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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2022 in all areas

  1. Lol, 2 rabbits are eating a cucumber, and the dog is sitting there doing nothing. Continue to share more like these, this one is so funny!
    2 points
  2. My Frisian Siemens actually supports 32GB of RAM , but I removed 2 sticks recently and left it at 16 , it's more than enough and less heat , lol. I don't game on that PC anyways , I game on another one 12.0 and 13.0 was buggy for me . 13.5 was fine unitil this spring and very fast . @XPerceniol, seeing drr2 is like 2 bucks per module , perhaps it's time to add one stick ? Sorry , I understand it's none of my business. EDIT : could order by the USPS , no need to go out to the stores , I used to order lots of stuff and then hired a man for a small fee who just gathered it all at the post office.
    2 points
  3. ... and I will try to be positive today, need to rob negative energy of its strength (and hold/grip) and replace it with positivity. Same with "Worry" ... replace. Ok, I'm off .... ugh, easier said as I already feel anxiety and panic. It shouldn't be this way, Wouldn't wish it on anybody.
    2 points
  4. VERY cool! Now, prepare to another walk, with the sunset...
    2 points
  5. Apology accepted! And now let's forget about all that! Frisians are generally not resentful as you know!
    2 points
  6. @D.Draker, it's about the salamanders (which are NOT lizards, sorry, but amphibians, similar to lizards!). When I was a child, I played with wild salamanders in small ponds, VERY cute and nice to touch! Found this link for you: https://www.britannica.com/animal/salamander
    2 points
  7. @AstroSkipper Hey there buddy, I owe you an apology. I was wrong to mess and talk with you like this. You were right, I was wrong. You're a good man. I know I was mistaken to talk like this. I hope you forgive me.
    2 points
  8. I'm hanging in there, and trying, hope you guys are doing better then myself.
    2 points
  9. Hi @XPerceniol and @D.Draker, it's cool, read some latest posts about cute cat (then cats) adoption, in another topic ("Be mindful...").
    2 points
  10. A single cat leads to another cat We exclusively release the first chapter of 'Días para ser Gato', the second book of our first cat, who is already an expert in feline matters. Mía and Atún in full observation. PEDRO ZUAZUA Madrid - 25 APR 2022 - 12:16ACTUALIZED: 25 APR 2022 - 13:18 UTC If you want to write about being human, keep a couple of cats at home. Aldous Huxley Between my cat's happiness or being a person of my word, I chose the former. In June 2016, after repeating actively and passively to anyone who would listen to me that a cat would not enter my house, Mia appeared. That tiny, adorable, playful being transformed my life in a way I could never have imagined. It's not a commonplace: I developed a love for animals I never knew existed, became a tenant in my own home, became the manager of my cat's Instagram account, wrote a book that sells in several countries and, above all, became the preferred phone number of everyone I know who came in contact with a cat. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship: they want to adopt? They write to me. They meet one in the street? they write to me. They write to me. They receive a video, a photo or a montage? They forward it to me. Since June 2016, 80% of the images I have on my cell phone are of cats. The people who investigate what we do with our phones must be freaking out. At the same time that Mía was taking over the household, a routine was taking hold that was quite pleasant for both of us. After the first few weeks, in which arriving home was a lottery of small novelties in the form of damage, we began to lay the foundations of an unequal idyll: I was dying of love for her and she listened to me whenever she felt like it. And that made me love her even more. Because that's how life, in general, and love, in particular, works. When she came home from work, she would come out to meet me at the door. She would lie on her back and beg for caresses. After dinner, when I lay down on the couch, he would come and climb on my belly and start kneading me with his front paws. Some people are always chasing abs of steel. If they are going to adopt a cat, it is more advisable to have some belly, because it is squishy and they can knead it to their heart's content. I forgot to include this vital change in the opening paragraph: I used to have a ripped abs and a sculpted body. No, I'm kidding. I was already very well equipped to have a cat. Cover of the book 'Días para ser gato' (Days to be a cat). After a while of kneading, she would lay her two front paws down and fall asleep on my chest while purring. I would stroke her chin and crown of her head - cats love to be stroked on the parts they can't lick themselves - and I would be toast. I'd go to bed and, after a while, she'd come in. She used to set up in one of the corners. She would spend half the night there. Sometimes she would go on a night excursion where she didn't take into account that there was someone else in the bed. Other times, he would get out and start banging his paw on the closet door, insistently asking me to open it for him. She would go in and lie there asleep until dawn. In the mornings, she would watch me in the shower. Afterwards, she would accompany me to watch me serve her food. Before I left the house, she would stand in the corner waiting for the treats. When I closed the door, she would give me that face that only cats know how to make and with which I didn't know if she was telling me that I had the courage