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Dynaletik replied to Kelsenellenelvian's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Hey guys, i just spent some time for updating WPI for Windows 8 on my system. I attached some InstallBG Images + ProgressBar, current version of Dyna theme and german localized files. Perhaps someone wants to use or improve it. Cheers! WPI_8.rar -
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Dynaletik replied to Kelsenellenelvian's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Yes, like I said the problem is the following: With IE 10 under Windows 8, the "Version" says "9.10", but "svcVersion" says "10.0". I do not know how this will be when installing IE 10 on Win7 or Vista. Please test this: function getIEver() { position="wmi.js"; whatfunc="getIEver()"; IEver=WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Version"); if (IEver.substr(0,4) == "9.10") { IEver=WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\svcVersion").substr(0,4); } else { if (IEver.substr(1,1) == ".") { IEver=IEver.substr(0,3); } else { IEver=IEver.substr(0,4); } } return IEver; } This should now check if IE version is 9.10, which it is on my Win8 system. If yes, it uses the svcVersion instead. If not, it checks if the version is "x.x" or "xx.x" to cut it down properly. (If the version value is later on modified by MS, perhaps they just forgot it. ^^) -
Did you try to refresh your desktop or reboot after you installed the sfx to see if the shortcut is created afterwards?
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Dynaletik replied to Kelsenellenelvian's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
I think the "normal" Enterprise edition DOES NOT match this ID. The ID 72 is "Enterprise Evaluation", as this is what it says in my VMBox, too. -
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Dynaletik replied to Kelsenellenelvian's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Here are the wmi.js changes for recognition of Windows 8 & Internet Explorer 10 that we discussed in the AntiVirus thread: Line 53, Change if (Caption.indexOf("Windows 8") != -1) into if (Caption.indexOf("8") != -1) In the function getOSsku(sku), add the following case, we need some people with Enterprise or non-Pro version to get the other IDs: case 48: OSSKU="Pro"; break; Change getIEver() to the following: function getIEver() { position="wmi.js"; whatfunc="getIEver()"; IEver=WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\svcVersion"); if (IEver.substr(1,1) == ".") { IEver=IEver.substr(0,3); } else { IEver=IEver.substr(0,4); } return IEver; } Cheers -
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
I would use "Pro" instead of "Professional Edition", as "Pro" is the original name by Microsoft. For the IE thing I ran into a problem with shortening the result to 3 digits, as it then shows "10." instead of "10.0". I now tried function getIEver() { position="wmi.js"; whatfunc="getIEver()"; if (szOSVerCache == "Win8") { IEver=WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\svcVersion"); IEver=IEver.substr(0,4); } else { IEver=WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Version"); IEver=IEver.substr(0,3); } return IEver; } But this only works to determine if it is IE10 which ships with Windows 8, so I guess this is perhaps better: function getIEver() { position="wmi.js"; whatfunc="getIEver()"; IEver=WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\svcVersion"); if (IEver.substr(1,1) == ".") { IEver=IEver.substr(0,3); } else { IEver=IEver.substr(0,4); } return IEver; } It checks, if the second character of the svcVersion string is the "." and decides to cut the string down then. Shows "10.0" for me and if I change the reg value to 9.xxxx it Shows "9.0". Does this svcVersion exist on Win 7 PC e.g., too? -
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Yes like I wrote you via PM, it is 48. I put it into my wmi.js now and it works: case 48: OSSKU="Pro"; break; But I do not know how to determine the other editions. I just deleted the free Enterprise installer when I got Win 8 Pro. EDIT: FYI, the Version of IE gets detected wrong, because the "Version" string it looks for holds the wrong Information, the reg key looks like in the pic -
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Perhaps split those Posts from the AntiVir thread and make a separate thread for it. I changed my getOSeditionID() like follows: if (szOSVerCache=="Win8") if (Caption.indexOf("Microsoft Windows 8") != -1) szEditionIDCache="Standard"; if (Caption.indexOf("Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise") != -1) szEditionIDCache="Enterprise"; if (Caption.indexOf("Microsoft Windows 8 Pro") != -1) szEditionIDCache="Pro"; if (Caption.indexOf("Microsoft Windows RT") != -1) szEditionIDCache="RT"; Works for testing purposes, but there should be a better way using SKU. I even can only test Windows 8 Pro, as my university only gave me that license. And the "normal" version just does not have an Edition ID, it is just called Windows 8 I guess. -
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Yes, OS version still shows Win8, but Edition ID, like before shows "Not found". (BTW, IE Version should detect 10, says 9.1.) -
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
It still says Not found. I can't find Information about this in the Internet. Only win 7 Information is online. ^^ -
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Yes, man. It does. "Win8". Edition ID says "Not found" -
List of Antivirus names for getAntiVirusProduct()
Dynaletik replied to Requiem87's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
For my Windows 8 Pro x64 I'm using the built in Defender it says: "Windows Defender" -
Languages, Themes, Manuals & Mods
Dynaletik replied to Kelsenellenelvian's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Hey Kel, here you go with updated german translation and manual for 8.6.2. Cheers -
how to discern between Laptop and Desktop?
Dynaletik replied to honestvip's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Yeah, like you said, it says "Notebook" now. Thanks m8.