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Jody Thornton

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Everything posted by Jody Thornton

  1. Trying New Moon v27.9.4 with a new profile, and now for a smilie :) ........................... D'OH! :(
  2. I tried creating a new profile, and tried New Moon 27. Walmart Canada shows the prices and "cart" buttons. I upgrade to 28 - sure enough it still works. So my old profile must be all bunged up. But now I notice that Facebook seems faster on New Moon 27. Hmmmmmm - Me thinks I'll go back to it perhaps.
  3. Are there any obvious tips to make Basilisk 55 render as fast as New Moon? I've modified the initialpaintdelay and content.notify settings to match what I have in New Moon. I've also reduced the max network connections to 250 (like in New Moon) EDIT: Turns out I'm an id*** - No not in the way @jaclaz or @submix8c used to think (kidding kidding). But the reason I had slowdowns? I had set the Max Entry Size for cached items to "1" instead of what I intended which was "-1" (for unlimited size. Now performance is much more comparable to New Moon. :p Whew!
  4. Well I do concede that New Moon is much faster than Basilisk 55, however - some sites don't render properly. On Walmart Canada's site, there are no prices or "add to cart" buttons on any products. But in Basilisk 55, the prices and buttons show up properly.
  5. Hey Guys: Giving Basilisk 55 a try. Does anyone know how to download and install the Google search engine? There is no longer a "Download Anyway" button on the Firefox Add-Ons pages (I guess because of XUL being deprecated) Edit: Never mind - I got it from here. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-Us/firefox/search-tools/general
  6. Well, it's been verified to run on Windows 7, and Windows 8 includes .NET v4.5, so I think it would run. Now just to test if I could run DOS games on it (and better than in DOSBox) :)
  7. So @NoelC, I want to review my latest "planned" strategy with you for my upcoming Windows 8 installation. Anyone can chime in of course. and I've eluded to this plan in previous posts already (but here goes) First I will install Windows 8 Pro x64 I will install the December 2017 Security-Only update, then November, then October ..... all the way back to February 2016. Superseded updates will not install. I will install the September 2018 IE10 update, then August, then July ..... all the way back to February 2016. Superseded updates will not install. Next I will scan for Windows Updates, and my hope is that ONLY Windows updates that haven't been superseded by Server 2012 (post January 2016) patches, will be made available. I'll install those updates only. Does anyone think I'm asking for a boat-load of instability here? The final outcome is to update Windows 8 to a timeline of December 2017 (except for IE10 and Flash which will be current)
  8. Well I'm trying out Comodo AV Free v11 (which is not supposed to support Vista - but it runs). With realtime access enabled, it's just a smidgen slower, but it appears to scan and run REALLY well. Whew!
  9. It appears that Comodo Free Antivirus now only supports Windows 7 or higher EDIT: Actually it appears to install :)
  10. @SRainharp The machine (which is an HP xw8200) is PERFECTLY supported by XP x64 Edition. all of the drivers are included, even the SCSI subsystem.
  11. I have a Dell D610 notebook that came with XP, but I switched over to Puppy Linux (Precise v5.7.1). I sorta have it looking like a cross between Windows NT 4.0 (with a very 95-esque feel) and by using the Helvetica font on the title bars and menus, it also has a classic OS/2 feel to it. Now the Puppy distro I use is no longer maintained, however it runs Pale Moon v27.9.4 just fine. For quick and dirty browsing and for email, it serves the purpose. I have thought of employing Windows XP x64 Edition on to my old Vista workstation and using it as an audio editing suite, and it would be used offline. After all, updates ended for it as of July 2015, right @Thrawn? (I think his profile got blasted with the recent site restoration, eh?)
  12. The only real issue I see is something that @NoelCbrought up in his analysis of installing Windows 8.1 updates. He is not so sure that skipping updates and installing later ones will produce a stable system environment. The Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 update for Spectre and Meltdown came in March of last year. My intention would have been to keep my system patched, and just skip the March update. I did pretty much the same thing with Vista. I installed the Server 2008 updates all the way through to August of this year, but I skipped the two updates I quoted above. Slight throughput degradation was becoming evident, and higher CPU usage and CPU fans were running while I was browsing. Also whenever I ran uTorrent v2.2.1, I could never close it. Even using Task Manager, you could never kill the task. I'd have to restart Vista completely. So, I uninstalled all of the updates back to March 2018, and I removed MSE (since I heard that it's larger definitions might be responsible for the high CPU usage). Well performance has improved SIGNIFICANTLY. Now for me, it might matter little because I'm almost ready to dump Vista and my old workstation, for a replacement machine with Windows 8. But even then, I only plan to update to a December 2017 date line (just to see if performance stays high). One one hand, I want to be able to patch my system (I don't want to stay at December 2017 forever), but I'm becoming unsure if skipping a month, then installing later patches will not lead to the instability I had recently with Vista. A lot to consider.
  13. @cc333, look in @greenhillmaniac's repository. They are listed. KB4089229 (Meltdown) KB4090450 (Spectre)
  14. Plus I thought .NET v4.7 could be installed on Windows 7. Or is there a newer version?
  15. As for the email issue, if you liked Outlook Express, you can use Windows Mail on 7. The forums at eightforums.com have a detailed thread about it. I cannot agree with the Windows 10 recommendation, however Windows 8.1 is in support until 2023. You can COMPLETELY hide Metro apps and that Start Screen so don't let that dissuade you.
  16. That's the same error I received. I wonder if I should use it on Windows 8 instead of DOSBox.
  17. Will this run on Windows 8 or Vista? I know it needs .NET v4.5. (just checking before I junk my own system)
  18. No @Vistapocalypse, by all means - these are interesting observations.
  19. Yeah but I wanted to see if there was anything to it - and there was ....lol. Besides, if I had tried it, and my results didn't agree with yours, I would have just reinstalled MSE. No harm done. :)
  20. I was going to look at Comodo AV Free (I tried it once with XP x64 and it ran well - but that was November 2011). I'll look up BitDefender. I wonder if manual scans with Malwarebytes v1.75 are still good enough. The application still accepts current definitions. :)
  21. I was using Malwarebytes 1.75 and SuperAntiSpyware (just to remove cookies). But I was just running manual scans. MSE never really caught anything, so I wonder how bad off I'd be just running Vista with no on-demand scanner. It runs better without MSE. :)
  22. Now let's try a smilie on New Moon. :) - Nope didn't work. so New Moon v28 has a compatibility issue! Pooh!
  23. I know in the "Last Versions of Software for Vista" thread, there's a whole list of still-working applications, but I wonder what most of you are all using for AV protection. I just jettisoned MSE 4.304.4 because of performance issues, so I'm looking for a good replacement. :)
  24. Wow! I turned on my PC, and I'm telling you seriously, Vista booted about 30% faster. I have never had Vista boot, or had applications load this quickly (and this is an old Netburst dual-Xeon with DDR2 memory) Obviously, MSE and 2018 updates were slowing things down.
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