to leave her alone all day or if, in reality, she was about to make a fist, bend her elbow and bring her arm inwards, while saying "Here, finally alone! That, the loneliness, was the only reason I was considering adopting another cat. I travel quite a bit for work - sometimes a whole week - and although I am fortunate to have very good friends who came over daily and even stayed over, I was overwhelmed at the thought of all the time Mia spent alone. For a long time, the supposed inconvenience of bringing another cat into the house outweighed it. I was terrified of Mia's reaction. A moderately happy cat, master of her space, adapted to her routines... the queen of the house, indeed. Tuna rests under the blanket. We were already made for each other. We often acted out that typical scene of a person reading on the couch on a Sunday afternoon, with the cat sleeping at her feet in a ball. All we lacked was a fireplace. For three years I kept repeating the phrase "No other cat in my house" to everyone who asked me if I wasn't going to adopt a brother or sister for Mía. Perhaps because I had already demonstrated the volatility of my word, I perceived a certain ironic smile when they listened to me. The most direct was my friend Bilbo, who always said, "You start with one..." (Bilbo, by the way, has a brother named Frodo. It's not a fact that has anything to do with cats, but it's funny). All the people who shared their lives with cats told me about the benefits of having (at least) two of them, about the company they kept, how much they played, how when you go on a trip they are not so lonely.... It reminded me of my last moments of resistance before adopting Mia. I kept saying no with my mouth, but my subconscious already knew when and how. Another thing is that I refused to recognize it. But because I had one, I was already clear about the name. Tuna scans his domain. The trips were increasing. And the influence of cats is inexorable. My environment was divided between those who saw it clearly and those who thought it was a bit crazy. My friend Barbara and my televeterinarian Vero insisted that I should do it. My mother told me not to even think about it. I think the poor thing could see me living with eighty cats. I changed my mind depending on the day: some days, I was determined; others, I backed out and said no way. I would think about what a drag it would be to clean two sandboxes, carry two carriers, buy two types of food, endure the adaptation period, the risk of getting a terrorist cat, the neutering.... But then I saw Mia's little face every time I closed the door of the house with the suitcase in my hand and I thought that maybe it wasn't so bad to give her a little company. In a sort of mental funnel, all my worries were reduced to one: won't I destroy the poor thing's existence? But life is about moving forward. When we have a situation moderately under control, we tend to complicate ourselves (understand that we are talking about adopting another cat and that it is taken for granted that there are other much more interesting ways to complicate life and also to complicate it unintentionally). Otherwise, it would all be very boring. Almost four years after Mia's arrival, I started looking for a sibling for her. When the little Tuna crossed the door of the house, I remembered Hemingway's phrase: "A single cat leads to another cat". The three of us were about to start a new life. HERE: https://elpais.com/elpais/2022/04/25/animalesycia/1650887548_928221.html
    2 points
  11. I totally agree with you ! My opinion about Firefox is also very low. Try MiniBrowser version 87.0.4280.66 by @Humming Owl. It doesn't have the famous taskbar, but works better with newer websites . Guess there was a drastic change between chrome's 86 and 87 engines.
    2 points
  12. How 'Mía' met her grandmother The author's cat discovers cannelloni, Vetusta Morla and a place to take a nap at Christmastime When you adopt a cat, you are doing a mental exercise in feline risk prevention. No matter the process. It will always fall short. Previously non-controversial events will come up that suddenly border on the dramatic. Christmas, for example. Or, even more so, your cat's first Christmas at your mother's house. For those of you who don't have time to read on, a summary: love didn't arise, but almost. On December 23rd Mía went north to Oviedo. Freshly spayed (and in need of a second stitching, as she got the urge to pick at her stitches) she endured a trip through traffic jams and fog that lasted almost seven hours. She only meowed when she heard her name. I decided to take Mia on a trip for a very simple and very stupid reason: it broke my heart to imagine her alone on Christmas Eve. So, even though my mother is not at all fond of animals, off we went. I packed a bag with her favorite toys, food and that great friend of traveling cats, Feliwey. As soon as we arrived, when we opened his carrier, he ignored my mother, who had come out to greet us, and went straight to my room. I guess it was the smell. My friend Catalina had bought me a sandbox and two containers for food and drink that were the size of Manute Bol's cat, so I had to steal a container from the crockery (sorry, Mom). The truth is that Mia seemed to adjust well. The first night I was more worried than she was, judging by the runs she made and the fact that she didn't pay any attention to me at any time. She quickly picked a spot on a couch near the window, and I put her cushion there. Here 'Mia', usurping the bed of my youth. PEDRO ZUAZUA The next morning came the first test of fire. At my mother's house one person works a couple of hours a day. And