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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. You should note that it is a beta version of what is planned to be a paid-for product. It is not planned to be a "free web browser".
  2. lol, truth be told I started doing that on my local archives back when MSFN had a GIGANTIC "donate money or risk MSFN shutting down" banner plastered on the forum. I had (still visit) a couple other forums on standby in case MSFN did shut down.
  3. Is it GUI fonts or web site fonts that you are wanting to be different? If web site fonts -- https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/453435-%E5%85%A8%E5%B1%80%E8%8B%B9%E6%96%B9/code https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/419363-%E5%85%A8%E5%B1%80%E5%BE%AE%E8%BD%AF%E9%9B%85%E9%BB%91/code https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/419362-%E5%85%A8%E5%B1%80%E6%80%9D%E6%BA%90%E9%BB%91%E4%BD%93/code If GUI fonts - Display Properties -> Appearance -> Advanced -> Message Box - font, size, bold, and italic all work, I have not tried to get the color setting to work - 360Chrome must be closed when applying these changes --
  4. Agreed. Though I would reword that to say third-party javascript. (no space, I read java scripts with a space and think Java code) MSFN tends to be the "net savvy" crowd that don't allow third-party javascripts "willy-nilly".
  5. I find 1030 to manage RAM much better than 2036. I have also had disappearing fonts in 2036. Extremely rare and only while editing Stylus userstyles. But have never had disappearing fonts in 1030. There is no "night and day" difference between the two, I just find 1030 to be much more MATURE and STABLE of a product, with nothing "added" upstream that we here at MSFN just remove anyway. 1030 on the left. 2036 on the right. Two identical VMs with identical tasks performed in 1030 versus 2036. ie, note Process Hacker reporting Page Faults - in a perfect world, this number would be ZERO. 2036 will "fault" twice as often as 1030.
  6. An interesting watch indeed! Particularly the notion that a "sandbox" OPENS UP VULNERABILITIES that would otherwise NOT EXIST if the computer was not running "anti-virus". The whole notion of Zero Day has always been enough for me to NOT run anti-virus - a heuristic scan cannot protect you from something it does not know how to find! And BINGO! As the presenter stated, "The reason I don't get malware is that I don't click on things, I don't download attachments". We called this "net savvy" back in the day. Also, as the presenter states, "I don't just download apps I get from the internet, especially free apps, and then run them without making sure they are authentic." It's also why I will not use a web browser that doesn't have a "status bar" - it is an ingrained habit to hover, eye down to status bar, read status bar, spin some brain gears based on that read, then go from there.
  7. Download link in first post. Notes regarding YouTube, rebasing, "ungoogled" versus "regular", skins, Extension page, WebGL, et cetera in several of our "served reversed" posts.
  8. Enhancer for YouTube still works for me. I can no longer pipe YouTube through Proxomitron "and" Enhancer but relying on Enhancer "plus" uMatrix continues to work quite well. My uMatrix doesn't allow anything outside of youtube.com and googlevideo.com domains.
  9. I personally dislike using YouTube as some form of a "barometer" to gauge whether a web browser is "good" or not, whether an old computer is "good" or not, et cetera. My host computer has NEVER stuttered on YouTube. NEVER! 360Chrome v13.5 is the ONLY web browser I've ever used on YouTube. So I have NO CLUE how ANY other browser would or would not perform as far as YouTube is concerned. In fact, until becoming an MSFN Member and sharing these 360Chrome builds, I have literally NEVER visited YouTube. Okay, "never say never". I knew it played ADS left and right and therefore I would boycott the living sh#t out of ever "wanting" anything to do with YouTube. It was only because of "all" members here at MSFN being "YouTube Junkies" that I myself kind of 'had to' find a way to make YouTube "tolerable" (ie, ENHANCER FOR YOUTUBE, "don't leave home without it"). And sure, nowadays I am on YouTube daily at work for "background noise". But as far as STUTTERS - I've never encountered any on my host computer - not on my 16GB RAM XP x64, not on my 2GB RAM XP x86. I do get stutters in a VM even with 3GB RAM allocated. No stutters if I use a non-rebased 360Chrome using 200MB per process. No stutters if I use a rebased 360Chrome with per-process RAM under control. No stutters on build 1030 which I'm showing as having RAM under control without even rebasing (provided we don't let it load both "360base.dll" and "chrome.dll"). And the FUNNY thing about YouTube is the GREAT LENGTHS its "userbase" will go to make it "tolerable". I find various YouTube "front-ends" to peg CPU or RAM much MUCH higher than just "regular" YouTube - yet folks will still swear by the use of those "front-ends". As even recent discussions have pointed out, many "tamers" for YouTube also peg CPU or RAM much MUCH higher than just using "regular" YouTube. Sometimes we just make life difficult on ourselves and life would be so much easier if we just learned to not make our own lives difficult. Is YouTube "stuttering" because you are playing 1080p or 1440p "high def"? I personally play everything at 480p. And the very RARE times that I select 720p or even 1080p, THERE IS NO VIDEO DIFFERENCE. At least very rarely! Playing a video at 1080p when it was RECORDED from something only capable of recording 480p - video resolution doesn't miraculously "upscale" like that.
  10. Try this. Go to https://downloadtestfile.com/ and select either the 10GB or 5GB Large Test File. No need to download the entire file. Do not use a "download manager", we are testing 360Chrome's download speed, not the speed of a "download manager". Once downloading, open 360Chrome's Download Manager dialog and report what speed that file downloads for you.
  11. Thanks. Have not tried yet, but have on the to-do list.
  12. I'm looking to have uploads available within the next day or two. With the "planned obsolescence" of the Chrome Web Store even functioning on 360Chrome, I wonder if we really even need a "regular" version and only an "ungoogled" should be available?
  13. WebGL Note that WebGL is enabled by default. For those that wish to disable it, add --disable-webgl to the Parameters line in 360Loader.ini
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