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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi , it seems I missed too much to catch up ! Sorry, I was at the training camp . I couldn't stand the temptation to reduce the reds and going to protect Ukraine for the 2nd time. Looks like a standard 2 months shift again , at least what I was told yesterday. @msfntor , @XPerceniol , @Rod Steel,@sunryze , @mina7601 . Wish you all the best , all of you , only the best ! If I disappear , means I'm gone , please keep only the best memories of me . I'm sorry If I was too tough on you at some times. Now's the time we need to remember only the good things we had . Sorry I didn't mention everyone , just don't want to disturb .
    2 points
  2. Hi everyone! I'm RatcheT2498, I'm a 20yo student from Slovakia studying computer science. I really enjoy programming as a whole, but I've been in love with retro computing for about as long as I remember knowing how to use a computer My favorite areas are low level - instruction sets (currently learning Motorola 68k, but I've dabbled in Mos 6502 and Zilog Z80 as well), hardware configurations, operating systems, but also compilers and programming languages. I also really like older games, though I don't play them as much as I used to. I found this forum from a YouTube video about the Vista extended kernel, and I joined because it inspired me to take on installing Windows Vista on one of my laptops. I've got a main desktop and a main laptop, on both of which I dualboot a flavor of Linux and Windows 10 (Linux Mint Cinnamon on desktop, testing out Fedora on laptop). Other than that I have a few older laptops (a Toshiba Satellite C660 variant, sadly not currently working as it has no working battery and I lost the power adapter, and an ASUS X553MA which is currently my object of interest), plus a small collections of consoles and 8bit computers I've been a Sony fan for most of my life, hence the username, but I like some of Nintendo's games as well. I think it's really cool that older operating systems are still getting the love that they deserve, even if using them can be difficult in the modern age. (Also I realized later that I'd completely ignored forum etiquette and jumped into posting immediately after signing up - even if nobody noticed, sorry about that! Been a while since I last used a forum )
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Sending well wishes and positive vibes to everyone; everyone, everywhere.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I was just about to like, but that would be odd to like your current situation, but it sucks to feel like that. For what its worth, today I spoke to my therapist and I feel much worse actually, and she said to just allow the intrusive thoughts to pass in cloud, and I'm trying to, easier said than done and I we just ended our session on that. Me too ... at spots this week I was happy *feeling* and enlightened, still enlightened by things and such, but that feeling of happiness has been replaced with negativity. Sorry, trying to make sense. Happiness *feeling* along with realistic views ... expectations is healthy, but when its replaced with depression this is where we need to take a step back and perhaps we are taking on others problems, I think this is what I've done, I took on others distress. Maybe we need to give ourselves a break from the sorrow that is around us. I'm sorry, but sort of struggling myself to be honest.
    1 point
  7. I usually do 2 tea bags of black tea with milk and cinnamon and a little brown sugar ... honey with my green tea ... enjoy coffee. The water here is bad and need some filter. Too much calcium and we get kidney stones.
    1 point
  8. Owners could soon have 2-way conversations with pets, scientists say: HERE: https://nypost.com/2022/05/31/owners-may-soon-have-2-way-pet-conversations-scientists/ ...“Machine learning can revolutionize our understanding of animal communication,” ...
    1 point
  9. Only 45? Gotta get me one of those :P
    1 point
  10. @XPerceniol wrote: "Such a beautiful experience - thank you for sharing it! I use honey in my tea and never forget when that comes from :)" 5 Reasons Honey Should Be in Your Medicine Chest: https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/5-reasons-honey-should-be-your-medicine-chest Five Medicinal Uses for Honey: 1. Help Heal Wounds and Burns 2. Soothe Coughs and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections 3. Support Oral Health 4. Relieve Hemorrhoid Symptoms 5. Heal Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis ... ...
    1 point
  11. Big sorry, @Dave-H I think to post about people, not political or religious debate, visibly I've misjudged the subject, again sorry, this will not happen again! So forgive me this error in judgment, please
    1 point
  12. Too bad, I was just thinking of buying a license, but I don't like half-assed stuff. I don't see what's wrong with him. It's better than that round magnifying glass. It is not professional to bring personal bias into a project. You could have left a choice of whether it was the new or used the old way. Good luck!
    1 point
  13. JFYI, tin foil hats are obsolete technology since many years, you should upgrade to Thought Screen Helmet with velostat: http://www.stopabductions.com/ <still OT> jaclaz
    1 point
  14. Hello Previous files had been uploaded here no was chance to look for me, they had vanished before. So for crash please take drwatson log file, which to be found inside Documents and settings\All users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson Upload to the github, becauase here it vanish quickly. Next about direct9 layers direct9 is the part of hardware acceleration which i have turn off in new version on intent. If you did not have crashes before you may simple turn on hardware acceleration and get direct9 layers again.