yes, you guessed it, she is allergic to cats. That allergy led to a sort of Yellow Humor door test, with Mia moving from room to room depending on which part of the house was being cleaned at the time. And you know how unfriendly cats are to closed doors. While I was reading Bruce Springsteen's biography, she was giving a concert next to the door. At home, the risks are more or less under control. The stove is always locked, no one opens the windows and almost nothing is left to the chance of catlike mischief. But of course, in the house of your 76-year-old mother who, of course, does whatever she wants, you have to impose the cat rules in a very subtle way. And explain, for example, that no matter how calm she seems, it is not that she will suddenly get a deer and jump out the window, but that she has a thing called instinct and that is why when she sees a bird, although she has never hunted one in her life, she loses control over her body and travels thousands of years back in time, to her origins. Mía' becoming strong in my mother's armchair. PEDRO ZUAZUA My mother tried, but she couldn't be affectionate with Mía. She called her "Gati" and tried to strike up conversations with her (I do it sometimes too, so less laughter). And that hardly ever saw her scratching the couches. When that happened, I would look at Mía with a "stop it, this is not our house" face and she would stop for a second, look at me, and adopt that feline attitude: "I don't care if it's our house or not, I'm a cat and I do what I want when I want". Of course, Mía knew that my mother's couch is my mother's couch... maybe that's why as soon as my mother got up, she ran to lie on top of the backrest. New Year's Eve was a drama. There were cannelloni for lunchtime. When I got home, Mia was starting a foray into the fountain. Since they were solely for me, I didn't say anything (sorry, Mom). I separated out the part I had been digging into and ate the rest. They were delicious, by the way. In the evening, I went to dinner at a friends' house. When I called to congratulate her on the new year, they told me that they had to lock her in the bathroom. She had become obsessed with the grapes and kept trying to get to the different places they moved them to. She probably didn't care about the grapes themselves. But if they were hiding something from her, that was a big deal. She also stuck her paw and tongue in the scorpion fish pâté for dinner, but since everyone saw that, there was no way to save it (sorry, mom). 'Mía', on a break from her New Year's Eve grape attack. PEDRO ZUAZUA When I returned home at 4:30 in the morning, he did not come out to meet me at the door. I was surprised. I looked everywhere and there was no sign of her. I opened the door to my mother's room, in case she had been locked in (I could not understand any other reason why she would not have come out to greet me, as she always does, since she is my cat for a reason). Not a trace. I opened the door to my aunt's room, who had come to spend a few days with us. Not a trace. And that's when I started to worry. And what does someone like me do when she worries? Wake up his mother, to help him look for her and, above all, to share the worry with someone with some sense. My poor mother almost had a scare. First because of the shock of being woken up at that hour. Then because of the hypotheses that were going through her head (her main fear was that she had run out of air in a drawer) and then because of how scary it must be to have such a silly child. Mia was in my aunt's room, who always sleeps with the radio on. And Mía likes voices and music. When she appeared, Vetusta Morla was playing on Radio Nacional. My aunt is very modern. So at 4:45 we all went to sleep, starting the year off right. With the arrival of 2017, things started to go better. Although, mind you, my mother kept having the same phone conversation with everyone who called home: "Pedro well, here he is, but don't miss it, he came with cat!". And she would then begin a series of explanations about the pedrada that her youngest son handles. My mother told me that she had been lying next to him while she was napping, and I sensed some illusion in her words. But one afternoon, when I returned home, Mía was waiting for me at the door, as she always does when she is not listening to Vetusta Morla in my aunt's room. When I arrived, my mother told me that she had been lying next to her while she was taking a nap, and I sensed some illusion in her words. In the following days, in the morning, she would always say to me, "Where did Mia sleep today, that she didn't come to see me?". There something similar to love was being born, not love, but affection. And then came Epiphany. And, next to the family gifts appeared a small circular scratching post with eyes and a little ball tied to a string. It was my mother's gift for Mía. "She's just like my granddaughter," she said. On the return trip, Mía didn't whimper. When we arrived in Madrid, she recognized the house, saw that everything was in order, gave me a reproachful look for having forgotten her cushion, and went to sleep on my chest. I think he missed his grandmother. P.S: Mom, by the time you read this I suppose you will have picked up the Nativity Scene and noticed that either the mule or the ox - I don't know which is which - has a nice sticking of hair around its neck. It was Mia, yes, but a granddaughter can be forgiven anything, can't she? HERE: https://elpais.com/elpais/2017/01/16/animalesycia/1484590219_026866.html#?rel=mas
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Forget about Google Translator! Not really a good choice! Use Deepl instead!
