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Everything posted by Dixel

  1. I think you won't be impressed . Even though they were quite expensive , they aren't for hard core gamers . I prefer German quality , so I always buy Fujitsu Siemens (yes, they were still made in Germany up until 2018, don't know about now). If you want the models , some of them are D3012-a1 GS3 with 16GB DDR3 , D2912-A1 GS2 16GB and I game on a haswell board Siemens Fujitsu D3221-A12 GS2 W26361-W3321-Z3-04-36 , LGA 1150 , DDR3 32GB , it supports SLI . I love their design and quality . none of the Fujitsu Siemens goods have failed me yet. (for decades). Also , got several 24 inch Fujitsu Siemens premium monitors 16:10.
  2. I have a unique driver version 373.19 x64 and x86 too (released on 1st of January 2017) , it was available only for those who paid for extended support . Only for Fujitsu Siemens notebooks' owners (some models) . So , as you may guess , I'm the owner of this marvel ! This driver works on laptops and desktops too . I'm guessing it could help you , no ? I mean , you could compare the dlls , right ? It has outstanding FPS in Vista . This driver includes the telemetry , but partially removed . I would gladly give these drivers to all of the members here , but their EULA forbids me to do so , sorry folks !!! But we know win32 has a Fujitsu-Siemens laptop , so no problem giving it to him ! Why silent about it ? I dunno , perhaps bacause he just stopped writing to me ... all of a sudden.
  3. The solution could be to use these flags : --process-per-site (force to run all facebook or any other site's tabs in one process , even if you have a gazilion of them opened) Also , some of the flags to reduce chrome's RAM and power consumption , esp. for notebooks. Here is a good compilation : --enable-low-end-device-mode --disable-highres-timer --disable-low-res-tiling --wm-window-animations-disabled --enable-rgba-4444-textures --disable-login-animations P.S. These are only to speed up the browser , the above flags do not have anything to do with privacy/security. These also reduce CPU usage , esp. at the start : --disable-background-networking --disable-preconnect
  4. C' mon , I was not laughing at you ! No jokes , you can test different 360 versions (including mine) and see the results for yourself. Who's version is the most advanced/protected ? Would be interesting if you make some screencaps ! Do not use your IP [not a joke]. In the end , we are trying to make a privacy oriented browser , aren't we ? https://browserleaks.com/webrtc https://browserleaks.com/webgl https://coveryourtracks.eff.org P.S. I have never ever told you I'm on twitter , etc. If you see any accounts pretending to be me (it's not me).
  5. * these (plural) , otherwise like and totally agree .
  6. And you need to understand , 360 browser is so rare , so if someone's using it with a Dutch or say UK/US IP , they're screwed . It means you're unique and you're logged and stored . In case someone's interested , just a small insight on how it happens . Cloudfare doesn't give a damn , they just tell it right in the open how they fingerprint and MITM us ! Of course they tell only about 5-7 % ... "When given a pair of User Agent and observed TLS Client Hello, MITMEngine detects differences between the given Client Hello and the one expected for the presented User Agent. For example, consider the following ..." https://blog.cloudflare.com/monsters-in-the-middleboxes/
  7. It won't help in the case of youtube ang google , because they already took your fingerprint and it is stored in their database forever. So you now have your own unique customer ID . I'm sure you could do your own research about fingerprinting. [if it wasn't not too "etreme for your blood" , lol ].
  8. You're welcome ! That's what MSFN is for ! To support and help the members , I'm sure @ArcticFoxie will agree.
  9. I doubt that it will ever be fixed, very much . I'd be glad If I'm wrong , though. In the meantime, I bought plenty of 100% Vista compatible mobos for the several generations ahead.
  10. Care to elaborate ? I use DX11 Nvidia drivers and play DX11 games with zero bugs on 64-bit Vista. Hardware : GTX Titan , CPU Quad Xeon x3370 , 16GB DDR3 RAM , Fujitsu-Siemens motherboard . You mean I would see the bugs if my mobo had USB 3.0 ? Yet another PC with the dreaded haswell , but in this case it's running x86 Vista , also : no bugs with DX11 Nvidia (zero). Driver version 373.06. USB 3.0 controller is on , but no drivers installed , the mobo treats all USB inputs as 2.0 and they work at ordinary USB 2 speeds.
  11. @ArcticFoxie, regarding your youtube crashes with this browser , found it for you , may wanna try this : "Back in version 62 of Chrome, they added a feature they called Media Engagement Index (MEI), which keeps a log of how many times you actually click on video and audio on various sites. Once you’ve actually clicked on a video on a site a certain number of times, it AUTOMATICALLY DISABLES AUTOPLAY PROTECTIONS for that site. What’s worse than that, they preload a list of sites that get a free bypass of autoplay protections, which includes many porn sites. Deciding that they did such a good job with this feature, they then proceeded to remove the autoplay settings from the interface in the browser...." Source : https://www.symbolcrash.com/2021/01/24/disable-unmuted-autoplay-in-chrome-version-62-and-above/ --disable-features=PreloadMediaEngagementData,MediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies,RecordMediaEngagementScores,RecordWebAudioEngagement PreloadMediaEngagementData – Disabling this feature will disable the list of sites that Google has pre-determined should be able to bypass autoplay protections. MediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies – Disabling this feature disallows sites that you use regularly to bypass autoplay protections. RecordMediaEngagementScores – Disabling this feature turns off the Media Engagement tracking altogether. RecordWebAudioEngagement – Disabling this feature turns off the Media Engagement tracking for web audio. Try enabling and disabling those features individually if you want to further tune this behaviour.