    1 point
  15. I agree and sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy. Guilty, as I've far too much time on my hands and wallowing is not good and can't be good for the brain or the body. People work hard entire life then retire (sometimes for "good") I don't know, sometimes focus too much on sleep rather than how to spend time awake constructively. Besides, begin awake and getting natural sun helps to produce more melatonin to repair for sleep.
    1 point
  16. Same ... and I would understand of some off topic posts/thread (even my own threads) needed to be closed entirely to abide by the rules. Hard sometimes and why politics an religion are two topics usually avoided, unless on such forums to discuss those specific topics, but, even on those (dedicated) forums, they require close moderation and that would be unfair for a tech forum, the staff, and other members as that *would* be confusion and distraction from our purpose. That being said: We are lucky and grateful to have good moderation to maintain this forum .....
    1 point
  17. Hello @gliczide, welcome to MSFN! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
    1 point
  18. I am a tea (strong, black tea as we usually drink in the north of Gemany, where I was born, called East Friesian Tea) and coffee drinker. These filters, as for example Brita, I used from the very first. The main effect of those filters is to reduce the concentration of calcium carbonate (lime) in your water to get a good taste and full flavour! Cheers, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  19. Brita water filter is cool! We also use water filtering since many years, no need to carry heavy bottles, care your hands!
    1 point
  20. "most evil person ever" in Russia: do not forget lenin, stalin, those are the best in killing people! yeah mao too
    1 point
  21. Maybe, we are all a bit trapped and need to be released!
    1 point
  22. I prefer not having the front lines near my house , so better to strike hard while it is still there . I survived after the first time and hope I shall survive this one too. I'm already half deaf from my old military days and the last voyage. I'm with a terrible tinnitus also , so ... All my life I knew the russians were terrible (can't use stronger words due to the website policy), I always knew who they really are, partly from the stories from my relativers who fought them in WW2, but most importantly , I always felt it with my heart and now when they proved it for 100 centuries ahead , I just can't miss such a good opportunity , even If I know it's too risky. P.S. Yes , I wrote reduce , we still need some of them left for our military complex , training , making money , etc.
    1 point
  23. I'm sorry my friend , I'm not religious , like many folks in Europe. As for the money , I don't have much . I now only have enough cash to purchase the tickets and some gear (yeah , it's expensive , it's not WW1) lol. The gear from the first time is almost unusable . Also , I'm sure you understand it's not official . No French gov. involved . So this will be my donation . My skills and the gear .
    1 point
  24. My parents are almost in the dementia state , they are very old , like very-very old, and I live alone far away from them. We only talk over the phone from time to time , like "hey , how are you , bye". A girlfrined ? Well I sorta have it . But there's no feelings between us, so not a big deal. She is an ex-model, I'm sure she'll find her way . I wrote a letter so she could donate my things if I'm not back . A big question what to do with my quite expensive flat in Vichy , though. But hey , I hope I'm back , so no dark thoughts.
    1 point
  25. The api-set DLLs that are supplied as part of the OS as opposed to being distributed with the VC++ runtime are tied to apisetschema.dll, and will not function unless apisetschema is updated to reference the api-set and the redirections it makes. Wine has a solution for it, but it involves its own apisetschema iirc and it may not be suitable for Windows. Most of the functions exported from the DLL exist in earlier versions of Windows (think NT 4 or 5; only a few are actually exclusive to 7 or 8), so a traditional export-forward DLL is better suited to OSes from the pre-api-set era. If your application only uses functions that are present in your version of Windows, this DLL will work fine; if they're missing, the application will try calling a null pointer and crash, which a good debugger will pick up. Link to the binary: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/834206126878752808/1004433792037027951/api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.dll Link to the source (which is just a def file and an entry point): https://github.com/win32ss/win32-api-reversals/tree/main/windows8/api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0
    1 point
  26. .NET Core is still supporting Windows 7 for now. But it is hanging on by a thread. But some Qt 6 applications have gone straight to Windows 10 only. And the big thing on Windows 10 seems to be winuser (user32) functions, mostly related to DPI scaling. I should work around those once .NET Core is settled (only thing is that Vista's support for neutral locales is almost non-existent, so I am implementing a neutral locale table). That will take me a few days as I want to ensure that the revised locale support is up-to-snuff and as good as Windows 8/10 (noting that most improvements were done in 7).
    1 point
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