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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Just an off-topic language usage point, "waiting for the release of AstroSkipper" could imply that you're in prison or something, and we're waiting for you to be released! You would normally qualify it, "waiting for the release of AstroSkipper's software" or something like that, to make it clear that it's not you that's being released.
    4 points
  2. 68.12.5b https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/releases/tag/68.12.5b
    4 points
  3. I've finally been able to incorporate automatic transpiling into my extension for Chromium browsers, so a lot of sites theoretically might be unbroken by this. GitHub for example now works fully again on my system. However, there are some caveats, crossposting: Good news and bad news. Bad news: GitHub still has done diddly squat about their use of the evil operators. Thanks to those who have given this a thumbs up, I think personal comments explaining how this has impacted YOU (or how you feel about it) would also be good: https://github.com/community/community/discussions/20973 Good news: I have managed to incorporate automatic transpiling capabilities into the Chromefill extension. This means that GitHub now works fully again in old versions of Chromium. See https://github.com/InterLinked1/chromefill More bad news: Unfortunately, this is not an elegant solution and probably never will be. Transpiling is SLOW. Reeaaaaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy sssssssssslllllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww. It takes about 15 seconds to fully transpile GitHub with all the garbage that they use on their site, and this is blocking. Transpiling is also very CPU and memory intensive (think compiling, essentially). It's also page blocking, so you can't interact with it and transpiling is done. In the case of GitHub, since it's mostly a single page app, that actually means you only need to do it once per tab and afterwards everything just works for your browsing session, but still, not pretty. Sites that don't use JavaScript or use minimal JavaScript don't really see any impact. It's only very bloated sites with hundreds of thousands of lines of JavaScript like GitHub that see a significant performance issue. I think it could be sped up if we could incorporate a transpiler that only focused on these two syntax issues rather than everything, but I'm not sure if such a thing exists. I repeat, this is not really a solution, it's more of a hacky last resort that can force things to work when sites like GitHub behave idiotically and moronically and refuse to do the right thing. That said, if this functionality is useful, by all means go for it. Because of the impact this can have on a site, this functionality is not enabled by default in the extension, it has to be whitelisted per domain. Currently, only github.com is on the list, because that's the only site I use that has this issue. If there are others, feel free to let me know or submit a PR to add it to the list. The goal is to not enable that functionality unless it's actually necessary for a site to work properly. Anyways, happy browsing, if you do use this, let me know how it works out for you.
    4 points
  4. It takes as long as it takes! Better to be absolutely sure it's right than have to subsequently withdraw and reissue it. There was a standing joke here some years ago that whenever anyone kept asking when something was going to be released, the standard answer was 'WIR'. When It's Ready!
    3 points
  5. I agree with @msfntor, please continue staying here on this website. Glad to see you again.
    3 points
  6. Hi Draker, it's your decision but please don't go there! I'd rather have you on this website than killed! What do your parents say?.. and your girlfriend?.
    3 points
  7. Without me sounding pessimistic, any effort in 2022 targeting Chrome 49, for the benefit of XP/Vista users, is a futile one... Chrome 49 is extremely outdated by today's WebCompat standards, not to mention security-wise (has more holes than Swiss cheese... ). It's practically unsupported by Google Store, as it only supports up to CRX2 + MV2 extensions, when most CRX2 ones have already been removed from the store (updates only come as CRX3-packaged) and MV2 ones are being phased out en mass in 2022 (and would be fully deprecated in 2023); not to mention the fact current/active extension authors only target the most recent versions of Chrome; I keep a copy of it myself, and I can tell you it's a "dead man walking"... Under XP, you'd definitely need to couple it with a TLS 1.2/1.3 "secure proxy" to access most of today's sites, but page rendering will be dire... If you intend to bridge all the missing Web APIs introduced after Ch49 (to, say, Chrome 70 level) via polyfills, that would be a pharaonic task, if at all feasible... But be my guest, of course... With just GitHub in mind, they provide a utility/wizard with which one can inspect all MISSING Web APIs in the client (browser) for it to fully support their latest GitHub incarnation: https://github.github.com/browser-support/ Currently, latest St52 has as missing (in RED) only "customElements" and "RegExp Named Capture Groups", so support for those has to be implemented via an extension (i.e. palefill); I fear that wizard, if at all rendered properly in Chrome 49, would have many RED entries... Using the wizard with declining Chrome versions (starting at v69 and going down by one major version), you can test which minimum version is currently supported by the extension as-is and then decide how "low" in the Chrome versions you want/is feasible to extend support to (on the availability of polyfills for the missing APIs as you go down the range...).
