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He might be rebasing his build on top of Supermium now as Chromium updates every 5 minutes and keeping up with it must be crazy and that was probably the most efficient way to catch up and it presented the opportunity to make a build that runs on XP. Still, are there any other Chromium builds with that specific patchset? They do make it a unique build.

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2 hours ago, Saxon said:

Adding a screenshot for those who don't have a github account or can't stand "sarcasm" from github users.


Let's employ some Aristotelian logic in the form syllogism:

1)  Supermium has memory leaks on XP
2)  Supermium crashes on XP
3)  Thorium is completely stable on XP

Thorium is different from Supermium.

I don't know what he's doing differently, but whatever it is that he's doing, the result is a product that I can actually use...  MyPal and Supermium are nice, but for now, the only stable browsers in my opinion with any degree of functionality in XP are Thorium , 360Chrome, and Serpent (and perhaps possibly other @roytam1 browsers I've not looked into).  Yes, MyPal works in theory, but has nowhere near the degree of stability of FF52-based Serpent when hardware acceleration is enabled.  360Chrome was my daily driver for a while, but it is no longer being updated and it was rough around the edges.

I've had the same instance of Thorium running on XP with no stability issues at all.  It's not perfect, it won't work with certain sites, but it's an excellent daily driver for an XP machine, the best out there right now.

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I have ran (in VM only) some Thorium releases in the past.  LONG before Supermium was ever a thing!

I did find Thorium to be STABLE.  Even with only 2GB RAM allocated to the VM.  Like it or not, Supermium is simply NOT THERE  --  *yet*

I personally don't mind, in the least, viewing Thorium EXACTLY as we did 360Chrome "in the days of forgotten lore".

Nobody trusted 360Chrome in the beginning either.  It was MSFN Members that evolved it into something we were comfortable with.

Logging its every connection, hex editing .dll's, customizing GUI, et cetera.

Nothing wrong, in the least, with doing the same to Thorium...  And Supermium...

Show a screen cap of Thorium making a questionable connection.

The "throw granny from the cliffs" scare tactic approach isn't doing anybody any good.

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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I have ran (in VM only) some Thorium releases in the past.  LONG before Supermium was ever a thing!

I did find Thorium to be STABLE.  Even with only 2GB RAM allocated to the VM.  Like it or not, Supermium is simply NOT THERE  --  *yet*

You couldn't run it on XP or even Vista. It happened only recently. And Thorium from that era was based on 109 Chrome, it simply couldn't be "unstable" on officially supported OS.

We are interested only in recent tests.

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3 hours ago, mockingbird said:

1)  Supermium has memory leaks on XP
2)  Supermium crashes on XP
3)  Thorium is completely stable on XP

We'd like to see some hard proof of that. Like @NotHereToPlayGames always puts it - "gut feeling doesn't count".

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OK, I'm giving Thorium 122.0.6261.158 a try on 32 bit XP.
I still managed to crash an Instagram tab with an 'out of memory' message, but it was a great deal more difficult to do it with Thorium than it is with Supermium!
What seems to happen with Thorium is that as I scroll, the memory use does spiral up, but it gets to a certain point and then drops back again. I can scroll for a long time, and it keeps doing that, but eventually it does crash out. This is unlikely to happen in normal use though I would have thought.
With Supermium, the memory just keeps going up, and it crashes relatively quickly.
In most other respects the browsers seem to be pretty similar, although on one website I use regularly Thorium does not seem to be loading the web fonts, so the displayed font on the page is wrong.
With Supermium, it's fine. Maybe a setting in Thorium? I will have to investigate.

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^HI Dave - I am also giving it a try but were you able to get Thorium to pick up your 360 profile? Maybe there is something I'm not getting because I didn't run into this with Supermium. Will try again this weekend when I have more time because tomorrow I have too many appointments. If I have to build a profile from scratch that isn't a huge deal-breaker for me, but I took so much time to get 360 where I want it and will likely not give up on it completely either but its starting to show its age.

Edited by XPerceniol
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7 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I have ran (in VM only)


I tell ya, sometime I wonder if I'm the only person here left running 'bare metal' XP installations ... haha ... probably so.


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I was on 'bare metal' XP until only just about a month and a half or so ago.

I gave up on XP.  I felt like a dog chasing a flea on the tip of my tail, constantly running in circles and never catching that flea.

The last straw for me was my checking account web site would no longer run on XP + 360Chrome.

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1 hour ago, XPerceniol said:

^HI Dave - I am also giving it a try but were you able to get Thorium to pick up your 360 profile? Maybe there is something I'm not getting because I didn't run into this with Supermium. Will try again this weekend when I have more time because tomorrow I have too many appointments. If I have to build a profile from scratch that isn't a huge deal-breaker for me, but I took so much time to get 360 where I want it and will likely not give up on it completely either but its starting to show its age.

Well all my operating systems are on 'bare metal' and I hope they always will be!
I didn't actually import my 360Chrome profile into Thorium.
I imported it into Supermium, and then imported the Supermium profile into Thorium!
As Thorium and Supermium are so similar, I thought that was the best way to do it.
I can't think of any reason why a 360Chrome profile wouldn't work directly in Thorium though.

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Latest release published mere minutes ago; the first one (non-BETA) to officially support WinXP on both 32 & 64-bits, the same is true for Windows Vista SP2: 


As instructed, read all the Release Notes very carefully and then be extra meticulous on selecting and running the most suitable installation files (including Fonts) for your OS+bitness! :)

Edited by VistaLover
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6 hours ago, XPerceniol said:


I tell ya, sometime I wonder if I'm the only person here left running 'bare metal' XP installations ... haha ... probably so.


Still having a bare metal XP PC running, but it is not my primary web browsing platform.

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to be honest personally i dont think it make sence to have a police issue about a open source software


if it is really a company secret it has to be hidden very well, in a diamond mine this is the case for example 

there have to be security so noone can just put the code open source (then maybe they have the rights to follow the issue in my opinion) 

if it lays open source around it falls under own fault legally - in this case its their fault not putting it on a safe place, furthermore they even put it out freely 





in the past no one would have a such idea to release their source code , per example if microsoft would have published their entire source code 

then it would have been copied ... 


but lets not forget that lawers/and lawmakers made changes here - but they dont have me on their side and never will 

i dont like the new lawers and their interpretation - maybe they have written weird rules on the paper 

but i also still belive im allowed to mod my legit buyed copy of windows - while they will keep telling me that i dont have the right to do this 


if that is the new world, then sorry i just dont agree 


very common it was a vs fight too

closed source vs open source - or company vs free software 


the new interpretation is going into a different direction like free software(previous also often called open source software) falls under something like a copy right 

linux vs windows is a such example from the past, MS having a closed source while linux had a open/free source


but let´s never forget the story behind that 

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The new 122.0.6261.168 version of Thorium seems to be working fine.

One thing I have found is that it generated a folder in my profile folder called 'Screen_AI'.
This appears to be a Google AI thing which it presumably downloaded in the background.

Unfortunately, whatever it is, it doesn't work on XP, just generating errors in my Windows System event log whenever Thorium is started.


Looking at other Chrome browsers, there should be an option in the settings to switch off this AI stuff, but that option is not there in Thorium, and I can't find any relevant flags to disable it either. I have worked around it by simply disabling chrome_screen_ai.dll by re-naming it.


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