  12. It's should be a part of VC redist . Though, I didn't see api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-1.dll earlier , only api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll. You may try to download this dll from a reputable source and place it right beside this programme's executable. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0dll-is-missing/68151f0b-cbb1-4b5c-934e-792a62be20ac
  13. Hi ! I shan't go off-topic discussing any cultural differences [because it has nothing to do with the browser duscussion and this question] , and I couldn't do so [even if I wanted to] , simply because I don't know your nationality. I mean nationality, not citizenship. I could only guess , though. I wish you the same as you wished for me , of course (all the best, etc)! But the topic's question remains open. Why would they break this perfectly working function ? Actually , it was google's (spelled it right , for you) move to break it by removing it from the chrome's engine, see my comment above . So it is broken not only in 360 explorer ! I can only assume they did it to read user's DNS requests for the sake of spying and advertising and you always suggest these simple security topics to be "extreme" , why ? lol . I just gave you some articles to explain what this could/would mean . [unprotected DNS] . There are no "rants" here, lol. I'm a very calm person , you'd be surprised how calm ! Also , nothing "anti-Russian" (the articles were chosen to reflect cases in various countries), and even if it was (imagine for a second) , why would you be so worried about it ?
  14. Something to read before you go to sleep : "There's even airlines (and many other service providers) who'll hijack your traffic and modify it to inject their own things:" https://www.troyhunt.com/cloudflare-ssl-and-unhealthy-security-absolutism/ "An example of this is the Tunisian government's interception of the Facebook login page in 2011" https://www.theregister.com/2011/01/25/tunisia_facebook_password_slurping/ "Russian Rostelecom Compromises Internet Traffic Through BGP Hijacking " MITM https://www.cpomagazine.com/cyber-security/russian-rostelecom-compromises-internet-traffic-through-bgp-hijacking/ "The Man In The Middle Is Spying On You: How The NSA And Hackers Hijack Your Internet" MITM https://www.ibtimes.com/man-middle-spying-you-how-nsa-hackers-hijack-your-internet-1481354 "Researchers suspect that ISPs used their ability to control user trafic and redirect users..." https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/isp-involvement-suspected-in-the-distribution-of-finfisher-spyware/
  15. Not "too" . you only need one update for that kernel . I'm sorry I do not know anything about the "May" release , simply because I didn't try anything later than December and it was in December (obviously). The December release worked absolutely fine with that one [ KB4467700 x64 ]update . Or wait for the author to answer.
  16. I'm sorry , as of now , I do not disribute my version publicly . On the other hand , @ArcticFoxie does , I think he may give you the links to the latest releases.
  17. * This update must be installed before the kernel , on a clean SP2 Vista. And then you instal this kernel as admin (important) . If you install any later updates , they may rewrite the kernel files and you'll get BSOD.
  18. Last time I checked , you only need one update [ KB4467700 x64 ] to run this kernel version from December 2020 . I didn't try any newer versions (if there are any). P.S. This was performed by me in December , so something could be changed , but I doubt that.
  19. My experiences with any of the v12 versions are terrible . Browser crash upon trying to login to some websites with error "0xC0000005" , terribly slow scrolling of twitter and IG , not showing items in my basket in my favourite German shop . v13 by any of these authors : @ArcticFoxie , @Humming Owl and me , @Dixel [of course] all work absolutely fine .
  20. My whole idea was to eliminate all browser interactions with youtube , like "feed" , etc. I'm sure you know chrome had plenty of junk built in to interact with the known websites , without our input. You can search for these youself and try to disable them . Also , you could try to debug and see what happens right before the crash . We can't give p so easily , right ? Even though you say v12. is good , it's outdated . Do not work with my favourite shop, for example.
  21. Wow , just wow ! Not wanting to share your personal data with ad companies considered to be extremist ? Sounds very dem./leftist.
  22. And you're wrong , I think . American ISPs often sell DNS data to ad companies (it is not even forbidden to do so by the laws in the states, please prove that I'm wrong). So your ISP and other parties know all about sites you visit. On the other hand , using gurgle or crowdfare would be sharing that info with them . What's better ?
  23. It doesn't work on Vista either and you know why ? Simply because it was removed from chrome somewhere around v82. There is no such flag anymore . Opera devs somehow managed to return the function back in the later Opera versions and it works , but 360 chinese "devs" didn't get it back ! I'm not suggesting that Opera is a good browser , just so you know , but it's a fact and the setting works. The flag name was chrome://flags/#dns-over-https
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