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Everything posted by schwups
KernelEx 2022 (Kex22) Test Versions (
schwups replied to jumper's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
I also can't run ME on first test machine. I get three errors Rundll32 in Kernel32.dll on start. First: 0177:bff641a2 ... More tests will follow. -
"Slipstreamable" Intel Chipset INF Drivers
schwups replied to LoneCrusader's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
I use a MSI 915P Combo FR (MS-7058) for many years. The device manager shows exclamation marks at two of six motherboard resources. In my experience it isn't a problem. ACPI is enabled! 1. motherboard resources conflicts with E/A 0060-0060 used by Standard or Microsoft Nat. Keyboard E/A 0064-0064 used by Standard or Microsoft Nat. Keyboard 2. motherboard resources conflicts with memory area E0000000-EFFFFFFF used by motherboard resources No conflict with: Intel 82802 Firmware Hub-Device INF File MACHINE2.INF Hardware ID ACPI\*INT0800, *INT0800 -
"Slipstreamable" Intel Chipset INF Drivers
schwups replied to LoneCrusader's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
ATK0110: -
KernelEx 2022 (Kex22) Test Versions (
schwups replied to jumper's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Kext doesn't matter. I testet with a modified, the original Kstub822.ini and without Kext. Then I checked on two other machines. Opera doesn't start. It runs with default options [KernelEX is enabled] only, but of course then the menus are unusable. Opera starts if I replace Kexbasen 4.5.2015.9 by 4.5.2015.8. Release 10: I still can't run Opera. Apparently my problem is caused by Kexbasen.dll. Jumper, I don't know, if the KexApiLog might help: Opera 11.64.7z -
New release 7Zip 15.12: Right click Context menu doesn't appear and work (windows version check). Set KernelEx comp. modes of the executables and dll's in the 7Zip program files folder to Win2000SP4. 7-Zip.dll (Shell Extension) , 7zG.exe (GUI)... Running 15.12: - Kstub822: [Advapi32.dll] LsaAddAccountRights=r0xC0000002s4 - KernelEX compatibility mode: Win2000SP4
The automatic and manual vps update of Avast Home 5.1.889 failed on XP SP2 since 29th October, too. Same message: Not enough storage to process this command. I had tested successfully 4.8.1368 on XP SP2 after the 04 October. The update worked. But I suspect that it no longer works now.
Mixtures of different Player versions (plugin folder, Macromedia Flash folder and Registry) may cause the malfunction. A thorough uninstall is required. Also wrong KernelEX comp. mode settings may cause the malfunction. Note the name of the Flash dll: If the name is (with version number) NPSWF32_19_0_0_245.dll, set the KernelEX comp. mode of the file to Win2000SP4 or (and) set Opera.exe to Win2000SP4. My settings are: NPSWF32_19_0_0_245.dll > default [KernelEX is enabled] ; Opera.exe > Win2000SP4 Many other reasons are possible.
Question About Using A SATA Drive With Windows 98SE
schwups replied to Monroe's topic in Windows 9x/ME
Most probably it is a wrong speed information. Better check the HDD speed with HDTach 2.70 or CrystalDiskMark9x or other tools. The results of different tools will be slightly varying. -
Sumatra PDF 3.1 portable requires to run: [Kernel32.dll] InitializeSListHead (supported by Kstub822) - There is a problem with the installer. The window is empty without buttons and text. I have some prereleases. The Installer of the prerelease 3.1 10314 (September) works. - Can someone still print with ComDlgKs.dll or ComDlgEx.dll (topic - Printing with KernelEX)?
Should I upgrade to Windows ME from 98 SE on a pentium 1?
