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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2022 in all areas

  1. To be perfectly honest, I was not going to "go public" with this, but I have been using v13.5 build 2022 since mid-August or so. There is nothing to update on builds v11, v12, and v13 and they are in essence abandonware. v13.5 on the other hand has been updated "upstream" and it was basically my OCD that had me do a build 2022 because it coinceded with the YEAR. I do not recall if this "fixed" any web sites that did not function in prior builds or not. It was honesly just an OCD Thing with the build coinciding with the year that I even updated at all. A known bug (unfixable!) is that the Dev Tools will revert to Chinese if opened in Incognito Mode (v13 build 2206 is the last version to NOT do this, ALL NEWER versions have this "flaw". Unfixable!). I "think" I packaged the below links with Dev Tools in English but it's been a few months and I'm not 100% sure on that. Another known bug is that right-click "Translate to English" is intentionally broken (I intentionally break all features that "force" Google connections). This "bug" is fixable but again, I intentionally break all features that "force" Google connections so whether this is a "bug" or not is "user discretion". Ungoogled download: <link removed> Convert Ungoogled to Regular - replace this one file with 360Chrome closed: <link removed> Convert XP Skin to Win10 Skin (may also work in Win7 and Vista, I have not confirmed) - replace this one file with 360Chrome closed: <link removed>
    5 points
  2. Since this is the "rant" thread, lol. There are some members I miss, others that I do not miss, still others that I think the forum would be &/or is better off without. edit - I was looking for the Fozzie Bear "waka waka waka" where he is dressed like Luke Skywalker, but this will suffice
    3 points
  3. Dixel taught me tricks and hacks mostly. His specialty borders very close to let's say "hacking", so no good for open forums. He is not a hacker per se, he was not hacking software, but the modifications to launch ,let's say a game which was originally blocked from running on Vista, the developer may not like it, even if the game was puchased officially . The same goes for browsers he modded. The licence forbids modding the code, in case you didn't know. This is all a very thin line, I'm also being cautious and don't upload anything ready made and decided not post the famous Dixel's tutorial on how to lauch modern games on Vista. This is all a very thin line. And in any case, like @AstroSkipper wrote, we don't make money from it. So why to risk ?
    2 points
  4. Yes, let's not forget him as well. After all, he's one of the most helpful members here.
    2 points
  5. I can't stand when neighbors used to have surround sound and sub-woofers ... so disrespectful to others, but thank heavens they moved out.
    2 points
  6. Well, there are 3 people that I have seen (and remember) and I miss them a lot: @legacyfan, @Mr.Scienceman2000 and @TrevMUN.
    2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. @D.Draker, I trust you, of course! And on the subject of energy, energy is everywhere. Matter is energy. Think of Albert Einstein's formula E=mc²! It means the energy contained in matter is proportional to its mass and can be transformed from one into the other and vice versa at any time. I know a lot about energy in the sense of the natural sciences. But I don't really believe in energy charged objects like an amulet, a chain or anything else for protection. Sorry, my friend! I do not believe in anything! I'm rather rational, logical and strictly scientific. At least most of the time!
    1 point
  9. I try to not use the .exe if at all possible, rather see if I can find a download with the INF files in it. Alternatively, you can look onto the Windows Update Catalog for cabs by searching for the DEV_* value.
    1 point
  10. and - and new v13.0.2170.0 too - are working well, so I've two new browsers to test, Thank You!
    1 point
  11. hello NHTPG, nice work and i like the win 10 skin. something about the bookmark bar icons though with the win 10 skin. ( using bookmarks without text ) the icons are not square. ( missing empty pixels on the right ) this compacts the bookmarks in the bar. i can "correct" this by using only some files from the win 10 srx in the xp srx file. but that is not how it should be done. can you fix this like you did before in the 13.5 alpha releases please ? https://msfn.org/board/topic/182993-360-extreme-explorer-arcticfoxie-versions/page/10/#comment-1206059 also with the win 10 skin , the text color for folders in the bookmar bar has changed from black to grey ? same goes for bookmark icons with text.
    1 point
  12. Dixel are cool, I miss him.
    1 point
  13. Of course, but now to me - better is hearing silence... I always used the best quality headphones. Once I had a bad experience with headphones: suddenly the volume went up to the max!... I didn't know what to do for a few seconds... I remember this to this day. It was horrible. to my ears.
