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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2022 in all areas

  1. I've always asked when out for a walk and run into homeless folk if they need an ear, because they have a story. When down (to the curb) very hard to pull oneself up without support. My DD Father made sure I'd be ok, unless it all gets taken away.
    2 points
  2. Gee ! Where did you get the cold !? It's stiil so warm outside ! Is it a form of Egyptian Covid or smth ? Anyways, I hope you'll get much better very soon!
    2 points
  3. No one forbids you to write that you don't agree they're accidental.
    2 points
  4. Faith and religion are two different things. Faith is more like what you beleive yourself. Religion is political, hence forbidden here. And governments do benefit from religious people, can't argue with that. As an example, look at the russian church and how deeply it's involved and encourages more and more russkie peasants to kill in the name of God and ruzzia. It's a fact. I'm myself against any religion talks here, 'cause it may not end well, not only rules matter, but our strong opinion also. So no more religion talks, please folks.
    2 points
  5. Hello everybody. There is a new way to update Xp or Win 2000 more can be found here: https://legacyupdate.net/ Github: https://github.com/kirb/LegacyUpdate Some screenshots:
    2 points
  6. I much prefer and enjoy chatting with others with (both) intellectual and physical challenges. Just don't know how to get over the fear of people in this day and age when people are so two-faced and sneaky ... very hard to ever trust people again and I'm not sure I even could. That being said: I do hope you can fine a way to catch it before it gets out of hand and you start to lose control to the phobia. Anything I could say would be hypocritical as I couldn't follow my own advice, but we'll try, at least try.
    1 point
  7. Count me in 1,000%, you guys know how I feel about it, I've vented a few times when republicans here are praising Putin. Make my stomach turn - if only Regan could see what this party has turned into. End rant:
    1 point
  8. Fox @hourlyFox - twitter https://twitter.com/hourlyFox/status/1590720957609484288 https://twitter.com/hourlyFox/status/1590615263447130113 https://twitter.com/hourlyFox/status/1590283072377098240
    1 point
  9. I tried. It works like this method. But original Windows Update v6 feels better. But this is more easy to make
    1 point
  10. So this, Mina... I don't understand this at all! It's just outside, that there is something interesting going on. First, you have the sunlight, which is beneficial because of the indispensable vitamin D... Then you can see various people, meet them, talk to them, help them! I ask people who use crutches, or who limp, or others with visible sequels, what they have experienced... and how I can help them... You can also help the animals in the street, dogs and cats, feed them and even adopt them! All this happens outside.
    1 point
  11. @XPerceniol: At the end of your article, we have two interesting testimonials, which I will quote here: A home at last ‘They’ve given me my self-esteem back’ Lisa Mindshull has had periods of homelessness ever since she ran away from home, aged 15, to escape her abusive father. Most recently, she’s been sleeping rough in Manchester. “For 11 months, I was sleeping at a derelict church every night,” she says. When Housing First took her on, she was sceptical; she had heard all their promises before, but this time it was different. She’s finally settled in a place she can call home; she has friendly neighbours, a growing number of friends, and she has Cheryl, who has been more like a best friend to her than a support worker. “They put me in control,” she says. “I felt this time they were listening to me. They’ve given me my self-esteem back; gave me my strength back. And I’ve got a purpose, something to live for. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.” ‘My support worker checks on me every week’ Gary Cundle has spent 30 of his 49 years on and off Manchester’s streets. Cundle doesn’t think much of charities and hostels; even though they’ve been helpful to him over the years, they’ve never solved his problems. “Housing First helped me in a big way. [My support worker] comes to check on me every week to make sure I’m paying my bills or if there’s anything wrong,” Cundle says. He won’t go into much detail about how he ended up homeless but says he’s abused all manner of drugs over the years: “I’ve been on everything: crack, heroin, cannabis.” Before Cundle got on the pilot scheme, he bounced between the city’s hostels and the streets. Now he has his own place in Salford and a clear care plan, which provides him with the support he needs with his mental health and drug dependency. “Without Housing First, I wouldn’t have known how to go about that,” he admits. - the link is in the post above.
    1 point
  12. Thank you for the get well wishes! You are absolutely right, it sucks.
    1 point
  13. Get well soon! Me and my family got COVID during the summer and it SUCKED.
    1 point
  14. I'd set as a fixed size, so it won't become fragmented, if you have 2Gb, leave at 4GB max. Minimum for you is 2048MB. Despite what some may say (no page file good/fast, etc), chrome likes pagefile. And yeah, I usually ride without it. But on my RAM sufficient machines.
