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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2024 in all areas

  1. Dear Jody, and I mean this in a genuine way , you of all people shouldn't come back with the very same queries, because it was I who answered your similar queries in the not so distant past... What it all comes down to is: 1. do you have a grasp of what open source code is? 2. do you have a grasp of what a forked open-source code repo is? 3. do you have a grasp of what a platform and an application built on it is? If not, any answer you'll get from me won't make much sense to you, and I'm sorry to say that there's no simplistic yes/no answer to your re-iterated queries above... MCP maintain the official UXP application platform, its repo is hosted below in: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/ There are several branches in that repo, main ones being master and release MCP maintain the official Pale Moon browser application, its repo is hosted in: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon/ Again, the two more important branches in that tree are master and release The official Pale Moon releases are being issued at least once a month, compiled from code from the UXP release platform branch and PM release application branch. Likewise, Basilisk-Dev maintains the official Basilisk browser application, its repo hosted in: https://repo.palemoon.org/Basilisk-Dev/Basilisk/ Two branches of note there, too; master and release The official Basilisk releases are being issued monthly, or as the dev's time permits, compiled from code from the UXP release platform branch (by MCP) and the Bk release application branch. OTOH, roytam1 maintains a somewhat different development scheme; he maintains a code "smorgasbord" below: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP This is a fork of the official UXP platform repo (see above); the tracking branch of that repo follows more closely the master branch of the official UXP platform (see above); the forked UXP repo, by now, is different to the original one in various ways, one of which is in restoring WinXP+Vista support (which also entails several lib differences, like in ffvpx), another one is keeping Mozilla features MCP have dumped long ago (e.g. Web Extensions, Tab Containers, half-baked e10s code, EME, e.a); also, the NSS lib in "our" browsers is somewhat different to the one MCP maintain; that is why profiles between the official apps and roytam1 apps aren't 100% interchangeable... The UXP repo by roytam1 also encompasses application-specific code, ported from the official PM master branch and the official Bk master branch, again chosen selectively (i.e. not all Pale Moon features end up in NM28, not all Bk features end up in St52, but most do). The custom branch of roytam1's UXP repo holds the code snapshots that get compiled weekly to produce the NM28 and St52 releases; if you're still following: It's difficult to directly compare the official releases to the roytam1 ones, because the first follow a different code development scheme + release schedules, but indeed all the vital code parts (features, bug/security fixes, etc) from the former find their way to the latter, sooner or later... As a rule, based on what I detailed above, the "latest NM28 release" should contain all the "applicable" platform/app code found in the last PM release, and then some (i.e. code in the official master branches authored after the release was cut) ; likewise, the "latest St52 release" should contain all the "applicable" platform/app code found in the last Bk release, and then some (i.e. code in the official master branches committed after the release was cut - on that note, it's sad that Basilisk-Dev has admitted elsewhere that he's withholding on purpose to publish Bk code in its master branch until "the very last moment", so that "we" here be incapable of using it "ahead of time"...). The only exception to the above is when "upstream" collectively (MCP/Basilisk-Dev) make a "mid-week release"; in that case, the builds released by roytam1 on the Saturday that immediately follows those mid-week upstream releases will have "caught up with them", so to speak... Jody and others, please bookmark this post and revisit it as needed, so that I don't get asked the same things again and again - and no, one "can't have one's cake and eat it, too"; if one wants to keep using "these" browsers, one must also "keep in touch" with how things are developing "here" ; the issue of "precious personal time" has come up many a times in the past, but be sure I'm just a volunteer here, my personal time is as precious (to me) as is yours... PS: Changelogs are NOT confusing, if one ever made a simple effort to understand what they do represent; they're made of git-commits between the previous and the current release, often times they're identical to the "upstream" commits they were ported from; so one can easily verify how far ahead of (or behind of or different to) the upstream code the current release happens to be...