    2 points
  16. New NewMoon 27 Build! 32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20220903-0b43bf3628-xpmod.7z 32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20220903-0b43bf3628-xpmod-sse.7z 32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20220903-0b43bf3628-xpmod-ia32.7z 64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20220903-0b43bf3628-xpmod.7z source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27 repo changes since my last build: - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1208937 - Remove gfxPattern::GraphicsPatternType. r=jwatt. (eeb6dec919) - Bug 1196927 - Force plugin BGRX image surface data to always have valid alpha. r=jrmuizel, r=BenWa (80667ce488) - Bug 1156800: Post a task to send async NPP_New result from child to parent; r=jimm (81c40319a5) - Bug 1194955 - Fix -Wunreachable-code warnings in dom/ipc and dom/plugins. r=jimm (939ae937a8) - Bug 1151694 - Part 3: Manage mIsRunningOnCompositor flags for each properties respectively. r=bbirtles (3146a696cc) - Bug 1182931 - Expose assert_unreached in subwindows. r=bbirtles (1b2e6f05b5) - Bug 1151694 - Part 4 - Able to use testcommon.js in the window which has no opener. r=bbirtles (82bc744d44) - Bug 1151694 - Part 0: Rewrite test_running_on_compositor.html with add_task(). r=bbirtles (2e209051e3) - Bug 1151694 - Part 5 - Additional tests for Animation.IsRunningOnCompositor. r=bbirtles (de9858a004) - Bug 1151694 - Part 6 - A test case of Animation.isRunningOnCompositor for transition. r=bbirtles (54bd2a22ea) - Bug 1184377 - Move nsDocShell::PopProfileTimelineMarkers logic to ObservedDocShell, r=smaug (31e96712ac) - Bug 1190826 - Rename "AddMarkerTo*" to "AddMarkerFor*" to reflect the new philosophy behind markers, r=tromey (b7d5ae6314) - Bug 1152080 - Plugin configuration clip rects should be treated as visible rects. r=roc (4a18e0bd33) - Bug 1050498 - Record compositing operations, r=jsantell,smaug,tromey (4efa28f063) - Bug 1161900 - Use ICU normalization support during shaping if available, to support decomposable characters in more recently-encoded scripts. r=jdaggett,gps (d687a634cf) - Bug 1164835 - Use vertical presentation forms (where available) in vertical-upright text as fallback if the font does not support the 'vert' feature. r=jdaggett (983a6f0c20) - Bug 1139646 - Ensure gfxHarfBuzzShaper only loads the vmtx table once, to avoid leaking it. r=smontagu (72b5e2a698) - Bug 1139888 - Check for missing glyph metrics tables. r=jdaggett (7574fdcf7b) - Bug 1137588 - patch 1 - Read the second array in 'vmtx' correctly to get glyph vertical origins. r=jdaggett (c835835237) - Bug 1137588 - patch 2 - Use a better default vOrigin in fonts without real vertical metrics. r=jdaggett (ad1e27029e) - Bug 1187145 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in gfx/ with iterators r=njn (597ff872bc) - Bug 729993 - Use finer HarfBuzz cluster level. r=jfkthame (9b99d11def) - missing of Bug 1148660 - Correct the handling of glyph positioning offsets in vertical-upright mode. r=jdaggett (b32d14d197) - Bug 1178753 - Always enable async-video when OMTC is enabled. r=sotaro (c61f2a0be3) - Bug 1164735 - Move gPrefLangToLangGroups[] inside a function to avoid a static constructor. r=jdaggett (a6a4060db9) - Bug 1163488 - use the preprocessor to keep font lang arrays in sync. r=m_kato (6d9747d144) - Bug 1188995 - Increase tile size to 512/1024 on OSX. r=jrmuizel,mstange (e94187af4b) - Bug 1186661 - Use monitors-changed signal to update screen manager on GTK. r=karlt (97e0393eb6) - Bug 1191040 - Ensure that we only compute the tile size once. r=BenWa (b954ce41ac) - Bug 1182665 - Add gfxPlatform::GetScreenSize() and use nsIScreen for gfxPlatform::GetScreenDepth() r=nical (91a24e82ec) - Bug 1182665 - Adjust tile sizes depending on the screen size r=nical (319945c03a) - Bug 1173579 - Take the first valid default font. r=jdagget (d03c594b94) - Bug 1189158 - shutdown font loader thread in separate event. r=m_kato (c497e32155) - Bug 1189129 - annotate no default font aborts. r=bas (c20fc90269) - Bug 1204400 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in gfx/thebes and suppress those from Skia headers. r=BenWa (435b12fbb2) - Bug 1192699 - eliminate the two-stage system fontlist initialization under DirectWrite. r=m_kato (eb458720a1) - Bug 1194707 - Remove the docshell param from TimelineMarker constructors, r=tromey (c77c934021) - Bug 1195838 - Maintain all the TimelineMarker subclasses in a single place, r=tromey (c2da168977) - Bug 697981 - Prevent reloading of spelling dictionary on unfocused editors; r=roc (ec2ed87554) - Bug 1184249 - Remove warning if rootContent is null in nsEditorSpellCheck::UpdateCurrentDictionary. r=ehsan (8a828662d6) - Bug 717433 - Make selected language stick, regardless of whether it partly matches (test). r=roc (38a92a487f) - adapt Bug 717433 - Make selected language stick, regardless of whether it partly matches. r=roc (6a0d7f2a8b) - extended Bug 1200533 - Fix spellchecker dictionary logic. r=smaug (39228d4225) - Bug 1204147 - Prevent content preferences being written when they shouldn't. r=roc (bff4c98f6d) - Bug 1193293 - Don't pick a new dictionary which checking. r=roc (021da43b73) - Bug 1205983 - Remove all observer code from nsEditor. r=ehsan (aaf27ca6dc) - Bug 1205796 - "Coverity 1323784 indicates a useless passed-by-value argument in nsEditorSpellCheck::TryDictionary". r=smaug (a60feb5f61) - Bug 309731 - Allow document.execCommand('inserthtml') with an empty string parameter. r=ehsan (4956ee404b) (71cc47fa2f) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1195098. Null check for blurred source surface. r=mstange (4578ca815e) - Bug 1155828. Follow up bug to correct indentation. r=mstange (7b1ccb079e) - Bug 1181028. Log assert error. r=me (a09801af89) - Bug 1181028. Delete assertion to create equivalent draw targets during box shadow creation. r=mstange (de7ffd0412) - Bug 1209649. Take into account border radius sizes for min inset box shadow. r=mstange (992619654c) - Bug 1178971 - Added function to draw dashed table borders to replace loop currently used to individually draw each dash. r=mstange (1a0ef8e26d) - Bug 1198708 - Part 1: Store exact timing-function type on nsTimingFunction and ComputedTimingFunction. r=birtles (03636015d2) - Bug 1198708 - Part 2: Factor out computed nsTimingFunction serialization to public utility methods. r=birtles (11069efa45) - Bug 1198708 - Part 3: Serialize computed {transition,animation}-timing-function using their specified values. r=birtles (67b033f452) - Bug 1198708 - Part 4: Don't include start/end keyword in serialized specified {transition,animation}-timing-function value if it was omitted. r=birtles (e1b4225025) - Bug 1198708 - Part 5: Add method to serialize a ComputedTimingFunction. r=birtles (c48edd3c1c) - Bug 1198708 - Part 6: Implement KeyframeEffectReadOnly.getFrames(). r=birtles,bzbarsky (9cc9001e8d) - Bug 1198708 - Part 7: Tests. r=birtles (8668bdbed3) - Bug 1206569 - Part 4: Add method to get a CSS property's IDL name. r=bzbarsky (f9d94c27e4) - Bug 1207028 - Add method to get a CSS property's sorted order position based on its IDL name. r=bzbarsky (a856d46e67) - Bug 1188095 - Don't pause media elements on 'graphene'; r=baku (aae8063137) - Bug 1111201: Check for OOM when calling an asm.js function with new; r=evilpie (e5973dd6b8) - Bug 1178793 - Throw on OOB atomics access, interpreter+Ion. r=luke (d974def281) - Bug 1084248 - no undefined behavior, take 2. r=waldo (0c0c00f90f) - Bug 1084248 - safe for races, take 2. r=waldo (85629fd1e6) (2b652f0b52) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1204187 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Inline RelocationIterator. r=nbp (b97e654314) - Bug 1182607, use the right rectangle for a popup anchored at a rectangle when determining if the mouse click was over the anchor, r=tn (e1f3d04aa6) - Bug 1186972, use correct coordinates when comparing mouse position with menu anchor rectangle so that select element popups close properly, r=tn (271a0de264) - Bug 1177000, only consider popups of the same type when determining whether a popup shouldn't reopen, this allows dropdown buttons in popup to reopen properly, r=neil (a56095be88) - Bug 1149745, on Windows, menulist should select the value when the cursor keys are used to navigate items, r=neil (18afefe5b0) (0b43bf3628)
    1 point
  17. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20220903-485bba73-uxp-64173440f-xpmod.7z BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20220903-485bba73-uxp-64173440f-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom * Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15. -- New build of HBL-UXP for XP! Test binary: IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20220903-id-828aab8-uxp-64173440f-xpmod.7z IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20220903-id-828aab8-ia-93af9a0-uxp-64173440f-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/icedove-uxp/tree/winbuild https://github.com/roytam1/iceape-uxp/tree/winbuild for UXP changes please see above.
    1 point
  18. Let me rephrase this a bit: In the last beta test, there were false positives in your program package, even though they were clean as you said, and you worked hard to reduce them by a lot. But, yes, still, as you said, any notification from antiviruses are false positives, and should be ignored.
    1 point
  19. Very good! It's all fine with my program package. We had here a beta test, and all my self-created executables are definitely clean. Any alarm notfication from security programs is a false positive.
    1 point
  20. It was WiseVector StopX. As you said, it was apparently detecting the AutoHotkey parts of the program, so I allowed it through.
    1 point
  21. I agree, especially the "Yeah do you guys have any steak?" one.
    1 point
  22. I really appreciate all the work that has gone into keeping Windows XP a viable operating system. Thank you AstroSkipper for putting all the information together to get the updates system working again and presenting ProxHTTPSProxy in a complete form (PopMenu). I've been given a small ASUS Eee PC 901 laptop to sort out (Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 4GB SSD, 8GB SSD). With the information from these forums I have been able to carry out a clean installation of Windows XP Home with all available updates (not POS as the storage is very limited). By copying tasklist32.exe from an XP Pro system to C:\Windows\System32 I was also able to get PopMenu working under XP Home and have installed ArcticFoxie's version of 360 Chrome which seems to work pretty well considering the hardware it is running on! With this combination it is possible to browse the web without constant security errors, even sites that use 'elliptic curve' SSL. It would be really great if there could be an option for auto starting the proxy in a later release of PopMenu. I have been able to simulate this by making a 'minimised' shortcut to ProxHTTPSProxy.exe in the Startup folder on the Start menu. Thanks again for all your hard work. Matt.