    1 point
  15. https://www.positive.news/society/the-surprisingly-simple-solution-to-homelessness-thats-getting-results/ The surprisingly simple solution to homelessness that’s changing lives
    1 point
  16. JFYI: https://msfn.org/board/topic/174002-windows-7-possible-advisable-to-disable-the-page-file/?do=findComment&comment=1101471 jaclaz
    1 point
  17. I only just noticed this from a notification, and the reasons I was gone was school and my laptop was playing up. But I am finally able to post again!
    1 point
  18. If so, the dismiss the overlay extension may do the trick, It does in most other sites with that strategy.
    1 point
  19. They're using an overlay so that only "members" can read the articles. I was able to get the site to work by opening 360Chrome's Dev Tools and deleting the "journey-blocker" element. On some of the articles, they had GIGANTIC image sizes and they "hid" the scrollbars. Best fix there was a user-style to "unset" ALL img tag height and width settings.
    1 point
  20. No, I still am. Just that it's not very worse like on November 5. Well, this is the internet after all. I feel bored when I go outside.
    1 point
  21. If You Can Pass This 10-Second Test, There’s a Good Chance You’ll Outlive Your Peers That is, if you’re over the age of 50. BY STAV DIMITROPOULOS - PUBLISHED: NOV 7, 2022 Being able to stand on one leg for at least 10 seconds means you’ll likely outlive the majority of your peers, a new study says. The research sheds light on the importance of balance for overall health, which the modern fitness industry has somewhat pushed to the curb. Though other researchers suggest moderation in the way we interpret the outcomes of these simple tasks, you might want to start including the balance test in your morning toothbrushing routine. Perhaps you’ve already tried balancing on one leg during a routine as simple as brushing your teeth. If you can balance on one leg for at least 10 seconds, rejoice! Chances are, you will outlive many of your peers. On the other hand, if you are over the age of 50 and cannot perform this balance test, you could be at a higher risk of dying within a decade compared to your peers, according to new research from Brazil. The Brazilian study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicineearlier this year, found that the inability to balance on one leg for 10 seconds translated to an 84 percent higher risk of death from any cause for people ages 51 and above. This was a longitudinal study, meaning that researchers observed the same subjects several times across a span of time. In this case, the research took place between 2009 and 2020, though it was part of a broader project that began in 1994. It recruited 1,702 people between the ages of 51 and 75, all living in Brazil. The researchers gave participants three chances to try to balance unsupported on one leg for 10 seconds during an initial checkup. They found that one in five failed to complete the task. Then, they followed up on the participants’ health over a period of seven years and found that 17.5 percent of those who had failed the test had died, while only 4.5 percent of those who had passed the test had died. Though previous studies have made other longevity claims—anything from running 40 minutes a day to embracing new tech to feeling younger than your chronological age to mopping floors—this new study suggests that having good balance might be the secret sauce for survival (or is at least one of the main ingredients). Try the balance test yourself: Find back-up balance support, like a wall or chair, in case you need it. Stand on one leg, resting your other leg on the back of the standing leg. Keep your arms at your sides. Repeat up to two more times if unsuccessful. Typically, the average person experiences a decline in muscle strength after the age of 35 at a rate of 1 to 2 percent a year. The risk of sarcopenia, an age-related muscle-wasting disease, also increases drastically from the age ranges of 65 to 70 and 80 and older, from 14 percent to 53 percent respectively. Between the ages of 30 and 40, flexibility also diminishes, with men losing it faster than women. By comparison, balance on average tends to decline after a person’s mid-50s, according to the research. (The inability to complete the balance test became twice as difficult every five years among the participants). “What’s the big deal?” you might wonder. You are getting older, and at some point in time you might lose your balance, fall, fracture your hip, and … the end. “Of course this is a possibility,” Claudio Gil Araújo, director of research and education at Exercise Medicine Clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, who spearheaded the study, tells Popular Mechanics. “But to me, the most important reason for people falling is because they are unfit, physically speaking,” Araújo says. In part, living longer is a matter of being fit, but not necessarily in the way the fitness industry has taught you. The modern fitness industry holds a very myopic view of what fitness is. “Go to any mega-gym in New York and you will find people running on the treadmill, usually those who run well, and people lifting in the weight room, usually those who lift well,” says Araújo. How many can you count working on things like balance or flexibility, though? “Things like balance, you can do at home. Balance is hard to sell,” says Araújo. But balance is the foundation of a person’s ability to move and function independently, and it requires the coordination of several physiological systems. It’s a core element of longevity, something well-documented in previous studies. Yet the desire to cheat death is stronger than ever, today, as shown by the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market, which is projected to reach $44.2 billion by 2030. So, this research could not stress more why you should focus on improving your balance if you are a fan of a longer existence on this planet. “This study adds, perhaps in a new population, to numerous prior studies which have shown that quick and simple tests of physical performance—including walking speed, grip strength, or as in this case, balance—used with older adults can be predictive of poor health outcomes,” Thomas Buford, a professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care and director for the UAB Center for Exercise Medicine, tells Popular Mechanics. It is of course simplistic to think that poor test performance can cause these outcomes directly, Buford continues, but these outcomes are a good proxy for overall health. “These outcomes can have utility, but one must be cautious at the individual level to overreact to a single performance on any one of the individual tasks,” Buford says. That said, he believes encouraging and providing tools for older adults to maintain their physical function as much as possible as they age is essential. Here: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/a41886676/longevity-one-leg-balance-test/
    1 point
  22. Sending healing energy and please pick up the vibe and love you are witnessing on here. Wrap yourself around it as long as needed and pass along to others. Its there; I promise.