    10 points
  2. FWIW, there's nothing "standard" about NM27 here ; to add to what Mathwiz has posted: "Pale Moon" is an upstream browser application, which has a GUI from the pre-Australis Fx era; also, members here must understand the distinction between platform and application (Mozilla are the ones to blame for this confusion, because they had equated the Mozilla platform, not used solely by Fx, to their main browser, Firefox) ... When PM was at its major version 27 (did not support XP, Vista support was rudimentary), the platform it was built on was called Tycho, a fork of the Mozilla ESR 38 platform - the browser engine of PM27 was called Goanna version 3. The roytam1 fork derived from PM27 was/is New Moon 27 (NM27) ; as the web became more-and-more Googl-ised , PM27/Tycho started being crippled at loading many popular sites, so "upstream" (MCP) abandoned the Tycho platform and moved on, first to UXP Take 1 (aka Moebius), forked from a Mozilla 53.0a1 platform snapshot, and soon after to UXP Take 2 (just UXP now), forked from Mozilla ESR 52[.6] platform; PM27 became PM28; Pale Moon is currently at v33.0, but it's still built on UXP; both the paltform (UXP) and the browser application (PM) are being developed independently from Mozilla/Firefox... When upstream (MCP) abandoned Tycho (and PM27), roytam1 chose to keep his forked platform and browser (NM27) for the sake of Win2k/XP users on very old H/W, that doesn't support the SSE2+ instruction set ; as of this writing, NM27 and its browser engine, Goanna 3, is being "updated" based on a new "upstream", the developer (rmottola) behind the Artic-Fox project; this project aims to develop a (semi-)usable browser on old Macs, unsupported by Apple and the mainstream browser vendors; the project strives to "uplift" the browser from a Mozilla 38 platform snapshot (like in PM27/Tycho) to more recent versions, hence the large number of weekly updates (there's a lot of catching-up to do when you're still at a Fx mid-40s level) ... Also, Arctic-Fox isn't New Moon 27, hence several bugs that plague the latter are being reported by (the few?) NM27 users... To put it bluntly, I have now no need for this fork, because its web-compatibility is severely impaired in 2024; in addition to that, Roy is publishing SSE-compatible builds of NM28+St52, so if your old H/W can cope, it's advisable you use these instead of NM27... NM27 has inherited from PM27 a "status-4-ever" internal component, but as the platform is being updated by rmottola to Fx43+, this component has been partially BROKEN, breaking with it several download-related functions/extensions/userstyles/userscripts etc.; I have kept, for archival purposes, a NM27 build from 20220812, which seems to be the last with no such issues... As for NM28 (and St52), this is being updated mostly by backporting MCP code, especially in the platform aspect of it, and occasionally PM-specific (and Bk-specific) code is also being backported; and don't let the appVersion (28) confuse you ; Roy, for reasons he has explained in the past, decided to "freeze" the major version at 28, but latest NM28 embeds platform code to be found even in the latest PM33 "official" release ...
    5 points
  3. Thad said, I sincerely wish the cra*ker overcomes that bug, probably he needs to use @D.Draker's findings to get there. To cease the most likely probable s* storm of insults, I'm posting this screenshot, but without the links, of course. It's a screen of Blauko*vitch's Chrome, that has the same error as Blauko*vitch's Opera "cra*k". Both totally unusable, as of now.
    4 points
  4. Blauko*vitch Opera port (or "cra*k", like he calls it) is a non working gimmick, it's simply impossible to use it due to constant "OUT_OF_MEMORY error". Am I already a "Russophobe", or not yet? Here's the technical information that might help. VirtualAlloc(0x400000000, 0x400000000, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); A preliminary guess they posted: "attempts to reserve a huge memory value".
    4 points
  5. Personally I think we should actually get rid of the "likes" (as opposed to the addition of "dislikes"). Likes are senseless metrics, they are about consensus (by the masses), not value in absolute terms. More specifically, I think you guys should be taking some long walks outside instead of insisting on these themes, this stuff is getting old. jaclaz
    3 points
  6. Sad is a bit relative. Too many toes stepped on. Both sides have their pros and cons. "It's Tricky", as Run-DMC used to say.
    3 points
  7. "One superman" brigade of dozens accounts is his rather new conspiracy theory, before that it was a "governmental European organization" that allegedly aimed to discredit the AV he was fiercely pushing at MSFN. I even got angry PMs with that AV promotions. About Opera, stick with the one I did, no need to update right now, later on I'll find a solution, like I always do.
    3 points
  8. You did, many times, but the offensive posts were kindly removed by our respected moderators, almost each time. Had there been any consequences for you? I don't know, but it wasn't not enough, your behaviour hasn't changed. My screen name is Saxon, not "account #4 of many". I suggest you to be respectful, which is demanded by the rules. I don't how blind someone that even considers your weird theory must be, "one man" can't post 24/7 with 1-2 hours intervals during all night and day at absolutely random intervals. https://msfn.org/board/topic/184730-antimalware-firewall-and-other-security-programs-for-windows-xp-working-in-2023-and-hopefully-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=1250550 Now, as usual, you have nothing useful to contribute to this discussion. Find yourself a hobby, no? Stop troubling members!
