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Everything posted by Maleko

  1. I use 3: Winamp for Music WMP for Video Files Power DVD for DVD movies.
  2. Left click, or Right click save as This is totally rediculous!
  3. Question, what those 2 massive switch like things on top left of ur desk???
  4. Its a free loop I found via google oops! lol, sorry, dunno why that would have happened!
  5. Cheers guys! appriciated @TAiN: The images don't zoom, I could have it set for that, but more open to having image stolen. @N1K: The way I have the music in the background is done via the flash galleries I use. If you wanna add music without flash, here are a few sites that explain different methods quite well: http://www.thesitewizard.com/webdesign/backgroundmusic.shtml http://www.tips-tricks.com/sound.asp Hope that helps
  6. Revamped my personal website Hope you like. Linky
  7. Maleko

    Flat Screen Tv

    lol, thats one way of of doing it
  8. Oooo tough one... MASSIVE fan of the Max Payne series, addictive story. Battlefield series...BRILLIANT team working game. The Elder Scrolls, AMAZING game!
  9. Id go with Jcarle's option! Wait for the sales and special offers! else you will defo regret it if you buy now, or much later on all the deals you would have missed!
  10. First of all, define crash.... Windows Freezes? BSOD? Programs Crash? Computer fails to boot into Windows? Restart after Windows update to have: Missing operating system...?
  11. Maleko


    haha, some gd ones there!
  12. Ok, the laptop: Asus A6 Pro laptop The problem: this happens RARELY - When you press the power on button the power light come son for a second, then turns of...after that the laptop wont turn on until you disconnect power, remove battery, then try again, then it will work, sometimes it will happen a few times before it will post. This happens with AND without main power connected. Its totally random, can't work it out...any ideas?
  13. Best option for a network drive is defo NAS. You can share an existing USB drive if you just share it out on the computer its connected to. Although, that PC has to be on for others to access it.
  14. i cant stand this feature...im guessing its called sommit different here? we call it predictive text....that what were discussing?
  15. Christmas for me, New year is just another day
  16. I have my normal TFT for my primary display. I then have a S-Video lead that goes to my TV. Now, before nvidia releases their nvidia control panel, I could easily select in display properties, Extended my desktop to the TV (2 monitors shwon in display properties). Now I cant do that since the nvidia control panel. The onyl way I can get an image on my TV, is to run their display wizward, which assumes you have a HDTV connected, and will only display it as a clone, using ym TFTs resolution, which is no good as it is 1280x1024, to big for a TV, and also the TV dispalys black and white! Has anyone else encountered this? or anyone got a idea for a solution?
  17. Armour whores will love that!
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