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Winamp 5.24 Msi Release


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@ Alanoll

No, with the Winamp 5.094 release it defenitely did not create these folders with the shortcuts in it. I don't know how why the new version does it, because I only enabled shortcuts in Startmenu (they are in start menu and in drive F:\) I did not even enable shortcut on desktop, but the installer creates the Desktop folder in drive F:\.

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if i set Xaudio=1, can I also do Xmp4=0

or will the audio one ignore the mp4 one?

If you're using a switch that is superceded by another (using XINTEX=0 while using XFULL=1) then the superceding switch takes precedence (XFULL in the example).

The Shortcut issue should be fixed now. If you don't want the shortcuts created for All Users, use the ALLUSERS=0 switch, otherwise it will default to All Users IF you have the appropriate access rights.

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Did you change this?  according to some msi documentation I read, ALLUSERS=1 sets to all users and ALLUSERS=2 sets to user profile if you do not have admin rights...but ALLUSERS=0 doesnt do anything...I tried ALLUSERS= and still nothing.

ALLUSERS=2 will return an error if the user doesn't have Admin Rights. I honestly don't know how it'll work :P Tomorrow I'll try and add in a script or something to check for a certain value if =0 really doesn't work.

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i am using wpi for appz installation.

i dono hat happend but winamp(5.1) failed to get installed.

this is my wpi code for winamp.

cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\DOCS\\Install\\Winamp\\Winamp5.1.msi INI=%cdrom%\\DOCS\\Install\\Winamp\\winamp.ini" /passive]

and winamp.ini










am i doing wrong.

help pls


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