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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. @Anbima - I totally get the font issue, I really do. Font subpixel rendering literally gives me migraines and I have to resort to several tactics to get fonts on my system to look "right". One add-on won't do it all. One user script won't do it all. One style sheet won't do it all. My four lines of defense are (in this order) - Proxomitron uMatrix Stylus web browser Developer Tools (F12) Sure, we "could" add Tampermonkey to the mix, but it's not really the right tool for the job. While uMatrix is "above" Stylus, it is only in the sense of BLOCKING third-party fonts, I do not use uMatrix to perform what Stylus is better at performing. Proxomitron is the "Swiss Army Knife" of web filtering - but it isn't for everyone and has a steep learning curve. A few of my Proxomitron filters associated with fonts - And you've seen what Stylus can do. But sometimes we need to consider that sometimes we make life more difficult than it needs to be and the web browser's Developer Tools (F12) is really all that is needed. If I visit something like DHL only a dozen or so visit during one month of the year and it's never visited the other ELEVEN months of the year - is a "permanent" solution for DHL really even "needed"? Especially when the web browser's Developer Tools is only a few clicks away and you can change a web pages font rendering "temporarily" within SECONDS as opposed to the HOURS it takes seeking something "permanent" or something "all-encompassing"?
  2. You will NOT find ONE rule that fits EVERYWHERE. I will repeat what I said earlier -- I'm unsure if you are aware of how long the road is that you are about to travel. There are folks that write styles sheets with TWO HUNDRED lines of code that still don't catch "everything". There are folks that write user scripts with TWO HUNDRED lines of code that still don't catch "everything". As far as your latest URL, using body, html, h3, p {font-family: Arial !important;} catches more fonts on that URL, but still not "all". I suppose you could try * {font-family: Arial !important;} (note the WILD-CARD ASTERISK) and see if that is satisfactory.
  3. It's not that "linear". If it takes uBO 400ms to perform what Stylus can do in 200ms and having both only increases RAM by 10 MB but results in saving 200ms a thousand times per day, then that to me is kind of a no-brainer. Every user must weigh their own pros and cons. My hunch is that you have extensions that I view as "worthless". That doesn't make them worthless to you. uBO is obviously FAILING at the task you are asking it to do or we wouldn't be having this discussion.
  4. Stylus is the correct tool for the job. uBlock may be able to "in a limited fashion" but it does not do it as well as Stylus.
  5. The "light turning on" or the "disk spinning" is not one in the same with "files are being scanned". That was my primary point. Those three finds are from very old versions, I grant you that, but they to contain "facts" that files are not being scanned just because the disk spins or the light turns on. At any rate, now it has befallen to which of us is going to get the "last word". I'll let you, as we both know you will reply . As so often is the case here at MSFN, someone says "done" but they actually keep coming back, "my bad". LOL I'm going to blame it on long Holiday Weekend and "boredom".
  6. I use version 1.5.15. Unsure if newer versions are MV3 or MV2. 360Chrome can only use MV2 extensions. I often intentionally user OLDER versions as newer is often just bloated and not as efficient. https://www.crx4chrome.com/crx/45976/ You then need to write a style sheet. I'm unsure if you are aware of how long the road is that you are about to travel. I also style-sheet my Stylus interface, so this will not look the same on your end. This style sheet sets ALL body and html tags on ALL web sites visited to Arial. This will override the "Delivery" font on your DHL example and the "Roboto" font on your everydrop-counts example. If you wanted to apply to only specific web sites, you would add them using the "plus sign" to the right of "Applies to Everything". You may also find that some web sites that you want "Delivery" or "Roboto" changed will have them set in a tag other than body or html. Something like <div> or <span> or the list is endless. There may not be a "one-size fits all" approach and this "fix" could grow quite easily.
  7. It's kind of an "infinite loop" argument, if you ask me. You are correct that no reports exist for official v115. But how much of that is because official v115 does not work on hardware where floppy disks even exist? I've never witnessed this when I did have hardware that did have a floppy disk. I no longer have that hardware. I also no longer run XP (nor do you). What we need, if we truly want accuracy and not heresay, is somebody that has XP and a floppy drive. I did not witness this "bug" when I did have a floppy drive. I fear neither one of us is doing the "argument" ANY justice. So to me, we both win. And we both lose. That's the best I can do for you, lol. Though now I'm kind of curious, would an external DVD Burner have this same "bug"? I do have an external USB-driven DVD Burner.
  8. The FDD light turning on is NOT an indication of "files being scanned". NOR does it have ANYTHING to do with "country of origin". This is PROPAGANDA and MISINFORMATION. I'm done. <dead horse>
  9. Feel free to research before jumping on some bandwagon blaming this to be "from that country" or only after Opera was sold by Norwegians to Asia. Here is Chrome v24 accessing floppy drive -- https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=153763 Here is Chrome v26 accessing floppy drive -- https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=173953 Here is Chrome v28 accessing floppy drive -- https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=234318 This is NOT a "from that country" or "sold to the Asians" CONSPIRACY.