    1 point
  23. https://searchfox.org/
    1 point
  24. Would you want to live there? https://twitter.com/MorissaSchwartz/status/1565683665383956483
    1 point
  25. Yeah do you guys have any steak? https://twitter.com/Laughs_4_All/status/1564822558066745344
    1 point
  26. A promising treatment for trisomy 21 9/1/2022, 8:11:02 PM For people with Down syndrome, the issue of empowerment in adulthood is key. This disease, characterized by the presence of a third chromosome 21, whole or partial, induces, among other things, an intellectual deficiency of varying degrees. However, French and Swiss researchers have obtained interesting results by administering hormone treatment to adults with Down syndrome for six months. The molecule used is GnRH, a hormone naturally produced by the hypothalamus in the brain to regulate reproduction and puberty. Why the researchers, whose work is published this Thursday in Science , did they pay attention to him in trisomy 21? On the one hand, previous studies have shown that neurons sensitive to this hormone have an action in regions of the brain controlling cognition - the reason why the same molecule is also beginning to be tested in Alzheimer's disease.... HERE: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2022-09-01-a-promising-treatment-for-trisomy-21.BJzC3rd0ki.html
    1 point
  27. Nice creatures , but so gentle ! I wouldn't . I'd purchase something more durable . Varanus or so . I saw one from Israel with a violet tongue , very cool !
    1 point
  28. Hi , sorry I wouldn't know . I have a fairly decent pc for the internet usage : Fujitsu Siemens Celsius (BTX full tower). I don't know was it made by the Frisians or not . lol. But says Made in Germany ! The specs are 16GB DDR3 RAM , 4 core Xeon + Nvidia Titan 12GB VRAM. It's very fast on it ! No spyware inside , some connections I blocked , mostly to the search engine providers and google telemetry. It's no different than a standard chrome in that regard, I guess. Yes , chinese.
    1 point
  29. @D.Draker, could we buy the axolots, please?. Axolotl brain: Study reveals unique ability to regenerate Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) Photo: Paul Starosta/Getty Images The axolotl is famous for being able to regrow legs and organs. A team of researchers has now tracked down the processes behind it. In its native Mexico, the axolotl has become rare. On the other hand, it thrives in research laboratories. Because the salamander has long fascinated laypeople and experts alike - especially its ability to regenerate severed limbs or even organs such as parts of the heart. They just grow back within a few weeks. Researchers have once again tracked down this amphibian's wondrous ability to regenerate. In one study, they created a cell map of parts of his brain. Because there, too, it was found that eight weeks after an injury to the forebrain, which is also responsible for processing smells, all the lost nerve cells in the test animals had been replaced. Some of them have rebuilt their old connections to neighboring cells, said Katharina Lust from the Vienna Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP). She is co-author of the study published in the journal Science. "But we don't yet know whether the restored neural network will actually work as before," says Lust. In search of the secret of regeneration Led by Elly Tanaka (IMP) and Barbara Treutlein from ETH Zurich, the research team mapped cell types in the axolotl forebrain and characterized the cells that give the newt its extraordinary ability to regenerate. They also compared the cells with those of turtles and mice. In the evolutionary tree, amphibians split off from the rest of the vertebrates about 350 million years ago. Until now it was not known how similar the axolotl brain is to other vertebrate brains. The researchers also identified clusters of neurons in the axolotl brain that correspond to the mouse and turtle hippocampus, a region responsible for memory and learning. "Mapping cell types in the axolotl brain not only brings evolutionary insights into the vertebrate brain, but also paves the way for innovative research on brain regeneration," says Tanaka. The aim is to understand what brain stem cells do after an injury - which genes they activate, how they interact and how they restore neurons that reconnect the lost connections. The question is how each cell knows what to do, says Lust. In earlier studies, scientists had already investigated which cells in the axolotl are responsible for the regrowth of limbs. According to a 2018 paper, they are ordinary connective tissue cells. They just rewind in their development. Highly specialized body cells, so-called fibroblasts, become progenitor cells that can form different types of connective tissue - whether skin, bones or tendons. Human fibroblasts cannot do this. When we are injured, they transform into so-called myofibroblasts, which form scar tissue. HERE: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2022-09-01-axolotl-brain--study-reveals-unique-ability-to-regenerate.H1X18_CJo.html The fabulous world of the axolotl In its native Mexico, the axolotl is almost extinct. In German research laboratories, however, it is thriving. Scientists are studying its fascinating ability to regenerate severed limbs. The axolotl also cuts a fine figure in the home aquarium. Photos (fabulous!) HERE: https://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/wundersame-wesen-die-fabelhafte-welt-der-axolotl-fotostrecke-62181.html ...and HERE: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/axolotl-forscher-entschluesseln-geheimnis-des-wunderlurchs-a-1230224.html