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  1. Past hour
  2. Librewolf appears to be a little better in that regard but I could not care less so long as they have no access to my bank $$$ Some people suffer from a notorious paranoia with google and other trackers LOL.
  3. yeah, just not cheap. https://shop.tattiebogle.net/product/prod_EkTnv3Tk2Trxhf another one: http://www.zuluide.com/ and there is a thread in vogons: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=67897
  4. I'm curious about something, does it make sense to include GoodbyeAds for youtube since the list wasnt updated in more than 2 months? https://github.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds
  5. Since POSReady 2009 updates were done for XP 32-bit, was there anything similar for x64 using updates from other NT 5.2 based Windows versions?
  6. Hi, is there a tool or an adapter, where you can put your xp.iso on it, so that it looks like a real CD-Rom? Connector to compi can be IDE or Sata or PCI. No USB connector, because old motherboards know nothing about USB. I ask this, because I notice, that some of my burned CD-Roms do not work any longer, because of age(?) Dietmar
  7. Today
  8. QUIC via UDP works as a direct connection, including bypassing VPN. Those IPs Chrome pings at the start is only what you see, and only the tip of the iceberg. Most firewalls (to this date) don't know how to deal with QUIC's UDP connections, QUIC was meant and developed to pass through firewalls unnoticed. There is a topic regarding those sneaky connections. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186094-google-quic-is-vulnerable-to-cyber-criminal-activity-creates-a-‘black-hole’-that-hackers-can-exploit/
  9. Oh, just found this! It's indeed Google tracking. Someone even asked ChatGPT. "The sca_esv parameter is a piece of data in the URL that's likely internal to Google's system for tracking, sorting, or customizing search results. URL parameters like these are often used for various purposes including analytics, session identification, and to tweak the behaviour of the search. " "Asking ChatGPT to brainstorm what sca and esv could stand for in the context of a Google search:" https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/172215/google-videos-search-sca-esv-query-parameter-possible-tracking
  10. But Firefox and all the forks (to this date) are one of the most notorious trackers, and they are nowhere near Ungoogled. So it just confirms my worries.
  11. Antonino, clicking on 1. it uninstalls / removes all defender services and files. There will be then two option- makes a backup of defender or not. If selfdefence is on, it opens defender settings tab and automatically set all boxes to off. Then start removal process. After restarting there will be no defender at all.
  12. even if you want to "downgrade" from 2013 to 2012 requiring lots of effort. Tried your VC10 tree (imported to https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/commits/pm2796-vc2012) and I tried to fix some build issues, but some of them can't be resolved like MOZ_WEBGL doesn't work in some moz.build files. ended up having a binary but it crash in pkix for unknown reason.
  13. To go from Visual C++ 2010 to 2008 compatibility, UniquePtr references need to be changed or removed. Auto as a type specifier needs to be replaced, along with move/forwarding semantics. Then support will need to be added for the Windows Vista and Server 2008 SDKs, which I expect will result in some code being deleted.
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