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Jody Thornton

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Everything posted by Jody Thornton

  1. I have a collection of Post-EOL updates for XP 64 that I could also send you. These were excellent for extending life to XP x64 Edition until July 2015. :)
  2. Oh and maybe some good news for an AMO replacement https://blog.waterfoxproject.org/waterfox-56.2.5-release-download It's Waterfox specific, but it might be helpful to other Gecko users.
  3. So is this Borealis and Interlink? EDIT: Never mind ....lol. I see it inside the files now.
  4. You all knew this day would come. Still kinda sad though! https://www.ghacks.net/2018/11/29/it-appears-that-mozilla-removed-all-classic-extensions-from-firefox-add-ons/
  5. You know @greenhillmaniac it just occurred to me: getting the Windows RT update didn't cost me an ARM and a leg to get! (thank you, thank you - I'll be here all week)
  6. @greenhillmaniacYou sir, were a tremendous help. I have my December 2017 Rollup for Windows RT. Thanks a million for linking me up. Cheers!
  7. I was kinda thinking the same thing. Thanks for your help @Mcinwwl
  8. @greenhillmaniacSomeday I'll risk installing updates again, so at that time, I'll qualify as "whoever"
  9. Look at me with all of the RT questions ....lol Is there a decent enough Metro app that I can use for Facebook chat? IE 11 (metro) is not really reliable any more. I tried installing 8 Chat, but I guess too much has changed in Facebook for it to work properly now.... sniff. It doesn't have to be a great app, just as long as it works.
  10. @greenhillmaniac, I just uninstalled KB2871389, KB2885699, KB2957026. Surprised I missed these. Thank you so much.
  11. Now what I'd want to know is that, if I install all of the updates for Server 2012, from December 2017 to current (but skipping whichever month has Spectre/Meltdown), would I incur slow downs of a significant type? Is it OK to skip the month's update?
  12. Holy Crap @greenhillmaniac. I posted my question there. In the meantime, I found the rollup for September 2017, and I will install that one. You friggin' amaze me!
  13. Now here's my question: is Windows 10 not supposed to be supported for the life of the device it's installed on? Does this not nullify Microsoft's agreement?
  14. Hey Folks: I realize that updates for Windows RT are supposed to only be delivered through Windows Update. But would anyone know where a repository might exist for older monthly rollups? I want to update my Surface tablet to a November or December 2017 timeline. My understanding is that IE 11 updates are integrated into the rollups. If they can be obtained separately, that would be better I'm looking for either the November or December 2017 rollup for Windows 8.1 RT. On Windows Update, only the November 2018 rollup is offered. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. @UCyborg , there was a time that I would have been the complete opposite of you, but now two things have changed my stance: not only has there been evidence of performance degradation with recent Windows 8x updates; now there has been very problematic updates for not only Windows 10, but Microsoft Office as well. https://www.ghacks.net/2018/11/20/office-too-microsoft-pulls-office-patches/ https://www.ghacks.net/2018/11/16/look-windows-10-version-1809-has-even-more-issues/
  16. It just happened https://www.ghacks.net/2018/11/19/avast-18-8-is-the-last-version-for-windows-xp-and-vista/
  17. I installed security only updates, starting with November 2017, and went backwards. All superseeded updates wouldn't install, saying that they weren't required.
  18. Only problem now though is that the definitions are getting larger and the older MSE build causes a lot of CPU overheads (and sometimes slow downs during browsing)
  19. Does anyone have such a list of updates to block on Windows Server 2012? I understand there would be low demand for such a thing, but I was just curious. By the way, I mean the original release (as in Windows NT 6.2), not R2.
  20. And if you look at this thread, it appears that the KB4462926 rollup for Windows 8.1 contains telemetry. I can't be sure if it's in the Server 2012 rollup. Mind you, I'd only be installing Security-Only updates
  21. Well I was asleep this week ....lol. I forgot to post the updates I've downloaded for Windows 8, natively from Server 2012. KB4467678 (Security Only Update) KB4467694 (Adobe Flash Update) **** INSTALLED **** KB4466536 (Internet Explorer 10 Update) **** INSTALLED **** KB4459944 (.NET v4.5.2 Update Rollup)
  22. Great! That means it's likely present in the Server 2012 update that I'd use for Windows 8. Damn that @NoelC - it appears he's right again. See I've been waiting for the ABSOLUTE GREEN LIGHT to install updates from December 2017 onwards (skipping only the month with the Spectre and Meltdown mitigations). I just wouldn't feel right in October 2023, having only updated my system to five years ago. But it's almost starting to make sense. My whole reason for sticking with Windows 8 was that Microsoft seemed to leave it alone, yet I could still manually patch it. I'll be interested in what measures you come up with @pcalvert
  23. I got two Windows 8 Pro licenses - the first for $60, and the second for $40. I wonder if he still has any of them left. You can get Windows 7 Pro loaded on refurbished decent machines easily enough.
  24. But you know that Interlink is only going to be Windows 7 and higher right? I'm OK with that, but I know your efforts with Basilisk and New Moon were XP-specific.
  25. Yes that's correct @rick_reversal. I've ran two builds of it, and it's a nice OS.
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