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Everything posted by Dixel

  1. I think your theory is right , the crashes could be XP related. But also maybe due to one's hardware . What is you hardware ? Doesn't say on your profile . Mine is Siemens PC (workstation from 2010) PCIe 2.0 x16 with Quad Xeon and 16GB DDR3 RAM + GTX Titan 6GB (the first titan ever made).
  2. Well , I did , no crashes so far. I can't post a screenshot because I'm limited . Do you know how to delete the old attachments ? I open the page with them , but there's no "delete" button , only buttons that link to their post and things like "sorting". 2mb total limit is '90s ...
  3. I replaced it a long time ago , but it had an odd (chinese, russian ?) character right before the string and since I do not have any chinese/russian fonts (and my HEX prog. doesn't support any odd languages , only Western European) , I can't say for sure , but it looked like a glitch in my HEX programme , when I was typing , the text was moving in that area : left - right !!! Can you imagine ? So I just typed all of the text in direct HEX mode and never got any glitches .
  4. I have a landline phone with a caller ID function , made by Alcatel , bought from a German hardware shop . I was so glad that I god rid of the d@mn Panasonic , because it demanded to change 3x1.5v batteries every 2months !!! And the Alcatel works without them at all , even though it has a much better LCD display ! Also , many simple cell phones with buttons. A ton of old Nokias and Philipses from 2001 to 2007, I'm terribly sorry , I do not even want to remember their models. Old Philips phones have the best long lasting batteries . The only dumbphones I had (or even forced) to buy were just meant to make gifts (parents , girlfriends , etc). Yes , my parents use various smartphones , lol !
  5. No , youtube just loads less scripts and bloat if it "sees" older user agents . Try to spoof your UA with something older , while using v.13.1106. And choose x86 UA strings. I know for sure youtube and other sites load less fat to 32-bit systems .
  6. They do not show us things like these here at the front pages . Why ? Perhaps because we also sent troops there and now it's all in vain . Dutch men dead and all for nothing ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN3ca56n-ls
  7. What do you mean "two" ? I understand you do not like dark themes , but take a closer look at the upper part , it's plenty of videos playing at the same time.
  8. Teach me how to crash my browser . I can open any amount and they still won't crash . Version 1106.
  9. I have to disagree , sorry . We had lived here very good , before the fall of the wall , before the Eastern European countries were allowed to join the EU . Before all these "modern" globalist agendas . Before we gave up our own hard currency in 1999-2002 , Dutch guilder , which was like between 2 and 3 US bucks per 1 Guilder and almost 2.3 Euro to 1 ! Dutch Guilder was one of the leading currencies in the world along with the British Pound. We kinda didn't have any inflation at all (!) . We simply could buy more goods with our own money ! I do not have anything against folks from Eastern Europe , but our prices went higher and higher during all these years (post 2000-2001) ! I'm just stating the facts . I'd say it became tougher to pay for everything somewhere in 2003-2004 . It became harder to find a job simply because the companies prefer to hire someone who'll work for cheap (from another country). I do not know your age . Do you remember the eighties and the early '90s ? Anyway , it's hard to compare our countries simply because your country was not free during that years , just like this poor guy's country under communist occupation . And all I see it all is coming back .
  10. I wasn't aware of android phones without cables . Did you actually measure the transfer speed ? Did you try to use this mobo with another OS (clean) ?
  11. Usually tells that this port and/or the device is somewhat damaged or it's simply not enough power. Try using another cable , a shorter one ! There may be a very high resistance in the old one.
  12. Reach with what exactly ? The OP was asking about his specific notebook model , Dell Latitude E6530. So the advice was given looking at the specs. This CPU/laptop is like what , 10 years old ? I can't imagine any possible scenario where he could reach all 16GB of RAM . This machine has 3rd gen Intel Core i3-3110M Processor (2.4GHz, 3M cache). It's underpowered , he just can't play any modern (and not so modern) games on that ! Wait a minute , I kinda know , perhaps if he joins @ArcticFoxie's 360 browser contest in a desperate attempt to open 189283028302 pages with youtube and play all videos all at once... Full laptop specs , says 2011 at the end of the page. https://www.cnet.com/products/dell-latitude-e6530-laptop-computer-3rd-gen-intel-core-i3-3110m-processor-2-4ghz-3m-cache-blctu2s2/
  13. @Tripredacus , I see . Perhaps you'll find this to be of interest . I've noticed some of the latest browsers do include this function and there's no need to use any extensions . Today I tried Opera developer 79.0.4100.0 and it shows as Mixed Content Test : upgraded to HTTPS . Now I don't know what you think of Opera since it's also chinese . But if you want to test , look here with new Opera. For example , Chrome 86 (360 Browser) will load mixed content. https://browserleaks.com/ssl
  14. What about your UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) . Batteries went dead ?
  15. Yep , I can confirm , the exact same hour difference with my time zone also , but I just so don't care ... so don't care . I don't even remeber when was the last time I opened "history" page before .