    2 points
  8. That's probably a lot better than Babel, yes! You can filter by using data-plugins it seems, but I'm not noticing any performance difference. It still takes about 15 seconds to run on GitHub. The code seems simple enough, but I'm not a great JS dev, nor I am super familiar with modifying JS via Chrome extensions, so it'll probably be a fair amount of hacking to try to figure out how to kludge that in. I dunno, target group is ANYONE to me using a non-screwed UI Chromium version. I use Chromium 70 on Windows 7 and Windows 10. OS and hardware are completely irrelevant. This extension is necessary to get Chromium to work properly on the web these days (and the NC/OC support is unfortunately an almost-must-have at this point). Yup, truly horrible. Shows how much they really care about "open source" and "projects"... when they don't even practice what they preach.
    2 points
  9. Hello @D.Draker! I absolutely have to echo the wishes of others here. I fully respect your decision, but in any case, I hope that it is well-considered. We would be very reluctant to do without you in the future! Whatever your final decision may be, take care of yourself, and if you decide to go to Ukraine, please come back unharmed! I'm not religious either, more of an atheist, but I'll try to put it this way: May the Force be with you! Greetings from Germany, AstroSkipper
    2 points
  10. Thanks ! Precisely , only positive , the good is yet to come !
    2 points
  11. @AstroSkipper : Most fortunately, Feodor2 has now implemented support for both (?.)+(??) in Mypal68: https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/commit/43621d4ff863a03e80b39056ca360a992c2adb16 https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/commit/2c4b98e1644707f29bbc6849e89d352e87ca1ef6 so #60 and, by consequence, #109 are now closed! Latest Mypal 68.12.5b should be able to handle GitHub correctly now... So, UXP-based browsers+palefill, 360EEv13[.5], Minibrowser87 and Mypal 68.12.5b are a set of browsers that can handle GH under XP/Vista ...
    2 points
  12. I agree completely with @msfntor and I'm sure others. I wish you would reconsider, I know you're passionate about the cause and have strong feelings already before the war, but, you said you already served in the military and some might say you've served your duty well. Isn't there other ways you could help in the war with your computer knowledge? I know right now (of course) they need 'boots on the ground' but are there other ways to helps without sacrificing your life. You are important to you. I don't know you family situation, but, sorry to say, if you were gone for the sake to "reduce the red's, they will appear again. Its not easy as that, sacrificing your life (singularly) isn't going to change much. You're never disturbing anybody and we are always glad to see you. I care and others do too about you.
    2 points
  13. Hello @mina7601! At the moment I am extending the documentation with a short explanation for each menu item. And I have improved the visibility of the windows in some programs. I am also trying to improve my programs with regard to false positives from virus scanners. My Avast doesn't like some of them although they are absolutely clean. Therefore, still a bit to do! But the release will come very soon. Due to the false positives of some virus scanners, I am now trying to switch to another compiler. All programs that I have created myself will then have to be recompiled and, after that, rechecked on VirusTotal.com. I will make these results available when I release my program package ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3. I hope it can be released on Sunday. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    2 points
  14. Hello @mina7601! At the moment I am extending the documentation with a short explanation for each menu item. And I have improved the visibility of the windows in some programs. I am also trying to improve my programs with regard to false positives from virus scanners. My Avast doesn't like some of them although they are absolutely clean. Therefore, still a bit to do! But the release will come very soon.