  10. Are you referring to this - https://msfn.org/board/topic/180462-my-browser-builds-part-2/?do=findComment&comment=1187101 ? I don't use dark themes but I'm finding over a hundred .css files inside the ft_deepdark.jar file.
  11. It is here. But that page takes a very VERY long time to load. The userscript doesn't actually replace the font until AFTER it fully loads.
  12. Me thinks 720p shall do just fine. No real fire has a crisp and clear distinction between adjacent shades of orange, yellow, red, or blue. And flames aren't as fast-paced as some action flick on the Big Screen. "This fireplace doesn't look real, I've never seen black backgrounds at the campsight show my reflection like this shiny TV and its crisp color ratio." Hmm, maybe that's it, I want my world to look "real" and not like a cartoon. waka waka waka
  13. // ==UserScript== // @name -- Replace Font // @version 0.1 // @exclude https://www.google.com/* // @exclude https://www.bing.com/* // ==/UserScript== var elementList = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (var i = elementList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var elementItem = elementList; var style = getComputedStyle(elementItem, ''); elementItem.style.fontFamily = style.fontFamily.replace(/Tahoma/i, 'Arial'); elementItem.style.fontFamily = style.fontFamily.replace(/Roboto/i, 'Arial'); }
  14. That one plays smooth for me in 1080p (its maximum here in 360Chrome, did not check if it goes higher in other browsers). Even on the ancient Core2 Quad Q6700 with 4GB RAM that I am on at the moment. Well, "smooth" other than the actors acting like they are in zero-gravity. At least it "looked like" actors acting and not real NASA footage (didn't watch the whole thing).
  15. Way too early to tell. This is beta. Too quick to judge at this stage of the game. We have all witnessed such "bugs in quality" in very early releases of everything from web browsers to extended kernels to start menu alternatives. Even a Supermium release has this note - "An earlier release of 118.0.5991.0 was withdrawn due to a critical bug specific to Windows 7." We should give the author/creator of this Chrome 115 on XP every benefit of the doubt we give "early releases" of Supermium, extended kernels, StartIsBack, et cetera.
  16. Sorry, this one is not for me. Mileage may vary, of course. But the settings/options is not LOCAL and has to go through the internet. Doesn't mean anything "bad" is going on, it's just "not for me". edit - I didn't even get as far as playing any YouTube videos to even "see" what it does, the non-local options page and donation page popup alone is a showstopper for my liking.
  17. Agreed! With this discussion, I spent the last half hour hunting for 1080p+ videos - I could find very few! Yes, 480p to 720p is "huge" and 720p to 1080p is "small". I had to search and search and search to find those rare nuggets of gold for anything higher than 1080p. I guess I literally just don't have a clue as to what to even hunt for. Most require DRM (an assumption, hit with a blank screen saying my browser cannot play the video yet the link tells me my browser IS UP TO DATE [faking UA, of course]) which doesn't work with 360Chrome anyway. I guess I need some reference videos as I can't find them. Just what the heck are you guys watching via YouTube on 360Chrome? I did find a ton of sitcoms from the '80s that I've bookmarked for later enjoyment - but being from the '80s, these were literally 360p MAX, some even MAX'D at 240p.
  18. If you wish to disable Roboto font in Tampermonkey's own GUI - 1) Chrome -> User Data -> Default -> Extensions -> [Tamerpermonkey 32char folder] -> [Tamermonkey version folder] -> style.css >>> REPLACE font-family:"Roboto" with font-family:"Arial" 2) Chrome -> User Data -> Default -> Extensions -> [Tamerpermonkey 32char folder] -> [Tamermonkey version folder] -> style.css >>> REPLACE @font-face{font-family:"LocalRoboto" with @font-face{font-family:"DISABLED-Roboto"
  19. This works for me at https://everydrop-counts.org/ml (but it will not fix the Roboto font used in chrome://flags or Tampermonkey's own GUI) - // ==UserScript== // @name -- Replace Font // @version 0.1 // @include * // ==/UserScript== var elementList = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (var i = elementList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var elementItem = elementList; var style = getComputedStyle(elementItem, ''); elementItem.style.fontFamily = style.fontFamily.replace(/Roboto/i, 'Arial'); }
  20. Okay, I can replicate. (for reference: https://everydrop-counts.org/ml ) I assume that you also have these ugly fonts at chrome://flags/ - correct? If yes, that you have these ugly fonts both on web pages that you visit and at chrome://flags then the issue is Roboto font-family. This font-family is hard-coded in chrome.dll and it is easily replaced with arial but you would still need a Tampermonkey/Stylus type of fix to replace Roboto on web sites that you visit.
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