    1 point
  14. Too much sleep during the day (naps..) is not good for our health! Sleep during the night, action during the day! Yesterday I was out walking for 3 hours, and afterwards I didn't feel tired!Action, action!
    1 point
  15. Me neither... and those motorcycles without mufflers, and those car owners with music sent to all... ..... and those city hall employees with those machines cutting flowers and grass every few days... uh those are really horrible. I often close my ears when I hear them all
    1 point
  16. 9:30 and am going to try this tonight and will let you know in the AM Hope everyone is doing alright. Good night
    1 point
  17. Thank you , hepls with tinnitus !
    1 point
  18. We still have the marvellous @jaclaz !
    1 point
  19. Those were really nice people! I also miss @Dixel and @Gansangriff. But we still have @Tripredacus , who always comes to resque with a wise advice, even when others are silent. One of the things I really respect in him.
    1 point
  20. We still have my favourite DAVE-H.
    1 point
  21. 1 - Oh, I noticed, trust me ! 2 - This has nothing to do with superstition, it's energy charged items (enchanted). And we all know what energy can do and we all know it has scientific explanation.
    1 point
  22. Wow, I never knew there was an alternative for AirDrop, thank you for sharing this!
    1 point
  23. Yeah ... I followed @RainyShadow and this member was helpful when my hard drives was showing me errors and they were kind but I haven't seem in quite some time. I also wonder about @legacyfan as he offered us help with XP when we thought it was done-deal. I don't usually read other tech forums other than my other XP Forum but I don't them over there and that forum is really slow. Liz is super kind over there and even she asked where people are. https://www.xpforums.com/threads/no-problems.934685/ Honestly, I don't fit in anywhere at all online or in real life for that matter. Anxiety and support forums I put in the rear-view-mirror permanently. I'm not that helpful here but I try with limited knowledge.
    1 point
  24. I hope they didn't spend money to conduct that survey. Speaking of decibel levels, I once witnessed a company I once worked for "investigated" by OSHA for their take-shelter alarm being TOO LOUD. Our "safety" department ignored all complaints citing them as TOO LOUD. The "safety" department would sarcastically reply "would you rather die in a tornado because you couldn't hear the alarm?" OSHA was brought in to "investigate" and the company had to install new alarms because they were indeed found to be TOO LOUD. The "safety" manager didn't last much longer after that, but he left for other reasons.
    1 point
  25. "This the best rain generator fall relaxing me enough for deep sleep." White Rain - Frequency-Shaped Rain Noise Generator White Noise + Rain = White Rain Noise ? For the engineer, white noise is a signal that contains all frequencies in equal proportion, or, in other words, a signal whose spectrum is flat. For the mathematician, white noise is a signal made of uncorrelated samples, exactly like numbers output by a random number generator. Assuming that both engineers and mathematicians are right, we conclude that, when a source behaves like a random process, its sound should resemble white noise. This is exactly what happens with rain. Every drop can be considered as an independent, uncorrelated, sound source. A gentle rain, made of sparse drops, will generate a pitter-patter sound, where you will still be able to hear each drop's distinctive sound. By increasing the rate and the number of drops, a heavier rain starts behaving as a huge random process, and its sound turns white. Our white rain sound recording is totally natural: no synthetic white noise has been superimposed here. Yet, it sounds close to white noise. Not all rain sounds are white though, mostly because of the environment in which the rain falls alters the color of the sound too. Our recording has been performed in the silence of the night, in a huge space - namely the Harau Valley in Sumatra - and in the absence of any wind, as to produce the most even noise one can get. This sound offers the exact same spectrum as white noise, and can be used in the same applications in the mind, such as noise blocking or tinnitus relief. If white noise ever sounded too synthetic for your ears, give our white rain noise a try. https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/whiteRainNoiseGenerator.php?l=14222840464228211305&d=0
    1 point
  26. So good download link (with the "?dl=1" correction) is in the cmccaff1 post above. - Thank you both!
    1 point
  27. I tried ChromeFill 0.1 in 360Chrome v11, too. It couldn't fix anything at all, unfortunately. Maybe, in a future version if it ever comes!