    2 points
  15. There is bit more to translate now in: WinNTSetup 5.2.6 - fixed Feeds did not got disabled on Windows 10 - added log files wimgapi_error.log and wimlib_error.log - added VHD-DIFF option - added commandline option VHD-DIFF -file:{file} -parent:{file} - added commandline switch for VHD-CREATE -mbresp - added commandline switch for VHD-CREATE -vhdbootletter:{0|1} - added commandline switch for NT6 -vhdbootfiles:{0|1} - new commandline switch -syspart and -tempdrive support VHD(X) files - workaround: added AMD's Shadercache to wimscript exclusion (buggy SecurityDescriptors)
    2 points
  16. I'm happy if I say something that helps others in some way, but I'm just being open about myself. I'm human and will say the wrong things, but, at least, I don't clam to be otherwise. Others are also well meaning and try, on a public forum and is the section and sub-forum things will likely come up that bring others discomfort and this is why we have strong moderation and admin to report to when it breaks the rule or goes overboard, this is not the case in some mental health anxiety forums. I think the heat has been too much today and will turning in to bed early. I think I need to start eating at least 2 times a day even though I'm not hungry in this heat and humidity. Almost 9PM and have some responsibility to attend to this week, but am VERY luck to have this time to myself and I cherish it as others lives are in total disarray in war torn countries where such freedom doesn't come so easy as I have it compare to others. Be well everyone, just try, and dust yourself off each time and don't stay down, at least, not for too long as getting back up from complete and total incapacitated state if assistance becomes a monster that can see to much to handle even for the strongest of will. I'm nothing special, but I will at least say, I've always meant well and will continue as to not become part of the problem rather than part of the solution(s).
    2 points
  17. Necessary things: graphics card with GOP firmware and drivers for WinXP 64-bit - I tested only one AMD HD7450 en_win_xp_pro_x64_with_sp2_vl_x13-41611.iso Win7, 8 or 10 ISO image for disk partition by diskpart SATA-USB case/adapter signed Intel SATA controller drivers for WinXP 64-bit signed AMD HD7450 drivers for WinXP 64-bit UefiSeven 1.3.0 64-bit loader efi files from beta 64-bit Windows Server 2008 Longhorn 6001.16497 (patched winload.efi) BOOTICE v1.3.3 x64 Debian Live 6 x86 VMware Workstation 8 Target PC spec: MB ASUS P8H61-M LE R2 (CSM disbaled, AHCI enabled) CPU Sandy Bridge i3 HDD 2.5" SATA (tested with 60GB) Graphics Card AMD HD7450 with GOP Reference PC with VMware Workstation 8 installed (I use ThinkPad X61 with WinXP 64-bit :-) ) spec: Virtual Machine WinXP Pro 64-bit HW 5.x CPU amount 2 RAM 1024MB HDD IDE 3GB CD/DVD IDE Step-by-step instruction: in VMware, create a WinXP Pro 64-bit machine: start the machine from ISO e.g. Win7 and partition the disk with diskpart: diskpart sel disk 0 clean create par pri size=100 create par pri active exit install WinXP SP2 64-bit on partition 2 C: (format NTFS) after installation, disable page file, system restore and automatic restart in System Properties add an account with administrator privileges and restart the system to work with this account format the D: partition (100MB) as FAT32 shut down the machine, close VMware, make a copy of the .vmdk file with WinXP installed (so as not to reinstall if something goes wrong) start the machine and copy the necessary files to the appropriate locations - I have these files in the sysprep_V2.iso image, which I made with the UltraISO program: EFI directory with UefiSeven loader and BCD copy to FAT32 partition Sysprep dir with the appropriate sysprep.inf file copy to C: Drivers dir copy to C: winload.efi file copy to C:\WINDOWS\system32 BOOTICEx64.exe copy to C: run BOOTICE, click BCD tab, open file D:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD (Professional mode) and edit the values ApplicationDevice and OSDevice by setting the C: partition: enable hidden files, remove display.inf from C:\WINDOWS\Inf run regedit and delete services vga and VgaSave from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services run sysprep.exe from C:\Sysprep, select Quit and click Reseal and OK: shutdown machine and close VMware using a SATA-USB adapter, connect the target SATA 2.5 drive to the computer where you have VMware installed start VMware and add this disk to the WinXP configuration as PhysicalDrive1 (Use entire disk): mount the Debian ISO image and boot the WinXP machine from it - just don't let the machine boot from the hard drive where you have sealed WinXP - hit Esc quickly and select CDROM from the Boot Menu: now clone sda WinXP machine drive to connected real sdb drive (this will take a few minutes): fdisk -l (read Units bytes from sda drive and last cylinder sda2 partition - should be 8225280 & 392) dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=8225280 count=392 poweroff Debian, close VMware, Safe remove USB connected SATA HDD and disconnect the drive from the SATA-USB adapter boot target computer (my ASUS) to bios and set disk controller operation mode to AHCI, disable CSM and disable integrated iGPU connect the SATA drive with sealed WinXP to your target computer (me ASUS) and boot the computer from it Aurora green wallpaper will appear, after about 1 minute the computer should restart and we have a working WinXP 64-bit on pure UEFI P.S. Who wants the sysprep_V2.iso image please write a private message.