Researchers unravel the secret of the wonder lizard Legs, parts of the heart, brain and spine - everything grows back in the axolotl. Now researchers are sure: responsible for this are cells that also occur in humans. If an axolotl loses a leg or even parts of organs, this is not a big problem for the caudate amphibians. Within a few weeks, replacements grow back. Researchers have long puzzled over how the survival artists from Mexico manage this. Some suspected, for example, that axolotls had a kind of miracle cell that set the healing process in motion. An international team of researchers has now investigated exactly which body regions are responsible for the amazing regeneration. However, they have not come across any magic cells. Instead, ordinary cells of the connective tissue apparently cause entire limbs to grow back, the scientists report in the journal "Science" . The amazing thing: These cells also exist in mammals, including humans. In humans, however, they do not provide for miraculous healing, but for scars. 11 images Photo: IMP Research Institute of Molecular Pathology How can this be? "The connective tissue cells of axolotls simply rewind in their development," says Leipzig researcher Tobias Gerber, who was involved in the study. Highly specialized somatic cells, so-called fibroblasts, are thus transformed back into progenitor cells that can form different types of connective tissue - whether skin, bone or tendons. Similar all-rounder cells are also found in the arm buds of embryos. They virtually have the blueprint of the limbs and ensure that everything grows exactly as it should. Scientists have now succeeded for the first time in observing regeneration in axolotls at the cellular level. The studies were conducted at the Research Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) in Leipzig and the Center for Regenerative Therapies in Dresden (CRTD). The researchers first labeled and isolated connective tissue cells from the animals and then decoded individual gene sequences. This allowed them to determine exactly which of the thousands and thousands of cells were responsible for the amazing healing. "It was like turning the contents of a fruit bowl into juice without knowing what types of fruit the bowl contained," says IMP's Prayag Murawala. Reprogramming human cells Humans also have fibroblasts - but they don't produce a miracle cure like the axolotl. Instead, when injured, they transform into so-called myofibroblasts, which form scar tissue. "It would be great, of course, if we could also reprogram human cells to repeat their embryonic arm development process," Gerber says. But he says there is still a long way to go before that happens. That's because researchers don't yet know which genes are responsible for the amazing regenerative ability. So even if humans theoretically had the ability to regrow organs, limbs or sensory cells, researchers don't yet know the switch that sets the process in motion. In the video: How caudates heal wounds SPIEGEL ONLINE Compared to humans, the axolotl's genome is complicated. With 32 billion base pairs, the animals' genome is more than ten times as large as the human genome. Researchers only recently succeeded in decoding it. They discovered several genes that are unique to the axolotl and other amphibian species and are active in regenerating tissue. In contrast, an important and widespread developmental gene called PAX3 was missing; its function is taken over in the axolotl by a related gene called PAX7. Both genes play key roles in muscle and nerve development. Despite their amazing ability to regenerate, axolotls are considered to be in danger of extinction. There are now more specimens living in laboratories than in the wild. An adult axolotl is milk white, olive green or black and can live up to 20 years. They spend their entire lives in the larval stage. That is, unlike the vast majority of amphibians, they become sexually mature without first undergoing metamorphosis. Axolotls lay up to 1500 eggs four times a year.
    1 point
  30. I've not, but after reading your posting I will do just that. Its about 11AM and not too humid today. Thank you for caring and I'm "Grateful" for your advice.
    1 point
  31. Thank you and I'm almost done and will share my prefs.js (user.js) with everyone when done. Again, its the way I prefer it and others may not like/agree with me on my choices. Mostly went with the suggested changes here from you guys. I also do not use hardware acceleration at all (no point with my useless hardware) I disable a lot and compared it to new Serpent, I decided to go with some of those default choices. Also went with mypal one some and changed Serpent to they match up. I tried yesterday, but I was doing bad, I say that not to bring others down, rather than I'm sitting here and doing better today and want to show others this too shall pass. Some days are worse than others and we all have a crappy day now and again. Still struggling with speech and writing; sorry.
    1 point
  32. I also was unable to use MiniBrowser on my XP system with 2GB on ram (2.5 if I put in my failing 500MB stick) and I thought it (the browser) was not vetted properly and not finished by @Humming Owl and he gave up on it along with DC Browser (I still use). I was under the impression they were abandoned. Are you guys saying, V13.5 is as good as it gets for Chromium on XP?
    1 point
  33. Never tried MiniBrowser! Is it heavy on system resources as 360chrome v13 and v13.5? And, what about telemetry or spyware inside? It's a Chinese browser, isn't it?
