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Everything posted by schwups

  1. http://windows98.xf.cz/vga/fw9x8269.7z https://web.archive.org/web/20210803233722/https://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.ZIP
  2. Indeed currently I have no Win98(SE) installation on a hard drive. I checked it on ME. It's probably just as it should be in the case of the DOS Box here. The box closes using the "Exit" command. But you changed the description of the problem. So maybe now you mean "Real DOS".
  3. Youtube: The button "Remind ME Later" on request page for Browser update doesn't work anymore. Now also version 52 and Mypal 29.3 is affected. One solution is to change the useragent (Firefox 68 or higher). Or use RT's forks like Basilisk or Palemoon.
  4. Yes now it runs on XP(SP3) here. But about: preferences => XML Parsing Error ...
  5. I've done the reverse - You are right.
  6. I replaced nssckbi.dll, but the message remains.
  7. It doesn't run, but I can't test it on older processors and older XP. I mention it, because the older version of 20240606 (firefox-38.8.0-vc10-tls13.7z) is OK.
  8. There could be a bug in that SP or something went wrong. You could reinstall IE(OE)5.5 or 6.0 from another source. I'm not very familiar with Win98 service packs, because I'm running WinME, but the following links should lead to all the information you need. https://msfn.org/board/topic/61749-98-se-sp-332/ http://www.htasoft.com/u98sesp/ http://www.techtalk.cc/viewtopic.php?f=1047&t=65&sid=aee9014099ffba7695b62484f7df4567
  9. I'm not sure about GMail and IMAP. I have a working connection with a POP3 freenet account. However, I haven't checked SSL for listening, so also not in OE account/Properties/Advanced. Checked is SSL for remote here in WinSSLWrap. Further I didn't change the service names (still POP3 {SSL} Protocol/SMTP {SSL} Protocol).
  10. WaybackMachine is provisional read-only online now. https://archive.org/
  11. Serpent, NM28: I get an error in gkmedias.dll, e.g. qwant.com. There is no error, if I replace the file with the one from last week. However, I haven't started with a fresh profile yet, nor do I have tried it on a clean XPSP3.
  12. Which msvcrt version does this refer to? Every version have different dependencies. ExKernel can't load without kext. Some additional APIs are required. My MD5 of ExKernel: 215C38470A3D6325D58A4C24C975CB38
  13. Completed with NVSIZE BIOS PATCH: Now DXDIAG gives 506MB VRAM. It has reduced available 32bit RAM by 512MB. 3008MB => 2496MB POST: 7104MB => 6592MB
  14. Tested and confirmed FAT32 detection by default - without registry entry! P965 hasn't built-in graphics, but yes the reserved size is different for each board. POST gives 7104MB here, what is quite little.
  15. I found my mistake. Setting the command path beforehand on system seems crucial. Until now I thought it doesn't matter and I could enter the entire path starting from the command path C:\, which apparently doesn't work in this case. In any case, the new file was created without comment and confirmation. Thanks to you all again.
  16. It was a bit strange with the reg file. It was allegedly successfully merged into the registry, but "UseFAT16"=hex:00 was missing. So I merged it manually. Now I have indeed 3.99GB FAT32! Thanks.
  17. Thanks to you both. There is no "read only" and the ShutdownPatcher patches the file. So far I thought upper and lower case doesn't matter. I'll check everything else.
  18. Sorry, of course I mean RAMDrive and not swap file. It is to be assumed that the drive should grow accordingly with size of RAM and switch to FAT32 by default. The question is why this didn't happen here.
  19. I had installed 8GB, too. In this case the size of the swap file RAMDrive remains at 1.99 FAT without setting anything. Is this correct?
  20. Do you mean, that you don't have "Send To" in your context menu or do you only need "Unplug or Eject Hardware" inside SendTo? The start order of "Unplug or Eject Hardware" is "RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll". Maybe somebody here can write you a simple bat/cmd file.
  21. Did you compiled a browser with this change to test?
  22. Yes, probably no time bomb. I also just set the clock back 5 years - to no avail.
  23. My condolences. I wish you the necessary strength. My Mother still lives and is 91 years old. First I only compared MD5 of PTCHNVSZ.zip and PATCHNVC.EXE. These are the same. NVCheck and NVSize work. Thanks for sharing.
  24. No problems so far, also with swap file set to max size.
  25. I hope you are doing well. I want to set the clock back a few years next and if that doesn't work I check it on another machine. Or is it possible, that the patch is broken?
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