    1 point
  23. Nah, I don't need any doctors, I'm getting better over time. Today I feel better than how I feel on November 5. Well, I wear masks outside for safety.
    1 point
  24. Actually, if asking for love, one can easily tell when it a bad omen and never NEVER entertain the wicked. This is not the case here and XP Forum (the only 2 forums I'm on currently) I don't feel hate or ugly, sometimes people share their despair; but through this despair we can turn it around, which means the light hasn't burned out and hope is still there. Even though a computer forum, we are here for each other ... did you notice that?
    1 point
  25. Glad to hear! I am fine so far. Just a little more coughing after a Covid infection. And, thank you for the information! At first sight, I thought it's for English Windows versions only as it is very often the case. But, good to know that other language versions of Windows are supported, too. Anyway, good find!
    1 point
  26. What are you ? A God or smth ? We only need to provide stuff which is "known to you" ? Oh, " you never heard of it before", lol. So what ? What are you here for ? You're seeking help from experienced members and I gave you the link so you could get to know. You used my nice method and it worked for you, why are you being such an unappreciative *five letter word* ? (will not write this word) For those who joined several hours ago: https://msfn.org/board/guidelines/ 7.b "This community is built upon mutual respect. You are not allowed to flame other members. People who do not respect personal opinions and/or personal work will be warned in first instance. If you ignore the warning and keep on flaming, you will be banned without notice." I never asked you why you're not on "firefrox". No one here did. Hello my friend @D.Draker! This is one of these members you should avoid providing any information or helping. It's just wasted time. Let him use the search engine! Anyway, mutual respect and thankfulness are "unknown" words for such people. Being a newbie, ignoring the forum rules (probably have never been read), and lacking of good manners, I especially love guys like that!
    1 point
  27. HOW TO RESTORE WINDOWS UPDATE V5 This message is for all people who want to restore and run the Windows Update v5 site on their computer. This is the 1st guide to restore Windows Update v5. Disclaimer: The v5 site can contain bugs. Please report bugs, so they can be solved by us. Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012 R2 recommended. The IIS and DNS features (roles) are necessary to do this guide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Download the latest Windows Update v5 files : Download Windows Update v5* 2) Extract the files in a folder on your server. 3) Go into "the folder where you extracted the files > v5consumer > shared > js" and rename the file "redirect.js" to "redirect2.js". 4) Go to your DNS role (Start > Administrative tools > DNS). 5) Create a new zone called "v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com". 6) In this zone, create a Host record (A) and enter ONLY your server's IP address (in the IP field, like that "" - this is an example). To know your IP v4 address, press Windows + R, then type cmd. When the Command Prompt appears, type ipconfig. Your IP v4 address should appear.). 7) Close the DNS, then go to IIS. Create a new website (in the left sidebar, expand "your server name", then right-click on Sites and then click on "New website".). 8) In the field "Site name", type v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com. In the Path field, click on Browse, and then browse to the folder where you extracted Windows Update v5 (this folder should contain the folder "v5consumer" - DO NOT SELECT V5CONSUMER. In the Binding group, use the default settings. In the Host name field, type v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com. 9) Do not forget to install the IIS url2rewrite module - Download the module (english) (overrender.com is my website, and this file hasn't been modified, it's the original one from Microsoft). WARNING! x64 INSTALLER! IF ENGLISH IS NOT YOUR IIS SERVER LANGUAGE, SCROLL DOWN TO THE ADDONS SECTION OF THIS POST. 10) Go to your client (Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 2000). Go to the DNS settings, then enter the IP of your server in the Prefered DNS field. Click OK. 11) Check if you can access the Windows Update v5 website. Open Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer 6 recommended), and type v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com. If you can access the site, continue to Step 12. Else send me a Private Message. 12) Download ProxHTTPSProxy Mii v1.3a - Download the file 13) Extract the file on your host computer (only if you're using a virtual machine. If you're using a real computer, extract it on your server). 14) Go into the extracted folder, and double-click on "ProxHTTPSProxy.exe". This will create a file called "CA.crt". 