    3 points
  9. Rays of support to you, Karla! That user @Vistapocalypse attacked me heavily in the past, too, at least he switched his strange attention elsewhere, be strong, I can wish to you.
    3 points
  10. Vulkan isn't supported on XP, you can simply deleted those. I had explained it in the past many times, afraid to do so? Make a backup before. https://www.vulkan.org/ And even if in some parallel universe it would, no drivers for XP exist.
    3 points
  11. Report any problems you encounter with Supermium or any suggestions ---> here
    2 points
  12. Yes, I support your idea about removing likes and like it. But then there will be another problem. How will people express apprecation, if we implement your idea? Will "thank you" be completely enough to express appreciation? Also, it could cause the "Agreed" "+1" "Very good post, I support it" posts to increase even more. I am not saying your idea is bad, but you should have gave it some thought.
    2 points
  13. added to FAQ section in this post as well: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/?do=findComment&comment=1258498
    2 points
  14. Thanks; VistaLover and will bookmark your posting.
    2 points
  15. There is a documented bug with SSL certificates. I suggest a temp. fix, but be warned, it not advisable to use with unknown websites!. Simply add this flag via CMD. (to your shortcut, for example) --ignore-certificate-errors Without quotes,
    2 points
  16. Have either of you ever tried to "allow more RAM" for 32 bit apps with a simple CFF Explorer fix? (It's an edit in their executable)
    2 points
  17. Yes, but a 64bit app simply able to allocate much more memory, so it's an obvious choice for all RAM hungry websites. 32bits are artificially limited.
    2 points
  18. Just a couple more observations about Supermium on 32 bit XP. The GUI font looks a bit rough, I don't know if that can be improved, but it's usable. The good thing is that it happily opens the sites that 360Chome won't now render! I had a bit of a laugh when I came to add an image to a post here, to see this - The file open dialogue looks like something from a 16-bit Windows 98 program! It doesn't work either. Drag and drop does work. The browser is rather slow opening, and a bit slow in use. I won't be abandoning 360Chrome quite yet, but it's still great to have a browser on XP which will open the sites that 360Chrome now has trouble with. Supermium used my 360Chome profile files absolutely fine, which was a big bonus!
    2 points
  19. And why is that? Is it your gut feeling? When you accuse a member who is knowledgeable in video drivers, esp. in Nvidia drivers (that supply Vulkan with them), everyone would like to see proof. Articles with tests (where it's clearly shown) whether it works like you claim. Thanks.
    2 points
  20. Since this topic isn't limited to "supermium on XP only", and we have Vista users here, if someone wants to experiment with Vulkan, which isn't supported on XP, but works with Vista x64, you can leave those files alone, install a driver from my tutorial and try.
    2 points
  21. It would be helpful for all "honest" members of the forum. And it would also be helpful to dispel the growing suspicions that there are members who have multiple accounts.
    1 point
  22. There have been at least 3 topics about this subject. https://msfn.org/board/topic/173482-can-windows-xp-pro-x86-safely-trim-an-ssd/ https://msfn.org/board/topic/181729-ssd-toolkit-for-xp/ https://msfn.org/board/topic/184168-trim-on-nvme-disk-under-winxp/
    1 point
  23. I've only just started using Supermium, and while I think it's a miracle that a Chromium 121 based browser will run on XP, it's a long way from being a replacement for 360Chome for me as well. The GUI font on Supermium is rough, not unusable but ugly. It still has some stability problems, I find it crashes if I try to use the password manager, for instance. I hate the fact that it closes when you close the last tab. You can stop that with a simple setting in 360Chrome. Of course this can be achieved with an extension, I'm sure, but that's not the same! On my system, which is quite powerful, Supermium is slow to start, and quite slow in use. 360Chrome is much better, and I'm using 13.5.2036, which is probably not as well optimised as v13.5.1030 Redux is now. While it's good to have a fallback available if I run into a site which 360Chome no longer works properly with (there aren't many, but the number will inevitably increase, of course) I still wouln't use Supermium as my default browser yet.
    1 point
  24. I don't plan any new version. Create your own tool for scanning or modify the scanfiles.cmd to your need. Change it with Disk management or bootice and hit F5 in WinNTSetup.
    1 point
  25. Yes, this is a new bug, sure this is to be fixed I have found and appllied several things to make browser faster, as i usually do examine newer firefox code.