    1 point
  28. @msfntor, @XPerceniol - Thanks for the confirmation guys. I tried ChromeFill 0.1, but it didn't help for YouTube Search in v11 .
    1 point
  29. Anything is better and worth trying before dreaded medication. Let us know if it works for you. I've been asleep on the sofa for 4 hours and I feel dazed.
    1 point
  30. All the drives in my first post are still running, but the first 80 GB one has two SMART warnings now and really should replace it.
    1 point
  31. Official Chromium browser snapshot 1070779 (110.0.5417.0 - at https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html?prefix=Win_x64/1070779/) is available today. No work has been done to break Windows 7 compatibility yet. Vista and 7 will have a harder time because of the lack of support of nested job objects in those operating systems. Though even if VxKex and Vista Extended Kernel are unable to enhance job objects in time, I think we can run them with --no-sandbox in the interim. as most of the code relevant to job objects is in the sandbox.
    1 point
  32. It does not fully work; the optional kernel mode component is missing function ObGetObjectType. I hope to add it soon. The other important function in the newer releases is technically kernel mode as well: NtQuerySystemInformationEx. I have some compliant functions like KeQueryLogicalProcessorRelationship but I may need to add additional classes or refine existing ones for that to work as it should.
    1 point
  33. This thread is a little bit confusing especially for people looking for help. So I have made a complete guide with all tips and steps which have to be performed to restore access to Microsoft Update web site and are working for me. Of course at your own risk without any guarantee! And just to clarify: I am not the author or contributor of these patches and tools. I am a user and have examined my problems while restoring MU in Windows XP. This guide is the result of my examinations to help other users. Of course I did some modifications due to the fact that some patches don't work properly or something is missing. If you want improvements of these tools and patches, please contact the authors! Complete guide for restoring Microsoft Update in IE To be successful in restoring of access to MU web site, you have to keep the order of following steps. Please, do not change this order! 1. Check BIOS and Windows date and time incl. correct time zone. Perform a time sync! 2. If you have used "WSUS server" in combination with "WUMT" in the past remove it completely by "Remove_wsus.cmd". This batch file does not work properly, so you have to remove this registry key manually: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate. You can let "Remove_wsus.cmd" perform this by adding following line (without quotes): "reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /f". Start Automatic Update service. In system panel Automatic Update may not be shown greyed out. 3. Go to Windows Services. Three system services are absolutely important for MU: bits, wuauserv and cryptsvc. These services should have been started and set to automatic. 4. Configure Internet Explorer. Internet Zone to standard, Trusted Zone to high with only these three urls related to MU: http://www.update.microsoft.com, https://www.update.microsoft.com and http://update.microsoft.com. Credits to @maile3241 and @AstroSkipper. Go to Internet Explorer Options, Advanced. Check if TLS 1.2 is enabled. Uncheck entry "Check for server certificate revocation". 5. Before installing updates apply "PosReady.reg" if not already done. 6. Install these four updates KB4467770, KB4019276, KB4493435, KB942288-V3. Credits to @maile3241. 7. Apply "Tls 1.2.reg". Credits to @maile3241 8. Execute "rootsupd.exe". 9. Install the latest Windows Update Agent 7.6. It's version 7.6.7600.256. Download link: http://download.windowsupdate.com/windowsupdate/redist/standalone/7.6.7600.320/WindowsUpdateAgent-7.6-x86.exe 10. Install "ProxHTTPSProxy". Download link: https://i430vx.net/files/XP/ProxHTTPSProxyMII_REV3d_PY344.7z, credits to @heinoganda. Here you have to edit the config file "config.ini". Under section [SSL No-Verify] I added fe2.update.microsoft.com and deleted update.microsoft.com under sections [SSL Pass-Thru] and [BYPASS URL]. This is working for me. 11. Download and install one of these packages: an English all in one version, credits to @Windows7fan from MDL, @xpandvistafan, @maile3241 and @AstroSkipper from MSFN: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1z5NGORov8OS7iBkoFVsvWOTOE1_LCjoQ&export=download or a German all in one version, based on version above, modified and updated by @AstroSkipper: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0y1zmwv8z4lch9s/Restore_WU_XP_DE.7z/file. Credits