    1 point
  34. The first day (and night) with 'Mía'. How I learned that cats always do whatever they want and that anything under a sheet is susceptible to being bitten. PEDRO ZUAZUA Madrid - 14 SEP 2016 - 11:42 UTC Exactly one year ago I told my best friend: "Look Miguel, in my house a cat doesn't enter. Period." Well I lied. Not entirely, since it has finally been a cat, but wow, that's the only argument I can hold on to to not be slaughtered for going back on my word (and more so in front of a friend who will use it to his advantage in any debate). Mía usurping the TV remote control. PEDRO ZUAZUA The thing is that Mía, a common European white and light brown cat, arrived home on Sunday morning, June 19. She was just two months old. She arrived in a bag (my girlfriend Barbara's, the one that made all this possible) and, on the way to her new home, she stuck her head out and looked attentively at everything that was going on around her. When he arrived, he sniffed everything. Like a good first-time parent, I put his food, water and sandbox in the same corner of the house. I filled the feeder to the top, in case the apocalypse came, and I let him loose a couple of toys around the house (a very nice hedgehog and a phosphorescent yellow stuffed animal that disappeared the first day and that, despite its striking appearance, has not reappeared). He neither ate nor drank, but took a good nap on the bookshelf, on a catalog of the work of the painter Dario de Regoyos. During that first afternoon, I changed the traditional visits to the traditional cat videos for more professional consultations. In La loca de los gatos I discovered some tricks and suddenly I found myself building a toy with an old shoe box, exploring corners of the house to leave hidden prizes (cats are hunters, guys!) and studying every movement she made, to see if it was a symptom of something. Yes, I checked several times to see if he was still breathing. When she woke up, I played with her for a while with the unhappy illusion of tiring her out for the night. The first day with a cat one learns several things: among them that they do what they want, when they want and the way they want. Mia decided she wanted to win my heart by falling asleep on my belly while we watched TV. At the same time that an Albanian named Sadiku scored the winning goal for his team against Romania, my cat crossed her front paws and closed her eyes. Mía prefers to sleep among books. PEDRO ZUAZUA And of course, I melted. Especially because I could not anticipate the night that awaited me, full of purring, meowing and a strange fondness for trying to massage my hair. I could barely sleep for 20 minutes at a time. The first night with a cat you also learn that anything hidden under a sheet or blanket is susceptible to being bitten and scratched. And also that "No!" is enough to make them look at you for a second with a "Are you talking to me?" face, but that pedagogically the method still needs some evolution. When it dawned, I didn't know if I hated her or loved her. But there was no turning back. I had already posted a picture of Mia on my Instagram profile, and you know, in the cat world, an Instagram is forever. HERE: https://elpais.com/elpais/2016/09/14/animalesycia/1473847475_844173.html#?rel=mas
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Here is another link to an informative site about the preferences in Firefox or Mypal 68: https://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries Cheers, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  37. What I wrote about the Frisian people is true. Most of them tick like this. And, me too!
    1 point
  38. It will support other drivers as well; the next one in my sights is the Process Hacker 2.39 driver. I will also add functions for Intel and AMD drivers, and also other system drivers such as Windows 7 file system drivers (which support TRIM).
    1 point
  39. It is certainly better than the regular ACPI timer, but I found that it did not help very much on Haswell+. There is a better, more precise timer than ACPI that apparently did improve things on those systems (but still not perfect): invariant TSC-based timer. Windows 7 supports this but it actually is rarely used in practice. I enabled it in Vista with a test HAL, but it wasn't released because it didn't boot on some systems.
    1 point
  40. CAT's 9 lives! https://twitter.com/guldurbakalim1/status/1564375323613036546 my summer vacation https://twitter.com/guldurbakalim1/status/1565040691016769540
    1 point
  41. Hello all, There is good news! @ward201185 on MDL has managed to get ProxhttpsProxy v1.3a running on Win 2000! This requires Python and the Python version of ProxhttpsProxy. I will create a tutorial for this soon. It works perfectly in combination with Windows Update v5:
    1 point
  42. @Anbima As NotHereToPlayGames told you, the site referenced fails to function properly in 360EEv11 because it requires the JS feature called "the Object.fromEntries() method", which was first implemented in Chromium 73 (while 360EEv11 is Ch69-based): ... hence the link to your previous post of Aug 18th (but you've also asked this on Aug 4th and Aug 6th and Aug 17th ) ... Missing "methods" can be polyfilled (please search what a "polyfill" is) and polyfills (in essence, pure JS code written in a syntax compatible with previous standards that the deprecated browser supports) can be inserted in pages via UserScripts; you need to install first a userscript manager, like Tampermonkey (closed-source) or Violentmonkey (open-source, it's the one I use, but v2.13.0 will be the last properly supporting 360EEv11) and write a simple userscript containing the polyfill code... If you're not bothered to even learn how to compose a VERY SIMPLE userscript (that works selectively on shop.brink.eu or, even, globally in the browser), this tells us that you probably like to be "spoon-fed", which won't make you appear very "attractive" in these places... Another way to inject code (a polyfill in this case) is via an extension, but I suspect you writing one from scratch just for that would be "totally out of reach" for you... An obvious solution to your problem(s) - without needing you to learn "very complicated" things - would be updating to a later version of 360EE, v12 (Ch78-based) or v13/13.5 (Ch86-based); on the plus side, many more "recent" sites will be better supported; on the minus side, your (probably old) H/W might not bode well with them... A sort of "spoon-feeding" solution would be to install below extension: https://github.com/InterLinked1/chromefill It isn't available as a .CRX file, but you need to install from zip while being in (extension) Developer Mode (or you can convert the zipped source into a CRX via the browser itself and then install that CRX); the extension provides polyfills for Object.fromEntries and several other methods missing in Chromium 70... Most of the rest of your eventual questions can find answers if you type them in your browser's Search Bar...
    1 point
  43. I won't bother addressing your points. It's clear that you're a conflicting individual who's always looking for a fight, always dismissing or putting down others unless they speak exactly how you want to hear them. Impossible to converse with you like with a normal person. You're not worth my time.
    1 point
  44. For changing the Taskbar to look more like Windows 7, I'd recommend Open Shell. That, and texturing your Taskbar with this: (Windows plz just let us use Aero assets without having to resort to all of this)
    1 point
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