    1 point
  18. Hello from Russia, My name is glicz (gcomputzide), I'm using my Acer Aspire XC-830-UA91. Yes I'm male, I was the person who managed to get Vegas Pro 13.0 working on Windows Vista, Except for Rendering, VSTs, and the Application Errors pops up When you stretch the video length [In the Video Border Box or whatever you want to call it]. I also have 3Q Qoo! MiniPC and ASUS K53E Laptop, Say hello to these specs! [3Q] Qoo!: SSD: Crucial 240GB RAM: Samsung 2GB Graphics: NVIDIA ION (342.xx) Processor: Intel Atom D525 @ 1.80GHz BIOS: AMi. V0409, 9/29/2011 [ASUS] K53E: SSD: ADATA 120GB RAM: AMD Radeon 8GB, QUMO 4GB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics ( Processor: Intel Pentium B950 @ 2.10GHz BIOS: AMi. K53E.V221, 10/08/2012 And that's all I have to say!
    1 point
  19. Just wanted to quickly clarify that while closely related; being positive isn't exactly the same (or necessarily assumed to be combined with) one being optimistic VS pessimistic. I try (very hard sometimes) to be positive and put out positive energy (white light) rather than (foster) negative energy, but as said by @D.Draker the truth isn't always cheery, but need to know the truth to become optimistic about the future even if that optimism is fleeting and very cautious. Don't be fooled by an eternal optimist can turn to https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/complacency Definition of complacency 1 : self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies When it comes to safety, complacency can be dangerous. 2 : an instance of usually unaware or uninformed self-satisfaction Once our eyes are open, hard to just pretend and walk around with head in the sand ... whislt ... hard also to not become jaded and bitter and vengeful. I've not been able to master this myself, seen it overtake good men and it was in their eyes and they could no longer disguise it. Sorry, lost it somewhere, but will continue. Anyway ... I do hope the good is yet to come, but I doubt I'll see it during my lifetime so I have to (should be) optimistic for a future and can only do a little to avoid contributing to the anger and despair in the world. I have to focus on what I've control over. I feel being the best example and setting *positive* examples for others is best, because, all too many times, I've found it very easy to add to the corruption and we can attract negative energy easily and is spreads. However, being passionate about negative situations can lead to good. I hope. Hope and faith aren't even the same, but I have faith that.. Negative situations can lead to good; I hope!
    1 point
  20. Thanks @mina7601 for your objection! But, since we now have a proxy that supports TLS 1.3, and my part in the game was also work, a bit of off-topic should be allowed. And I'm improving my language skills with the help of @Dave-H and @VistaLover. I think a bit of fun and distraction in my thread really can't hurt. Also, I love my smileys as you've probably noticed. But thank you for your raised fingers , and you know I don't like to be off-topic in general. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  21. Peter McGahan @peter_mcgahan 2 billion plastic covid face masks entered our oceans in 2020 alone. Disposable plastic masks can take up to 450 years to decompose. HERE: https://twitter.com/peter_mcgahan/status/1556167006206001152
    1 point
  22. Maybe, we are all a bit trapped and need to be released!
    1 point
  23. This is what I have been constantly doing since the start of this year, making an archive of all indispensable Chrome extensions to be used alongside any of the three 360EE variants; MV3 requires at least Chrome 88 by definition, most sadly there hasn't been (yet?) produced a Chrome 88+ fork that would run under Vista SP2/XP SP3 (NB: I'm talking here about 32-bit OSes) ... Each extension I installed in different Chrome browsers was archived by me to be sure to reuse them if I need to reinstall the browser from scratch. I am aware that one day these extensions are not available anymore in the Chrome Web Store or already removed. And I do not trust Google although I am an Android user, too.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for your compliments! Unfortunately, not all of German people are as kind and polite as you might think. But it's really nice to hear. Anyway, I wish you the very best, hope you have all considered very well, and take good care of you! I would like to hear of you again when you are back.