to @Windows7fan from MDL, of course. Here you have to check if "install.cmd" did its job properly i.e. all commands in "install.cmd" should have been performed completely. Additionally you have to verify the existence of patched "wuaueng.dll" in both folders system32 and system32\dllcache in form of a binary comparison.. Be aware of SFC which tries to restore an original old version of this file! After patching restart your computer and recheck! Verify if really all registry entries have been added.i All bold files mentioned here are in these all in one versions included. They can be installed manually (all registry entries of "install.cmd" have to be added manually too) or automatically by applying "install.cmd". 12. If you have problems in configuring ProxHTTPSProxy, or you get error code 0x80072f8f while trying to access MU web site, have a look in my thread: 13. Use "CAupdater" or "Certificate Updater 1.6" to update your root certificates. Download link of Certificate Updater 1.6 can be found here: 14. If the button "Check for updates" doesn't work on MU, close Internet Explorer, open MU from Start Menu again and in most cases it will load successfully. 15. If you have a fresh installation or a reinstallation of Windows XP, it seems to be necessary to install MU ActiveX Control manually because it won't be downloaded automatically any longer. Without any confirmation by me (no opportunity to check it), here is a guide how you can do that. Credits to @maile3241: 16. If on MU web page error code 0x80072F78 appears, turn off your firewall temporarily. If MU is working now, add the program "wuauClt.exe" into the exception list of your firewall and turn your firewall back on. In any case ProxHTTPSProxy or HTTPSProxy must not be blocked by your firewall. Same for Internet Explorer, of course. If on MU web page other error codes appear, rename the windows folder "SoftwareDistribution" to "SoftwareDistribution.old" and let MU generate a fresh one. Maybe you have to disable a "HTTPS scanning" feature of your security software temporarily or make exclusions for MU related sites. 17. Do not use the same "DataStore.edb" in "SoftwareDistribution" for WSUS server/WUMT and MU web version. I have two DataStore.edb files, one for WSUS server and one for MU. One for all doesn't work in my system. 18. Use only http-links to open MU in IE. Direct link is http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en or http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en&g_sconsumersite=1 19. MU is only working if ProxHTTPSProxy is enabled. 20. For testing I add a link of my working ProxHTTPSProxy's config.ini: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vr1klatuzjh6v5c/ProxHTTPSProxy_-_config.ini/file 21. If completing all of these steps didn't help you at all, even after repeated execution, you may have a rather general problem relating to MU in your Windows XP installation. In this case you can try to manually reset Windows Update components. Here is my post how you can do that: After that kind of reset I recommend to perform all steps once again (from step 1 to 20 inclusive). Of course, some steps won't be necessary any more but checking which to perform or not will cost a lot of time, therefore senseless. Although I am not a friend of automatisms, I also offer a tool here to perform this reset of Microsoft or Windows Update automatically. Anyway, I recommend to backup your system partition completely at first. This tool called Reset Windows Update Tool (Script) is said to be working properly, but it has not been tested by me, so no guarantee of success and use at your own risk. The last XP compatible version is https://www.mediafire.com/file/k48ll6e41eypogy/ResetWUEng10.5.3.7.zip/file and a less recent version with a help file included: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wl0yrq98me8dfkj/ResetWUEng10.5.3.4.zip/file 22. If unfortunately none of all these 21 steps helped you, then you should presumably think about a complete reinstallation of Windows XP. I did all these steps (except steps 21 and 22) and for me MU is working flawlessly in my Windows XP Professional system. For further detailed instructions and missing files perform a search in this thread and enjoy the screenshots we all have uploaded! If you enjoyed this guide or maybe you found it interesting and helpful, I would be pleased about any reaction by liking or upvoting. Greetings from Germany, AstroSkipper PS: This guide will no longer be maintained. It will stay here just for historical purpose. The new, maintained and up-to-date version can be found here:
    1 point
