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Winamp 5.24 Msi Release


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I'm still getting the issue with winamp creating "My Music" folder in My Documents. It should be fixed with 5.111, and in fact it works fine with the install from nullsoft but not the silent msi from this thread. Anybody else getting that also?

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Knew there was one condition i forgot to check. I fiddled with things in this MSI to try and make it as small as possible. Reduced it by about 500KB in the process.

I'm still getting the issue with winamp creating "My Music" folder in My Documents

You'll have to point me to where this was mentioned before. I looked in all the MSI's tables, but don't see ANY mention of it.

I'm uploading a fixed version of the MSI now, should be done in about 5 minutes

I'd also appreciate it if you didn't try to decompile the MSI. I know it's easy with certain programs, but out of respect...please don't

Edited by Alanoll
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Sorry for the fiddling Alanoll, just trying to get it to work. About the "My Music" folder, I don't know if it was posted here or not but it's in the winamp forums for 5.1 known bugs.

-ml_wire always creates My Music dir (info)

Thanks for all the work...

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yup, nice idea if you include .LNG files for common languages. theres no need to have translated plugins but main exe indeed can.

Or not. The point of this MSI was to recreate the ORIGINAL installer as much as possibe. Since the Language Packs were nto part of this, no.

In all honesty, the language packs are EASY to install by themselves. Typically they're a few files that if you copied over yourself it'd have the same effect as their original installation routine.

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Nobody else gets the creation of "My Music" when using the .msi?

You already said it's a problem with the ml_wire plugin. Since the last modified date of the DLL itself is 8/31 i would say Winamp themselves didn't fix it.

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I guess I'll have to wait for the next major release then...When I install winamp from the Nullsoft installer from their website everything is fine with the plugin...it doesn't create the folder, but when I use the .msi from here it still does.

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I guess I'll have to wait for the next major release then...When I install winamp from the Nullsoft installer from their website everything is fine with the plugin...it doesn't create the folder, but when I use the .msi from here it still does.

someone already narrowed down that it's a certain file ml_wire taht's causing it. Why don't you MD5 the file from the MSI and the NSIS and compare them to ensure they're the same file? If they're not the same file, then i probably screwed up and included the wrong file, if they are the same file, then i don't know what to tell you.

I would, but I have a few major projects due this week that I REALLY need to start working on.

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Why do they do this. A Winamp version is only actual for 1 or 2 weeks. Now I integrated version 5.111 and what do they do? Yes, 5.112 is released. Hmm, but better a fix for the bugs than a bugging software. So now I'm waiting for the msi. :)

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