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  1. Past hour
  2. :OT Just a small mathematical note. Probabilities always come from an interval I=[0,1]=[0%,100%], strictly according to axomatics. :END OF OT
  3. All I can tell you for 1,234,567.89% is that none of my Chrome-based browsers make any permanent registry writes and none of them store data "outside" of the PORTABLE LOADER'S "bin" "user" folder.
  4. Today
  5. Edge is based on Chromium and closely follows the upstream changes, so no wonder.
  6. Do they support adding/removing flags? User agent selection function, maybe?
  7. No, depending on the Chrome version, their user folder path is changed. 00 / 2E HEX (highlighted)
  8. What is the device ID of the card? Try installing only the wifi driver after fresh system install, no other drivers. Are you using Odyssey Client? Try these drivers: https://shell.stare.pro/~mrmateczko/Atheros_Wi-Fi_Win98SE_Latest.zip Try renaming ESDI_506.PDR file from WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS folder.
  9. it's not just Google Chrome alone that will require CPUs with at least SSE3 Microsoft Edge is also following suit with the SSE3 requirement starting with Edge version 126 https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-is-ending-edge-support-on-computers-without-sse3/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-supported-operating-systems
  10. In the repo copy maintained by roytam1, those two toolbar buttons were removed by Tobin himself as part of: https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/commit/360e21244397998a6183d847c65eaeb3b48fbbe0 352 + <!-- XXXTobin: These need to be exterminated 353...381 382 + --> on Aug 8, 2020 ...
  11. Perhaps the changes are not included in that Commits listing (my impression is that changes might have been made prior to importing the code into GitHub). There do appear to be some changes between your repository and Tobin's retired-xul-platform repository. For example, in Tobin's retired-xul-platform repository the Borealis Navigator "Go" and "Search" buttons are provided for without commenting them out, while in your repository those buttons are commented-out. For Tobin's repository of the example, see https://github.com/binaryoutcast/retired-xul-platform/blob/BINOC_TRUNK/aura/navigator/base/content/navigator.xul#L352-L378 ; for your repository of the example see https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/blob/master/navigator/base/content/navigator.xul#L351-L377 . I particularly would really like to have the Go and Search buttons unsuppressed in BNavigator.
  12. It seems that he really did: https://archive.org/details/DCI_SDK @ABCDEFG Thanks a lot!
  13. No, i don't use any shits ... just SAB
  14. Wow! Good thing none of the women here at work were standing over my shoulder. HR Crisis averted.
  15. Do you have other customization software like Fences?
  16. Good morning! In Windows 98 SE, using any version of the 9x drivers for the D-Link AirPlus XtremeG DWL-G520 v.B3 pci card results in a VFAT init error on the 2nd reboot. This card worked with a previous 98 installation on the same Dell Dimension 4100. I realize online support for these cards is quite limited, so any help provided is appreciated.
  17. See here which browsers support it: https://caniuse.com/?search=h.265 For Firefox: See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1889731
  18. @Tihiy I ran into an interesting problem rendering search results in the Start Menu ... please see video bellow https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZr6xMZYIDrWgx7Nnh7ncaVjl01Gjv54JE7 Is it a problem of my setting or bug? Thanks, Michael
  19. I ran a test with uBlock Origin Lite with the filter lists in the image below enabled. I used the full filtering block (which can be selected differently on each website). No ads.
  20. True. I've *never* "installed" any web browser in over 20 years! Too much CRAP used to be "bundled" with browsers so I stopped "trusting" installers a LONG time ago.
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