    1 point
  26. The thing that person is talking about is happening across all sectors of society.
    1 point
  27. You confuse opinions with facts from developers. It's not up for arguments when the information comes from developers themselves. That person @Sampei.Nihira simply can't support grown up people discussions, he insulted me many times. I explained to he super politely. What exactly is not polite in this explanation? Now he's simply furious and revengeful. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186019-protecting-chromium-traffic-with-hybrid-kyber-kem/?do=findComment&comment=1260148
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I support your proposal. I certainly do not belong to the "like" generation. And I have just returned from my 15-day vacation in Sharm,so I love the outdoors,the sea,walks......
    1 point
  30. These come via the platform (UXP) "updates" and are being implemented (when possible) by MCP himself (who has private access to them through Mozilla); if they're uploaded to the official UXP repo, then sure they'll be integrated/backported to Roy's fork of UXP (off-the-top-of-my-head, last summer's webp vulnerability was also patched "here"); be advised that a large number of Firefox "security fixes" involve e10s, as that isn't implemented in UXP, they won't make it onto "our" browsers... ... Tsk, bad on you, dear friend ... Best wishes
    1 point
  31. Hello account #4 of many. I have not “attacked” account #5, and have no clear recollection of attacking account #4, although it became hostile toward me almost immediately upon creation, leaving little doubt that it was one of yours. Have a nIce day.
    1 point
  32. According to @Vistapocalypse, and I quote: Blaukovitch Reinhard, a proud Russian, presumably resides in Austria, he is Managing Director of Denuvo, he creates several (!) public pages in English, Russian, presumably other languages, all with his real name, where he proudly declares himself a cr_acker of Denuvo copy-protected Opera, Brave, etc, calls all his projects "Cr_acks" acknowledges he cracks Denuvo (!) and Securom, teaches how to do it, and accuses the Western companies of Evilness, Did I miss anything? Oh, oops, I've missed his racism part, but it's already criticized well enough at git. What further evidence of profanity is required? Whose profanity is that, everyone decides for himself.
    1 point
  33. I've been running without page file for decades, as of now 16GB is more than enough to switch it off for Supermium, on the other hand, I agree with you, don't do it if you RAM is 8GB or less.
    1 point
  34. It's because you run x86 apps on a 64bit OS. Obviously it involves more resources since OS runs them in a wrapper (those are marked with*). @66catsis right, I can confirm. The same case is with Supermium.
    1 point
  35. Thank you for this. That development post was especially interesting. I didn't realize that so much "10-isms" were (unfortunately) implemented with Windows 8.1. I wish I had known before I installed Windows 8.1 on an old laptop! I made a similar mistake.
    1 point
  36. That's easy to check with various available (free and simple) tools.
    1 point
  37. So don't! But who's fighting whom? I missed. I'm having a polite conversation (I simply pretend you're polite, too). EDIT: I again ask everyone to create a pleasant atmosphere for win32 to appear!
    1 point
  38. Win32 doesn't respond here anymore, and you know it. We were trying to raise our voices of wisdom and cool down the local crap posters. But we were labelled as the evil "collective you" by some grandpa. Good deeds don't go unpunished. So either you make a github account and try to ask, or do your own research (as you already stated you don't trust me). In case someone missed why no win32 anymore.link
    1 point
  39. Again I'm not "a folk that simply delete files willy-nilly and check a checkbox", be respectful and reasonable on the forum. Check in chrome / GPU. Vulkan: Disabled
    1 point
  40. Hi there @Sampei.Nihira ... sorry I've been away for a little bit. I get 97% on Mypal68 and thank you for the link and all you do for us here - hope you are well.
    1 point
  41. "-In particular, the flags #disable-encryption and #disable-machine-id now make Supermium user data portable if enabled."
    1 point
  42. From what is written, 5 is without VAT, with VAT you'd need to add 20% (for France). I don't know about the US VAT, but they will also have to add the conversion rates from USD to Euro and Euro is obviously more expensive. But yeah, it's not much, agree.
    1 point
  43. They say you need to purchase Supermium Plus Package subscription for €5 / month (plus VAT) first, then they claim it works. Because "Supermium Portable-Ready and XP Installer" is included there. https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/178#issuecomment-1913189181
    1 point
  44. I promised to add.
    1 point
  45. With your guidance, I was able to run the very fast 96.0.4653.0 from 2023 with the important update to "Update Chromium on master to CHR-9138" Thank you!
    1 point
  46. And that is exactly one of the reasons I created my self-created custom button Toggle CSP. Here is the link: If the variable security.csp.enable is toggled to false (red icon!), the website https://www.skyrc.com/Charger/t1000 even works in Serpent 55. Look at this screenshot: Cheers, AstroSkipper
    1 point
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