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Winamp 5.24 Msi Release


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winamp.exe /S /install=RF

This doesn't work!!!

Have you _even_ been to the WinAmp forums...trust me...try it your way and compare it to just plain /S...there's absolutely no difference because Justin never made compatibility with command line switches...but feel free to go into the forums and speak to DjEgg (jerk)...within a couple months he should answer.

As for the referrer ID this...standard troubleshooting...isolate the issue...break it down to the bare essentials and try it again...and then piece by piece reassemble and when you recreate the issue you have found the problem.

Or...just close your downloader!!!

Edited by OrcoXP
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3. how i get them to the server then?

4. why does your link require the above mentiond criteria?

3. Disable ALL downloading managers. Disable all identify protection software. Go into the Browser's Options and see if you see the option.

4. The MSFN servers have hotlink protection enable, and it works based on the RefererID sent by the browser to ensure it's coming form another MSFN site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I've figured the launch condition out. I used AdminStudio, tutorial on how to open msi files from this topic After opening the msi file, at the bottom of the page there is a "Direct Editor" under the Additional Tools tree. If you highlight that you can scroll down in the middle pane to LaunchCondition. You can remove the table from msi and save the file. I haven't tried it with the ini file but using the msi file it installed fine.

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There is even no need for direct editing if you have AdminStudio installed. It's in Installation Information -> General Information -> Product Properties -> Install Condition.

Also after installing 5.111 over the older 5.1 version I have 2 Winamp entries in the "Remove programs" dialog. :/

Edited by Vampik
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