it now
  6. Ive been playing the game, and it totally kicks donkey poo!!! brillaint addition to the BF series!
  7. im pretty sure this kind of post isnt allowed?
  8. nice idea!!! Although...wats with all the "Vista" like names? Its nLite, not XPLite.... nLite VE makes more sense.
  9. The full game will have more ways to take them down, if your an engineer, its possible, just keep ducking
  10. hhmmm, well I get to install it at midnight tonight, so will let you know wats true
  11. Yah but anybody ever tried connecting both IDE annd SATA wires?? Would like to find a drive that can and try it though!
  12. well, havent seen a hard drive with both EIDE annd SATA connections on... either way, just connect one if that is the case. Would confuse the system at a guess.
  13. interestign post, thnks!
  14. Maleko


    lol, i dont use ipods either...never will
  15. The one your talkign about is the normal 4 pinmolex power cable..DO NOT connect BOTH power cables! Just connect the small red cable (sata lead) and either of the power cables, NOT both.
  16. yep, id say so also, if works on one drive but not the other. Run a Diagnostice on the drive, depending on the make, use the manufactures boot up diags.
  17. Its a Bluetooth adapter (for my fone software). Its a USB PCI card. It has 2 external ports and 1 internal, so I hide the bluetooth dongle away inside Cheers, I do like to look after my rig (it gets air dusted every so often as well, lol)
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