    1 point
  25. Hello , @AstroSkipper , thanks for the well thought and nicely worded wishes ! I always admired Germany and the Germans . Kind, polite, well educated people with clear goals . I'm aware we aren't allowed to talk about wars here, but I can tell about my childhood "dream". In that dream (my worst nighmare) , I'm riding an Sd.Kfz. 8 mit FLAK 18, yes only riding, not shooting, and the reds are all around and I can't do anything about it, because I'm only a driver. They keep filling in onto the streets of this wonderful German city out of everywhere, and I'm helpless, I'm trying to scream , but the Sd.Kfz.8 crew is not respoding , that was actually a very traumatic experience . So lets just say I'm going there so we can have peace in Germany , France , Benelux and the rest of Europe. And take a bit of revenge for the battle of Berlin, of course. P.S. Yes, I know FLAK 18 is anti-aircraft (not anti-zombie) , but it was a dream.
    1 point
  26. Thank you very much for the hint! You're absolutely right! When I read it now, I feel a bit like a prisoner and hope to be released!
    1 point
  27. ChromeFill isn't intended for such an old a Chromium version, unfortunately... BTW, and this has been discussed quite a few times in the MSFN forums, be it in the past, Advanced Chrome wasn't in reality based on Chrome 54; much of it is in essence Chromium 48 based, with only traces of code borrowed from Ch49/52/54... @InterLinked should have been more verbose in his README.md and/or enforce a minimum Chrome version in his extension's manifest.json, so as not to create false expectations... I haven't tested fully all the range of Chrome versions in which the extension successfully restores GitHub and other supported sites, but as an educated guess I'd claim that anything under Chrome 68(-ish) is currently unsupported... As I stated already, ChromeFill for XP/Vista users currently only targets 360EEv11/12...
    1 point
  28. I noticed that several applications tried to call the unavailable function CreateRemoteThreadEx, often through the VC++ runtime, and crash, if they were spoofed to NT 6.1. As these applications may require a spoof to NT 6.1 to bypass version checks in the future, I am adding that function.
    1 point
  29. For GitHub exclusively, you may want to have a look at https://github.com/martok/palefill/issues/29#issuecomment-1186046465 and https://github.com/dirkf/palefill/commits/df-optchain-patch https://github.com/dirkf/palefill/releases/tag/v1.19df The dev(s) use simple transpiling JS code for just those two operators, nothing more (the rest can be handled by polyfills, like already done in your extension). You might have to ask kindly though , because the dev(s) are primarily concerned with SM 2.53.12 and/or PM < 31 support... Target groups for a "fixed" GitHub via your extension, ChromeFill, would be most XP+Vista users on low-end H/W, currently using 360EEv11 (Ch69-based) and/or 360EEv12 (Ch78-based) ... I would have been quite taken aback, had they actually done something ... GitHub's fate is under Microsoft's rule for years now, they're currently focused on their latest crapware/adware Windows 11 OS, together with their illicit lovechild, Microsoft Edge (the "fruit" of them having intercourse with Google ...); I'm confident they don't give a rat's a** about Net Neutrality or have any iota of intention to support those marginal "few" still on browser-engines not compatible with the evil operators (already implemented in Chrome 80...); BTW, I did "upvote" your - currently still "unanswered" - GH community issue; 3 weeks have now gone by, it's quite telling that no official GH dev will act on it...
    1 point
  30. Microsoft Edge finally works, all you have to do is set global OS spoofing to NT 6.1 build 7601. Update: Logging in to sync is not working, because it requires IE 11 (it's curious that modern Chromium-based browser requires old IE to get some components work).
