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Winamp 5.24 Msi Release


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may be in this trouble

Product: Winamp -- Error 1931.The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drmclien.dll because the file is protected by Windows.  You may need to update your operating system for this program to work correctly. Package version:, OS Protected version:

i install winamp51.msi on xp sp1 with wm9, without wm9 version in system32 is

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  • 3 weeks later...

**** ((((

What happend with this.

I try this string

msiexec /I "%CDROM%\Software\winamp.msi /qb-! INI=\"%CDROM%\Software\winamp.ini\""

then istall a have a popup with msi help info and next error that app not installed

i try

%CDROM%\Software\Winamp.msi /qb-! INI="%CDROM%\Software\winamp.ini\"

same popup :((

Help me pleeeease!

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%CDROM%\Software\Winamp.msi INI="%CDROM%\Software\winamp.ini" /qb-!

Put the /qb-! at the end of the string, personally I use /qn and it works fine. Also, removed the backslash (\) after winamp.ini

Edited by krwilson
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i dono why but this INI method is not working for me.so i used below code,which worked like charm.

Winamp5.1.msi XAUDIO="1" Xmodernskin="1" Xextra="1" XNAME="xxxx" XKEY="xxxxxxx" XREGAUD="1" XREGPLS="1" /qn

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BMN, your idea was great but it didn't work for me, so i use this method and it works.

Winamp5.1.msi /qn XAUDIO="1" Xmodernskin="1" Xextra="1" XNAME="xxxxxxx"

XKEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" XREGAUD="1" XREGPLS="1"


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%CDROM%\Software\Winamp.msi INI="%CDROM%\Software\winamp.ini" /qb-!

Put the /qb-! at the end of the string, personally I use /qn and it works fine. Also, removed the backslash (\) after winamp.ini

Thanx a lot!

Every thing now work fine! :thumbup

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I am new to swicthed installation. I need a complete example of the ini method, please SO I could switch the=0 to =1 according to my need. May someone provide is example .ini please ? (pm me or not)

Any input appreciated. :hello:

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Why do you need a "complete" example? It's all described in the first post very clearly. There's a sample INI file and the command for installing it as well...

The options in the INI file are set to 0 or 1 depending on what you want. Simple as that!

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