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Everything posted by schwups

  1. 2.2.0 crashes, if I try to play flac files.
  2. Several times I tested the next generation plugin without success, also with KernelEX updates. I think for most people here it hasn't any priority. Do you often visit specific websites with java applets. Now it's possible to run Java apps like sweet home 3D (my testapp) "SweetHome3D-4.6.jar" with version 7, maybe 8 . It is a JAR executable file able to run Sweet Home 3D under 32-bit Windows, 64-bit Windows, Mac OS X, 32-bit Linux and 64-bit Linux. This JAR executable file requires a Java Runtime Environment installed in user's operating system. Recently I tried run the installers of different versions of 8. They failed silently. Adding some API's to the Kstub822 is necessary to unpack the msi and the Data.cab file. This works up to update 11. [Advapi32.dll] RegDeleteKeyExA= [CRYPT32.DLL] CryptBinaryToStringA= CryptStringToBinaryA= But the msi fails, too.
  3. Kexbases.dll: 4.5.2015.5 and 4.5.2015.7 FOXIT Reader portable
  4. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/163436-vbemp-9x-with-3d-aceleration/?p=1068047
  5. Release 7: All occurred errors and e.g. strange behaviors of my OE 6 with Release 6 are gone.
  6. I'm able to run these browsers. I get the same annoying messages as with QTWeb versions 3.3 - 3.7 "Java script problem...".
  7. Now I'm able to start and run Foxit Reader 7 ( KernelEX XPSP2 mode ). It is incredible fast here. Previous message was "Missing export PSAPI.DLL: GetMappedFileNameW". It crashes with ribbon toolbar mode, but not with classic toolbar mode. Help => UI Options => change toolbar mode. The status bar buttons are pale, but function. They also look pale with Version 6. crashlog ribbon toolbar mode: CRASHLOG.7z
  8. I haven't the mprexe error anymore on that machine by using Release 5 dll's. Apart from that I didn't test the new release yet.
  9. I added the standard error text into post 63.
  10. @jumper Because of differences I added the four Stack dumps into post 63.
  11. Release 4: 8 messages in spoiler and afterwards the mprexe error I believe the four stack dump messages are identical. But I haven't checked exactly. Release 0: no messages - KernelEX works I just note differences between loblos and mine mprexe error.
  12. @jumper I configured KernelEX by using the dll files of version KernelEx4. and no entry [iPHLPAPI.DLL]GetAdaptersAddresses in the Kstub822.ini to get the mprexe error on windows start. Then I overwrote the three dll files by the files of Release.0. On reboot the error was gone and KernelEX worked.
  13. Release 4: Latest Flash Player works with commented out Gdi32 definitions in Kstub822. So far no new problems.
  14. I can confirm this with the unmodified Kstub822.ini on ME. But KernelEX works without Kstub822. It also works with the older Kstub816. KernelEX: Sorry, the Kstub816.ini I used was modified. I found that KernelEX works with Kstub822, if I add [iPHLPAPI.DLL] GetAdaptersAddresses=t5e0 to the original Kstub822.ini.
  15. Yes VLC Player installs and works without upxing on my ME test machine!
  16. I can confirm this with the unmodified Kstub822.ini on ME. But KernelEX works without Kstub822. It also works with the older Kstub816. KernelEX:
  17. It might be or probably we will miss the menu in the next release of Sumatra PDF. http://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/prerelease.html. Possible is to set "use tabs" in SumatraPDF-settings.txt to false. Then restart Sumatra for the changes to take effect. This brings back the menubar and the classic UI style. But there isn't the tab functionality anymore. Both tabs and menu worked on ME/98 up to prerelease
  18. PeaZip dropped support:
  19. It's broken with version 6.7. I haven't tried to find a workaround. Currently I can't do it, but probably next year. I haven't time, I will travel.
  20. Did you try to change your menu fonts? Probably you find the solution here in the 9x forums. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/143041-kernelex-question/#entry916570
  21. I just started Skype and it runs here again. hosts file: ui.skype.com It recently discussed in the Win2000 forum (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/161614-skype-61-on-windows-2000/page-2#entry1083424)
  22. Line in Core.ini: contents=Kstub822,std,kexbases,kexbasen,K452stub Kstub452 on the right has highest priority and overrides KernelEX, if a function is already supported by KernelEX. Kstub822 on the left has lowest priority. A definition in the Kstub822.ini is ignored, if KernelEX already supports this function.
  23. At the end of the contents line in core.ini K452stub overrides the others. The exlpanation for K452stub of jumper is here: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/157173-kext-diy-kernelex-extensions/page-9#entry1031353 So K452stub helps to improve Kext, but it isn't mandatory.
  24. The problem should be solved. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/95815-important-stickified-pinned-959898-seme-topics/ Support: http://www.msi.com/support/mb/K8T_Neo2F_V2.0.html#down-driver&Win 98 SE
  25. Yes, these are two different progams with nearly the same name. Probably it is very difficult or nearly impossible to run the one of "freepdfsolutions.com" on Win 98SE.
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