    1 point
  31. Hello @VistaLover! Thanks for the detailed information! I already read the changelog of Mypal 68.12.5b. Absolutely great! And, to have alternatives for accessing GitHub in Windows XP is the best of all.
    1 point
  32. That's very funny! In the German language, the word 'WIR' means 'we'. For example, "Wir warten auf das Release vom AstroSkipper.", translated into English: "We are waiting for the release of AstroSkipper.". But you're absolutely right! WIR, I will release it.
    1 point
  33. They are taken care of . Paid for their nurses in advance. Thanks for the worries.
    1 point
  34. The topic says "be true" , right ? The truth is not always pleasant , and these are just facts . We need to protect our homes , and not be afraid.
    1 point
  35. Hi @gliczide, hello from Belgium and welcome to MSFN! I wish you to enjoy the forums! Have a nice day. hpwamr
    1 point
  36. Hi , it seems I missed too much to catch up ! Sorry, I was at the training camp . I couldn't stand the temptation to reduce the reds and going to protect Ukraine for the 2nd time. Looks like a standard 2 months shift again , at least what I was told yesterday. @msfntor , @XPerceniol , @Rod Steel,@sunryze , @mina7601 . Wish you all the best , all of you , only the best ! If I disappear , means I'm gone , please keep only the best memories of me . I'm sorry If I was too tough on you at some times. Now's the time we need to remember only the good things we had . Sorry I didn't mention everyone , just don't want to disturb .
    1 point
  37. Ok, let us agree on the following! Process Hacker assists an user in detecting malware and suspicious processes. It is an excellent task manager and shows the user strangely behaving processes, but it is definitely not an AV program.
    1 point
  38. @AstroSkipper So, since beta testing is over, when will the official ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 release come?
    1 point
  39. Update: I am currently using the old design of the elektroda.pl forum, and not only is it better and easier to use, it displays correctly in MiniBrowser 87. I will not write to the system administrator of the forum, it is a waste of his time for one XP user
    1 point
  40. Hi @sunryze, I want to wish you a soul close to you, with whom you will not feel lonely...
    1 point
  41. I had positive contact with the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) - I saved him from drowning, and he was grateful! He came back on my hand... Very funny experience with this friendly insect created by God, like us! Don't be fooled by bad propaganda... https://msfn.org/board/topic/182193-the-msfn-café-a-penny-for-your-thoughts/page/11/#comment-1209309 Why Propaganda is Dangerous: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/why-propaganda-is-dangerous PS. NONE phobia here, sorry
    1 point
  42. @XPerceniol VERY good, high level thoughts - you planted a seed and spread the truth. 21 Quotes about Planting Seeds for Spiritual Growth: https://healingbrave.com/blogs/all/quotes-about-planting-seeds-growth-beginnings - thank you Jen ... PS. What happened to Jen, Jennifer Williamson — Jennifer Healey...I don't know. Give the life sign, please...
    1 point
  43. Oh gosh no! I won't speak for @sunryze or @mina7601 but I never played violent games as a child or now, grew up on silly arcade games. I don't seek out violence because its there without having to play a game. I try to find games to enjoy. I still enjoy classic games, and actually, my computers are SO old they are unable to handle anything reality based anyway. Haha That being said: I do feel violent games are not very good for youth, but that would make me part the censor movement and I still think it should up to parents to make that call, otherwise, well, you know. I won't be political, even I don't like talking about it if I don't have to.
    1 point
  44. I used to have this application too, but I don't use it anymore nowadays. Use too WISE Disk Cleaner 7. That application is really a useful and helpful one. I remember using it previously for years, and still do until now. Useful too DTaskManager ...sometimes
    1 point
  45. Support for installing Chromium extensions, saving their settings, as well as keeping cookies and other settings has been implemented: The original objective was to fix the "CultureNotSupported"-related exceptions that prevented .NET Core 5 from working, but under the belief that the .NET and Chromium issues were connected, I worked on solving the issue using Chromium. It turns out that .NET's issues are unrelated.
    1 point
  46. To read (in French): LAURENT GOUNELLE: "LE REVEIL", ed. Calmann Lévy.
    1 point
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