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  2. @reboot12 I found this. But how to find with this the exact place, where the Variable is stored for to make UEFI write protected? I think, it is some Offset in the NVRAM region, but where exact I have to use the EEpromwrite to change this variable from 01==>00 Dietmar 0x4AB15 Form: UEFI Variables Protection, FormId: 0x298F {01 86 8F 29 84 1F} 0x4AB1B One Of: Password protection of Runtime Variables, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0xCB3, VarStore: 0x1, QuestionId: 0x52C, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 88 1F 89 1F 2C 05 01 00 B3 0C 10 10 00 01 00} 0x4AB2C One Of Option: Enable, Value (8 bit): 0x1 {09 07 86 1F 00 00 01} 0x4AB33 One Of Option: Disable, Value (8 bit): 0x0 {09 07 87 1F 00 00 00} 0x4AB3A Default: DefaultId: 0x0, Value (8 bit): 0x1 {5B 06 00 00 00 01} 0x4AB40 Default: DefaultId: 0x1, Value (8 bit): 0x1 {5B 06 01 00 00 01} 0x4AB46 End One Of {29 02}
  3. @reboot12 Always the same message "Write Protected". The funny thing on the webside https://github.com/ab3lkaizen/SCEHUB#ASRock is, that they tell, to succeed to write to such a write protected variable. In the end, only EEpromer helps. I can do, but where exact are those AmiSetupWriter 0xCB3 0x0 and AmiSetupWriter 0xCBE 0x1 stored in Bios? At least, the configurations file for them is stored in Bios Dietmar
  4. Today
  5. Located to the right of the top memory slot
  6. That is Retail. An OEM is not allowed to redistribute RTM media. See below. This is a recovery disc. The OEM (Fujitsu in this case) had created a bootable recovery using the RTM version as the base, then sent the DVD9 master to an Authorized Replicator who then pressed this disc. This was sold this way because the system was sold under OEM-facilitated Downgrade Rights, in which case the system must include a recovery solution for both the OS that is installed as well as the OS that was licensed. A recovery partition is enough to satisfy this requirement, however at a point during an OS transition, close to EOL (End of License) period, the OEM is likely to include the physical recovery media even if a recovery partition is present solely because they have stock of it and they need to get rid of it. After EOL, there is no way to distribute the physical media aside from an RMA, so after that point it just goes into the garbage.
  7. If they post spam, they will get banned. Not going to do anything about those two accounts at this time.
  8. Yes, I was too under the impression we shall be seeing our dear friend @Nokiamies more often!
  9. According to MS, IoT is for "fixed-function, special-purpose devices," like running an app for some lab gear/kiosk machine, that sort of thing. Considering how sluggish 11 is on reasonable HW, it's usable on junk -- ran it on Athlon 64 with 4 gigs, was OK for basic web browsing, Also tried a VM with 2 cores/1 GB -- sluggish, but it loaded/ran Chrome, updated itself (with a bunch of Chrome tabs open) without issues, was nearly usable.
  10. That's already been solved, along with other fingerprinting defences like Client Rects, I sent you a message. Writing here, too, in case you read without logging in. Regards.
  11. Go to Tools ---> Preferences ---> Tabs Uncheck "Close the window when the last tab is closed". @AstroSkipper said: Yes, that also works.
  12. If the pref browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab is set to true, this will happen. So you have to set it to false. I never tried that myself but it should actually work.
  13. Indeed it doesn't! It's now stuffed with so much bloat, they even managed to crapify it with "VK" app. From what I understand, it's some sort of a Russian dating website! The App is un-deletable, and Opera connects to Russian developers' website with very questionable content, not to mention that Russian social website.
  14. Hey, where are you? Don't disappear! We miss you.
  15. Those two look also like the whole purpose of the accounts creation is far from technical aspects. https://msfn.org/board/profile/441008-c-care-preschool/ https://msfn.org/board/profile/440995-mike-lund-painting/
  16. It's more of a trend, not a bug, It happens in new Chrome, also.
  17. Why is it done in palemoon 28 that if 1 tab is open and you click the cross (make Close Tab), then the entire browser closes? Is this how it was intended or is this happening by mistake?
  18. 1ghz dual core with 2 or 4Gb of ram for Windows 11 IoT LTSC??!? Is this a joke?
  19. Also looks like a purely American Invention, I just found a 2014 article with a budget Fujitsu Lifebook E544, it had a DVD drive, despite being very thin for 2014, and two DVDs included: "driver DVD and recovery DVDs for both Windows 7 and 8.1 were included." https://www.notebookcheck.net/Fujitsu-Lifebook-E544-Notebook-Review.132628.0.html
  20. The "American Invention" (retail computers NOT being provided with PHYSICAL MEDIA) is very likely the result that right around Win7, laptops didn't come with internal cd/dvd-rom drives. Why provide an installation DISC if the computer doesn't even have a way to read it, lol. Talking strictly corporate-distribution laptops. Thinner, lighter, no cd-rom drives. Heck, some of our company laptops of that time frame don't even have internal speakers!
  21. And yes, @Tripredacus is absolutely right! Windows 7 was also distributed as RTM with SP1 (at least with Fujitsu, see the image below).
  22. That's an American "invention", all of my Siemens (later branded as just Fujitsu, made in Germany) computers (desktops and laptops) came with physical media. LOVE THAT! The tradition went on even with Win 7, not sure about 8 and later.
  23. In Denmark we call that boxed Windows disk: "retail version", in Canada, were I'm currently in, they have all sorts of interpretations, including the RTM variant, like in the posted video.
  24. I haven't visited Reddit in a while, but what I like about the new one is seeing beginning of the text of each post without having to open it. But opening it while using a new layout in current tab is very clunky as when you go back, you don't land where you were due to lack of pagination, so opening in a new tab works better, though using single tab with old layout is more responsive and intuitive. It seems memory usage jumps as soon as more posts load beyond the ones visible initially.
  25. No issue on Pale Moon (the original, of course) either.
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