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will windows 11 become the new vista failure of the 2022s?


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1 hour ago, Jody Thornton said:

yes, Vista Home Basic.

Hmmm, I don't think that version really qualifies, that could even (slowly ;)) run on "Vista Capable" hardware (unlike all the "real" versions of Vista):


Seriously, besides the grossly underestimated hardware requirements (that made in most cases the upgrade process on existing hardware result as a slow as molasses Operating System) the (initial) lack of drivers was a nightmare, and also (cheap) new hardware with the Vista Ready sticker was - generally speaking - low performing (again because the minimal requirements were - as it is traditional with MS - way too optimistic, the rule of the thumb, since NT 4.00 times, has been that you need double the processor speed, and four times the RAM to get a decently running machine).


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1 hour ago, jaclaz said:

Hmmm, I don't think that version really qualifies, that could even (slowly ;)) run on "Vista Capable" hardware (unlike all the "real" versions of Vista):


Seriously, besides the grossly underestimated hardware requirements (that made in most cases the upgrade process on existing hardware result as a slow as molasses Operating System) the (initial) lack of drivers was a nightmare, and also (cheap) new hardware with the Vista Ready sticker was - generally speaking - low performing (again because the minimal requirements were - as it is traditional with MS - way too optimistic, the rule of the thumb, since NT 4.00 times, has been that you need double the processor speed, and four times the RAM to get a decently running machine).


I don't really disagree.  I was just trying to clarify that I'm not a Vista "hater", as the RTM defenders might think.  Silly really.  I will say though, with the basic theme, SP2 and the Platform update, this unit isn't running all that badly.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So far I don't know about stability since I don't use Windows 11 a lot. But there are some things I hate about it. The stupid feature of grouping all opened windows and without labels. That in itself if infuriating. And why did they had to change right click menu? From what I see they just want to copy Mac. There's users that preffer Mac. But difference is good. I don't want a Mac knockoff.

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uhh they have been copying mac since ~2000
even their very 1st internal test skin for XP (while it was still "Whistler") was 1:1 copy of OSX called "Candy" (you can find it in leaked source code for XP)
but you can see continuation of this with Vista Alpha, all the skins (Plex -> Slate -> Jade) and UI  was just going for that mac look

22 years ago is not that surprising now eh ?

Edited by vinifera
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22 hours ago, tekkaman said:

The stupid feature of grouping all opened windows and without labels. That in itself if infuriating.

Even though I am used to grouping taskbar buttons without labels since Windows 7, I still miss that old feature, so I agree with you.

22 hours ago, tekkaman said:

And why did they had to change right click menu?

I guess to simplify the options available, but yeah, I agree that the new context menu is very annoying. You can make the old context menu appear by pressing Shift and then right click. You can also use a registry hack to restore the old context menu: https://www.howtogeek.com/759449/how-to-get-full-context-menus-in-windows-11s-file-explorer/, though to be honest, I have always pressed Shift to make the old context menu appear. I never used registry hacks (and would rather not) just to bring back old features I miss.

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OK, why are y'all going on and on about an OS that is just history?

Vista is so 'Yesterday' , to me it's just a bad memory.  Without going in to all the gory details, I can only say that I hated it. 

My entire time with Vista was only in Minutes, not even days.  As a working Computer Tech, in my own business, at the time, I had my choice of what OS to run on my own PC, and I chose to NOT run Vista.

Today, Sept 2023, I'm retired and still able to choose what OS to run, and I elect to run Windows 11/Pro/64 acquired from a source other than MS.

With a minimum of tweaking and tuning, Win-11 is one sweet OS.  And it runs faster on my OLD equipment than any previous OS that I've tried.

Cheers Mates!

Andromeda :cool:


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1 hour ago, mina7601 said:

Even though I am used to grouping taskbar buttons without labels since Windows 7, I still miss that old feature, so I agree with you.

I guess to simplify the options available, but yeah, I agree that the new context menu is very annoying. You can make the old context menu appear by pressing Shift and then right click. You can also use a registry hack to restore the old context menu: https://www.howtogeek.com/759449/how-to-get-full-context-menus-in-windows-11s-file-explorer/, though to be honest, I have always pressed Shift to make the old context menu appear. I never used registry hacks (and would rather not) just to bring back old features I miss.

The thing is, screens are wider than in XP days so I hated the feature of taskbar grouping since windows 7. Tipically I set the taskbar to small icons and group only when taskbar is full. 

And well I shouldn't need important options hidden to me when I do a right click. I don't mind the new design since I can recognize copy and paste but it should have all the commands available and not hidden.



And it runs faster on my OLD equipment than any previous OS that I've tried

Windows versions have not gone faster. They're slower. What they do to disguise it is never fully shutdown by using hybrid shut down since Windows 8. It makes you believe that your pc starts instantly. But you can confirm they're slower if you use a regular hard drive and a dual core cpu. We have cpus with so many cores and very fast SSD's that could make you think that Windows is getting faster.

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I can no longer tell whether or not Windows 11 is popular. Before EOL for Windows 10 I could tell that Windows 11 was in the vast minority. That is always the case when a new OS comes out, but there seemed to be an even greater drop-off than in previous years. It is possible that the sales focus has shifted. I have taken exactly zero support calls on Windows 11 which is saying something considering how long it has been available. Then again, there also hasn't been any surge in the IOT side of things, which was a trend in past OS releases where a client will want to stay on the old OS that can't be sold. The same people that are buying IOT now are the same ones who just have the qualified devices that were getting it before.

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17 hours ago, Bruninho said:

I got desktop icon label shadows despite having them disabled!!!!

I can't disable them. They show as already disabled yet they are there on desktop

Anyone having the same issue?

Yes, I have the same issue here. I'm on the Canary Channel though.

Edited by mina7601
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  • 2 months later...

My own secret to my success with Windows 11, is just a repeat of what I've done with every OS going all the way back to '98.

I don't get my ISO's from MS.  Then after I install the OS, I clean out any Bloatware, widgets and apps that I don't want or need.

Then I have my own set of Tweaks that I apply.  OH, and I also disable any MS Auto Updates.  They can just be TOO dangerous.

Then I can sit back and relax, and enjoy my Windows OS without all the hate and discontent that I see voiced on these internet forums.

Yes, Windows ME, Vista and 8.0 were all mistakes, probably released too early.  They all had problems, that as a working PC tech, I had to deal with, even when I'd not run them myself.  Thank Goodness, those OS's are all just History now.

One big add on to Win-11, is the Classic Shell, which I've been using since Windows 8.1.  It does make the GUI more user friendly.

Cheers mates, and Merry Christmas,



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5 hours ago, Andromeda43 said:

Windows ME, Vista and 8.0 were all mistakes

Windows ME, Vista - used them all and still use, what mistake are you talking about?

For those with 1gig of RAM?  But there's a reason Vista needed more RAM, it added new functionalities.

What did Windows 11 add, I mean apart from the bloatware? Now look, still too few mentions of  Windows 11, even after two plus years.

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