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Winamp 5.24 Msi Release


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What about an .MST file to distribute Winamp via group policy? ;)

I know you can build one for office for example but you need the office resource kit. Is it possible for winamp too? Do you need a special program?

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Does any one face any problems installing this msi release unattended? I'm able to install it without any intervention using the ini file. However I face a problem because the INI file path has to be specified in full.

ex: winamp.msi INI = "E:\SOFTWARES\WINAMP\WINAMP.INI" /qb-!

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What about an .MST file to distribute Winamp via group policy? ;)

I know you can build one for office for example but you need the office resource kit. Is it possible for winamp too? Do you need a special program?

um... why? The reason an MST file is required for Office is because it doesn't have any switches to select components and proload any other configs.

This MSI has all commandline switches required and SHOULD work fine with Group Policy.

Does any one face any problems installing this msi release unattended? I'm able to install it without any intervention using the ini file. However I face a problem because the INI file path has to be specified in full.

ex: winamp.msi INI = "E:\SOFTWARES\WINAMP\WINAMP.INI" /qb-!

You have two choices...

A. Use a variable path in the INI statement (%CDROM%) for example

B. Copy the file yourself to %systemroot%\Winamp5.ini

The reason the MSI needs the full path is because there's no reliable way using the script i have to get the directory of the MSI, regardless of the fact if users want it else where. The Full Path requirement simplified the script a great deal.

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i use the method that alanoll suggested..

i have a bat file, the msi file, winamp config ini file and winamp ini file all in "%systemroot%\Install\amp" folder

i call the bat with through runonce


then in the bat that has

"%systemroot%\Install\amp\winamp.msi" INI="%systemroot%\Install\amp\config.ini"

copy "%systemroot%\Install\amp\winamp.ini" "%programfiles%\Winamp\winamp.ini"

might have a /qn or /qb can't remember offhand

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um... why? The reason an MST file is required for Office is because it doesn't have any switches to select components and proload any other configs.

This MSI has all commandline switches required and SHOULD work fine with Group Policy.

I don't think that you can use any switches, when deploying via group policy. You have to use an .mst, if you want to modify the installation. If not, where can I make use of switches, when using gp?

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um... why? The reason an MST file is required for Office is because it doesn't have any switches to select components and proload any other configs.

This MSI has all commandline switches required and SHOULD work fine with Group Policy.

I don't think that you can use any switches, when deploying via group policy. You have to use an .mst, if you want to modify the installation. If not, where can I make use of switches, when using gp?

If that's the case, then you can use ORCA or any other MSI editor to create an MST file. All switches can be found in the "Property Table" and just set them to either 0 or 1 just like you would teh switches. The MSI will think no different from that to a command line switch call.

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Any Winamp user who actually knows what they're doing probably checks the site every once in a while, and even if they don't it will be on the frontpageof MSFN shortly anyway.

This is, what Alanoll said! I could have told you this 2 days ago. Just be patient. When he has got time. He will do the update, I think. :thumbup

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Hi alanoll,

when I'm using your latest Winamp 5.1 release I'm not able to install Media Library through INI method.

My "install.cmd" looks like this:

cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CD.txt SET CDROM=%%i:

start /wait %CDROM%\Software\winamp\winamp5092.msi INI="%CDROM%\Software\winamp\winamp510.ini" /qb


My INI file lookes like this:










With your older version 5.092 it worked flawlessly.

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OK maybe its just me here....

Just where can i download this wonderfull msi from?

the link on the 1st post redirects me too http://www.msfn.org/

I sure cant find no winamp msi download on there neither

any suggestions ?

It's a shame you cripple your browser by not letting an REFERED ID's through to the server needing them.

I really was debating answering this question, as I'm sure it was stated SOMEWHERE either in this thread, or one of the old MSI threads....

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ok fine

1. I had no idea i was "crippling my browser"

2. I still have no idea what the heck REFERED ID's are

3. how i get them to the server then?

4. why does your link require the above mentiond criteria?

Also Im sorry, this topic is 28 pages long I guess I dont have time to wade through every post on msfn to make a mild observation.

but anyway, \winamp.exe /S /install=RF worked just fine, so im not going to get too upset if i dont get to view your msi

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