  16. Thank you . This modified browser has everything that any other ordinary chrome from the same version does , includung "inspect element" feature and that's precisely what I used . You're right ! HTTPS Everywhere , no I do not use it , and I think the other members from this topic do not use it too, hence the unsafe warning. We have our suspisions about it , discussed here earlier . "... because the extension sends information about the sites the user visits to the SSL Observatory, this could be used to track the user ... " But I do not know why @ArcticFoxie removed "excerpt" and the wikipedia article too. https://msfn.org/board/topic/182876-360-extreme-explorer-modified-version/?do=findComment&comment=1203119 https://msfn.org/board/topic/182876-360-extreme-explorer-modified-version/page/15/?tab=comments#comment-1203124
  17. You can just test it and see for yourself whether it's working or not . Run cmd.exe and copy/paste these commands. The command to enable TRIM : fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0 The command to test TRIM : fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify Yes, you need to type "behavior" instead of the much more common "behaviour". Also , disable the page file completely (you can even delete the pagefile.sys later) , if you have enough RAM , I'd say with 8-16GB of RAM it's absolutely fine to disable it. https://www.minitool.com/lib/pagefile-sys.html
  18. That's what puzzles me . How come you don't have cert. errors then ? So your system is super clever and able to update them on it's own ? You're a unique case then ! People are struggling to make their system update them automatically (that's why ucyborg suggested that tool). My Vista is not modified , I remember you asked earlier , but it is not able to update the certs on it's own .
  19. It seems I've found what was the culprit !!! At least for me , it's the links that some of the members inlcude in their signature . 360 browser is indeed good, it marks additional resources as insecure and the browser is absolutely right , because I don't have any cert. for that resources. For example , it shows this warning on jaclaz's posts , I've opened some of his recent comments and I've got this warning right away ! Why the browser marks these resources as insecure , it's simple : no certs. With all due respect to this wonderful member . jaclaz.altervista.org http://jaclaz.altervista.org/Projects/freedom_of_skin.htm P.S. @beansmuggler , it makes no sense to compare the behaviour of Firefrox and any other chrome browser because firefox has it's own cert. system !
  20. Well , you're absolutely right ! The first rule of the internet : trust no one ..... including Microsoft , lol. So how do you update your certs then ? By manually unpacking cab files and installing them , right ? I gather you don't trust that 3rd party tool suggested by @UCyborg too ? Care to elaborate ? Thanks. P.S. Legacyfan's certs are legit , 100% legit , I checked . He just wrote a bat file to install them all at once as admin. I would show them to you , but the admins might be against it , since they already deleted his pack earlier.
  21. Well , for me it was an obvious choice when the problems with online shopping started . As you may know, Vista was cut off from browsing along with XP in 2016 . So I started looking for a browser long before the famous extended kernel project by @win32 started and found UC browser and 360 (a bit later) , of course I had to spend a big deal of time writing my own launcher and removing the telemetry . I think I shall continue to use 360EE in the future . Why ? The extended kernel doesn't help with extensions, like at all . For example , you can't install adblock on anything higher than Chrome 60 , terribly outdated. I did manage to pull a trick and forced the adblock with version 81 , but it is older than 360EE which is based on 86 . Do I have to explain any further ? So using the ex-kernel makes no sense for me , at least until the problem with extensions is gone . And with 360 I can use whatever I like/want .
  22. Says who ? Link , please ! I read it was something like "also works on XP" .
  23. Didn't work for me on Vista , even though I have no updates . It pulled some (but not all certificates) , for example twitter was still giving me errors . The only solution that helped, read my comment above.
  24. Oh man , even though I put a like on your post again , It's just sometimes hard to follow what you're trying to tell . If the above from your comment is true , how come you say you don't see any cert. errors with your XP then ? As for me , I'm seeing this "unsecure warning" right now and sometimes (better say from time to time) only on this website and only when logged in ! @UCyborg , I read you didn't see it , was it when you not looged in ? As for the other cert. errors , I think I already wrote here that I have none (except for this) with 360EE , since I installed the cert. pack by @legacyfan.
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