schwups replied to TechKitten 360+'s topic in Windows 9x/ME
I don't recommend to install Win ME on a pentium 1 machine. Minimum hardware requirements: Pentium 150MHz, 32 MB Ram, 320 MB HDD Recommended: Pentium 2, 64 MB Ram, 2 GB HDD I think you'll have no fun. Probably your machine will be unbearably slow! Not to mention you intend to install programs like OpenOffice 3.x, Opera 11.xx or Firefox 9 ... Ten maybe fifteen years back I had a Pentium 1 (200MHz). Win 95 ran well on it, but not 98SE. It was much to slow. Leave your 98SE on your pentium 1, if it runs fine. -
Last Versions of Software for Windows 98SE
schwups replied to galahs's topic in Pinned Topics regarding 9x/ME
The automatic and manual vps update of Avast! 4 Home 4.8.1368 fail on ME since 4th October. Message: Not enough storage to process this command. It still works on XP. Avast had worked in the background without any problems on one machine here so far except that it delayed the startup. The VPS def file had enlarged up to 200MB in recent years. -
For information or for those who write their own Kstub.ini: Now the Flash Player requires [NTDLL] RtlInitUnicodeString. It is already supported by Kstub822. The browser crashes without this entry. Needed in the ini file to run the Flash Player: [ADVAPI32.DLL] ChangeServiceConfig2W [Gdi32.dll] GdiAlphaBlend [iPHLPAPI.DLL] GetAdaptersAddresses [Kernel32.dll] GetSystemWow64DirectoryW [NTDLL] RtlInitUnicodeString KernelEX 4.5.2 (November 2011) Flash Player
KernelEx Apps Compatibility List (New)
schwups replied to xrayer's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Can you change the language of XnView? (Tools>Options>Interface or xnview.ini [start] Language= ) It sticks to English. Possible is to copy the xnview.ini of "Application Data XnView" to the program folder in the case that the file doesn't exist in the program folder of XnView. Then set the desired language in the ini file. This file can disappear and XnView sticks to English again. I can set Tools>Options>System integration>Save options>as ini file in folder to "XnView". Then I must set the desired language in the ini file. Afterwards the language selection works. The other "Save options" for the ini allow no selection. XnView Version 2.34. This behavior occurs with three machines here. OS WinME -
This is certainly no bug of KernelEX. Probably something is missing. What error message you have? Did you install the WindowsInstaller 2.0 ? The msiexec.exe should be in your systemfolder.
What exactly do you mean? What's different with your setup? Usually KernelEX 4.5.2 (14 November 2011) without Kext is easy to install and use. The only requirement is Microsoft Layer for Unicode MSLU (unicows.dll version 1.1.3790.0 (07 December 2004)). Don't copy an older version of unicows.dll in your system folder.
KernelEx Apps Compatibility List (New)
schwups replied to xrayer's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
The button works if I write the planned file type (with name) into the "Object name" box. The type must be the same in the "save as Type" box. On XP it works better. -
KernelEx Apps Compatibility List (New)
schwups replied to xrayer's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
FS Image Viewer 5.4 (OS WinME KernelEX 4.5.2015.8): The "Save as" function (post 399) and the Options button (post 402) work here, if KernelEX is enabled. They fail, if I disable KernelEX. Kext (kstub822) doesn't matter. So far I testet on one machine and KernelEX 4.5.2015.8 only. -
v1.4.6.0 - Fixed random empty code type selection under Windows ME - GUI improvements to eliminate confusion about utility of 'code type' selector "Random empty code type selection under Windows ME" =>It hasn't occured anymore (tested with 82.16 and 82.69). Where exactly was the problem?: "GUI improvements ..." => much better v1.5.1.0: Fixed wrong code sequences in the ini file for WinME (bug carried on since v1.4.4.0)... => Now Win ME shuts down with safe (a) code, too (tested with 82.16 and 82.69) .
Before running the CodeType entry is 1. I repeated the first start without patching several times. Sometimes the box was empty (the scroll down menu shows all modes), but sometimes there was "safe" inside. Odd
But I can select all modes.
The code type box is empty with the first run only.
OK, "wide" and "full" works. ME users should see, that they must select these options. Obviously the "safe mode" is the default one, if you don't select "code type" (empty box). And another thing, I see two differences between code of rloew in the first post and your ShutdownPatcher: 144: AC -> C3 31F6E6: E6 54 E5 FF -> C2 05 00 00 31FCAC: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 3C 04 74 08 3C 25 74 04 3C 32 75 02 B0 52 89 44 24 04 E9 0D 4F E5 FF Segment length at 0x144: - 0x2D6EC4 Call at 0x31F6E6: - new: 0x5C2 Additional code at 0x31FCAC: - new: 3C 04 74 08 3C 25 74 04 3C 32 75 02 B0 52 89 44 24 04 E9 0D 4F E5 FF 18
I checked the first option "Patch installed driver in place". Applies "code type" option under the second option to the first, too?
ShutdownPatcher Version I tested it on the machine with the NV7800GT and driver 82.16 - OS Win ME. It patches with the not working and not revised code on ME. log: 2015.08.04 11:39:34 Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 ================================================================= • PATCHING File path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\nvcore.vxd Processing nvcore.vxd version: 82.16 [size: 3276893 bytes] Segment length at 0x144: - old: 0x2D6EAC - new: 0x2D6EC0 Call at 0x31F6E6: - old: 0xFFE554E6 - new: 0x5C2 Additional code at 0x31FCAC: - old: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - new: 3C 04 74 08 3C 32 75 02 B0 52 89 44 24 04 E9 11 4F E5 FF 14 Result: DONE. Details: Backup file saved as C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\nvcorebk.vxd
Yes the power supply shuts down on both machines, 7800GT with driver 82.16 and 7900GS with driver 82.69. Apparently it works as desired.