15) Double click on "CA.crt", then (in the window) click "Install certificate" In the wizard, click Next. Click on "Place all certificates in the following store", then click "Browse...". Check the Checkbox, then go at the top of the list, then expand "Trusted root certificate authority" and click on "Local computer". Click OK, then click Next, and close the window. If the certificate was imported successfully, you will get a message box saying "The importation was successfull" or something like that. 16) Go to the ProxHTTPSProxy folder, then open the Launcher.exe file. It will open in the System Tray. 17) Open Internet Explorer, then go to the Tools menu, then click on Internet Options. Go to the Connections tab, and click "Lan settings." Check "Use a proxy server for your LAN". Click on advanced and, in the HTTPS field, type the IP Address or the computer where ProxHTTPSProxy is running. In the Port field, type 8079. 18) Click OK, then click OK. In the "Advanced" tab, scroll down and find the Checkbox "Use HTTP 1.1 with Proxy connection". Check it, then click OK to close the Internet Options. If this was done successfully, download the "Restore_WU_XP.zip" file - Download the file 19) Extract it in a folder onto your client (ONLY THE CLIENT). Then run "Install.cmd". When a prompt "Windows File Protection" appears, click CANCEL (this is VERY important). 20) Restart your client. 21) Open Launcher.exe (in the ProxHTTPSProxy folder). 22) Open Internet Explorer, then type http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx?g_sconsumersite and try Windows Update v6. 23) If you can check for updates without problems, type http://v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com and the v5 site should work. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD-ONS This section is for add-ons (multilanguage files, etc...) IIS Rewrite Module (Official Microsoft Site) : Go to the IIS website --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is not definitive and might be updated in the future. So, stay up-to-date! If you have any question or problem, send me a Private Message or ask @maile3241, @WinFX or @ByQuadCore. If your problem is happening to many other people, I'll post a solution. All files except the Windows Update v5 files are hosted by OverRender.com. Report a missing file or a problem with them to me. This site has been restored with the great help & work of @maile3241, @WinFX, @ByQuadCore and me. - WULover
    1 point
  28. The pagefile has two main uses: a. to "help" in case of high RAM usage (more than available RAM) b. to make a dump of memory in case of crash Some programs however, as an example some Adobe ones, will *want* the presence of a pagefile in order to even start. There are three theories on which everyone is arguing about since years: 1) the pagefile is better left alone and MS (actually the Windows OS) can manage it fine 2) the pagefile makes little sense if there is *enough* RAM but since it is needed by some program the best thing is to have one FIXED size (NOT system managed) as small as possible. 3) the pagefile makes no sense whatsoever if there is *enough* RAM Since I don't use any program that actually wants a pagefile I have run Windows 2K and XP systems without a pagefile just fine, JFYI: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/156944-delete-not-clear-pagefile-at-shutdown/ but it's not something that should be done at home. Making a Dynamic pagefile makes anyway very little (please read as "no") sense. If you believe that you need a full RAM dump on crash you need to set it's fixed size to at least the size of RAM the system has. Please understand how all the people that can actually use the info in a several Gb RAM dump for troubleshooting can be counted on your fingers. The good ol' rule of the thumb about 1.5 to 2.5x the amount of RAM makes no sense whatsoever (it was accurate enough when systems had 128, 256 or 512 Mb of RAM, but not nowadays with 3 or more GB of RAM). Given that on the same modern machine that has *enough* RAM there is also *enough* space on hard disk, a FIXED size pagefile 500 Mb or 1 Gb in size is more than enough (unless you really-really want to save space on hard disk) but making one the size of the RAM wouldn't make any harm (if not taking up a few more Gb's), and as well using a "magic formula" like 1.5 x RAM will do the same, only taking even some more space on disk. Still given that the machine has *enough* RAM, there will be NO difference whatsoever in performance with *any* of the settings, the pagefile will never be actually used if not in case of crash. The advice to set it as fixed derives from the fact that in some cases of crash a dynamic pagefile will expand possibly overwriting some areas of the disk where some data needed for recovery resides (a very remote possibility, but still a possibility) and anyway it will take more time to crash (while you can't do anything about it). JFYI, there are people that believe to be smart to put the pagefile on a RAMdisk (on systems with plenty of RAM), something that, in the words of Mark Russinovich, is ridiculous: http://www.overclock.net/t/1193401/why-it-is-bad-to-store-the-page-file-on-a-ram-disk The new rule of the thumb is "try the system, if you never hit the max amount of RAM you have you are good to go, if you consistently go over it, add more RAM, settings of the pagefile make not any difference in real life if there is *enough* RAM". jaclaz
    1 point
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