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  2. not completly. it has problems with toolbars.
  3. Today
  4. I thought they were supposed to work on seven and higher. But I have not tried in Win7.
  5. Thank you. The information appears useful. I shall better examine it later.
  6. Yesterday
  7. @UCyborg You are absolutely right. MSFN uses definitely responsive design. I have installed a nice extension called Window Resizer and set up the same resolution as on my tablet. In portrait format, I now get the same, mobile view as on my tablet. Here is a screenshot with mobile view in Thorium under Windows XP simulating my Android 9 tablet: In this mobile view, MSFN websites called up in Thorium are more responsive and faster in loading than in desktop view.
  8. I tested about 20 different PCI to IDE/Sata cards with own Bios Rom. I flash a lot with EEProm writer. Always after this procedure I can see the connected HD or CD-Rom drive or both at boot time. But I never succeed with booting XP SP3 via any of this cards on the Shuttle Hot 433 board with 486 cpu. Also I cant install XP SP3 via any of this cards. Before I have to hit F8, I always get Bsod 0x7B, even the driver for this harddisk is to 100% correct and there. So I start to think, that the Bios of this board is faulty as much as possible or it is even impossible to boot via any of the PCI slots of this board. Only the own 2 integrated IDE slots work and the Floppy connector Dietmar
  9. Don't forget to vote. Thanks. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186094-google-quic-is-vulnerable-to-cyber-criminal-activity-creates-a-‘black-hole’-that-hackers-can-exploit/
  10. 360Chrome v22.3.3015 which is Chrome v122 and also 360Chrome v22.1.1084 which is Chrome v119. They are not "same as Thorium and Supermium". They don't work on OS below 10.
  11. With 1 GB page file, I can get to 3,8 GB of total RAM utilization before crashing. 2,86 GB page file gets me to 5 GB. Until the limits are reached, it's stable in that regard. But all these Chromium browsers can eventually destabilize Windows' USB functionality, despite any browser functions related to USB aren't even working on XP past last 360Chrome versions. At least I had these issues with 360Chrome and they still seem to appear in Thorium, someone else reported related browser crashes related to the former. A device may stay stuck in Device Manager as it was still plugged in after being unplugged, then there's no power on that USB port, it snaps out of it when you close the browser. And yeah, this was never meant to run on early XP era machines. That would be on the other level than getting around OS limitations I think.
  12. Was this one ever converted? 13.1.6066.0, sadly not 666! https://www.techspot.com/downloads/6479-360-browser.html
  13. Also works fine on Server 2025 26212.5000 Although I did get a popup saying SAB was not made for this version and to click Enable at your own risk. I clicked Enable and our house is still here. No issues. Jim
  14. i got this error with latest version. ver 5.3.4 works fine.
  15. Thanks for the hint! Unfortunately, Thorium takes ages to load MSFN pages. New Moon 28 and Mypal 68 load them very quickly. Of course, all on my very old hardware. Interestingly, I changed the window resolution of the Thorium browser. And indeed, reducing the resolution leads to loading the MSFN pages a bit faster.
  16. so far so good; well, everything is going spick&span! Attaboy, JFX!
  17. Yep! Exactly! And I'm no longer in the mood for that.
  18. On second thought, talk is cheap, and if you still insist, please provide with precise instructions, like I did with the hacking of Kyber. https://blog.quarkslab.com/sandboxaq-ctf-2024.html
  19. Backup site with all links. "...useful for cybercafés have very many computers in their Asia and South-East, which increases overall performance and provides the best gaming experience." https://archiva.necacom.net/index.php/nvidia/9584-nvidia-geforce-icafe-355-73-whql
  20. Funny thing, we avoid linking to the page of Thorium for the very same reason, dodgy site. Cixert wrote, he had been given two warnings for that, so I completely understand @AstroSkipper, he's just naturally cautious. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186000-posting-test-string-boot-ini-causes-http-403-forbidden-error/?do=findComment&comment=1264274
  21. Oh, how could I forget, there's this driver from that era, for China icafes, tweaked for 750 ti, especially. https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/geforce-icafe-355-73-driver-whql.401913/
  22. Thanks! I'm a bit better today. So what's the progress? 368.81, I never had any good experience with it. It's heavily tweaked for Pascal cards under Win10, leaving older generations falling far behind due to the lack of optimizations, there's a lot videos about that. Try something 355.xx.
  23. Excuse me, I don't like "everyone is bad approach". A specific matter is being discussed, and it's not about SSL, why? Because it doesn't aim to replace 'em! It (QUIC) aims to replace http/2 connections.
  24. I increased the page file to 32GB and it helped a bit. At least now I can finish to browse the latest goods in the store where I purchase sports food without crashing.
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