  34. Hello, I have tried to determine what is the meaning of ProductType for 9x OSes. Here is the result: This information is always stored in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, ProductType. The following texts are taken form Microsoft MSInfo32 utility:Windows 98 100 - Clean install using Microsoft Internal 101 - Clean install using Full CD 102 - Clean install using CD 103 - Clean install using Full Floppy 104 - Clean install using Floppy 105 - Clean install using Web 110 - Clean install using Select CD 111 - Clean install using MSDN CD 112 - Clean install using WIN98 Upgrade (Windows 98 SE only) 115 - Clean install using Full OEM CD 116 - Clean install using OEM CD 120 - Clean install using OEM Preinstall KitOn the distribution media, the information is stored in setupx.dll (stored in precopy2.cab), string resource 96, string 1526. Windows Me 100 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 Microsoft Internal 101 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 Retail CD Full 102 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 Retail CD Upgrade 103 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 Retail Floppy Full 104 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 Retail Floppy Upgrade 105 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 Retail Electronic Upgrade 110 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 Select CD Full 111 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 MSDN 112 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 WIN98 Upgrade 115 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 OEM CD Full 116 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 OEM CD Upgrade 120 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 OEM OPK Full 121 - Microsoft Windows ME 4.90.3000 ??? On the distribution media, the information is stored in setupx.dll (stored in precopy2.cab), string resource 96, string 1526 and in W9xsetup.bin, string resource 10, string 144. For Windows 95 the information is taken from the web and from my experience: 1 2 - Retail CD Upgrade (full too?) 3 - Floppy Upgrade 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - Floppy 8 - Floppy 9 - OEM CD FullThis information is stored in SETUPPP.INF (in PRECOPY.CAB) in [data] section, as [ProductType]. The information if it is upgrade or not is stored in SETUPC.INF, [data] section, CCP=0 means no upgrade, CCP=1 means Compliance Checking Program. If you have CD-ROM Windows 95 full, no upgrade, no OEM, and any floppy disk installs of Windows 95, please let me now the ProductType value so I could improve the table. Petr
    1 point
  35. @Acheron Thanks for publishing the patches in one place. It's not easy to develop these patches without help...
    1 point
  36. I have seen over the years different patches for syssetup.dll for Windows XP SP3 here and on ryanvm.net and most of them have some problems about driver warnings or breaking some functionality. Recently I replaced all of them with the patches published by Mr. Dusha on OSZone.net and have not had any problems since. http://forum.oszone.net/thread-119984.html. I had to register to download the files. The text file is very useful but despite its name does not contain all modifications made. Using the Fake Setup Advanced command line I was able to apply all the patches to syssetup.dll and setupapi.dll. Here's the complete list of patches and descriptions for Windows XP SP3. //=============// SETUPAPI.dll//=============//5.1.2600.5603 (KB948720)0001CD29: 74 EB // Disable DSP increase from 0 to 1,0001D509: 74 EB // if replaced SFC-protected signed driver00021B5F: 74 90 //00021B60: 0A 90 // Disable unsigned drivers decreasing rank00021B6E: 75 EB //000456A7: 74 EB // Disable error messages in Setupapi.log and pop-up driver install dialogs with patched syssetup.dll.....//5.1.2600.55120001CD29: 74 EB // Disable DSP increase from 0 to 1,0001D509: 74 EB // if replaced SFC-protected signed driver00021B7F: 74 90 //00021B80: 0A 90 // Disable unsigned drivers decreasing rank00021B8E: 75 EB //000456C7: 74 EB // Disable error messages in Setupapi.log and pop-up driver install dialogs with patched syssetup.dll.....//========================// SYSSETUP.dll PatchBlock//========================//5.1.2600.551200033B29: 73 EB // Disable Syssetup.inf protect 00033E00: 39 85 //00033E01: 5D DB // DefaultDrvSignPol = 0 (params in winnt.sif will be ignored)00033E02: 08 90 //000574FF: 74 90 // Disable OOBE00057500: 07 90 0005AB31: 6A EB // Disable SFC files scan in T-80005AB32: 46 0D ////===========// SFC_OS.dll//===========//5.1.2600.55120000EC87: 75: EB // SfcDisable=0xFFFFFF9D enable//=======================// UXTHEME.dll PatchBlock//=======================//6.0.2900.551200018727: 8B 33 //00018728: FF C0 //00018729: 55 C2 // Unsigned themes usage enable0001872A: 8B 04 //0001872B: EC 00 //
    1 point
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